Master of Legends - Chapter 39

Published at 29th of December 2019 06:45:39 PM

Chapter 39

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2 weeks later!

Julius didn't know how to describe these 2 weeks, he is sure that his past self would be dying of envy and look that he had almost all kinds of resources in his hands.

But he could never reach such a level, where his body alone would absorb the energy in the surroundings and by the next instant, it would mix with his Qi and Vital Energy in its purest form.

"I never thought that the [Body of the Beast] would be useful to a human..." - thought Julius animatedly.

[Body of the Beast], a Heavenly Degree Technique, which only Spiritual Beasts can use, because their bodies are made to survive, so they have no time to cultivate, so their bodies passively absorb the Energy from their surroundings, converting them into Qi or Vital Energy and then with time their cultivation would naturally increase.

In his past life, Julius studied the physics of every kind of Beast, collected many Cultivation Techniques that only Spiritual Beasts can cultivate and much more.

In the end, he created the [Body of Beast], a Mystical Art that allows one to naturally absorb the surrounding Energy, but there is one crucial flaw, after it is activated, all kinds of Energy will invade the Cultivator's body, so a lot of care is needed, or his cultivation will be severely wounded.

Spiritual Beasts don't have to worry about that, because their bodies have something called the Lineage, that's what they have to focus, cultivation is only the background, because their forces come from their lineages, and the more powerful and pure the lineage, the greater their cultivation will be.

If we were to compare the body of a human with a Beast, it would be a huge difference since Beasts cultivate passively, which makes their cultivation speed higher than humans by far, without saying that their bodies are extremely strong, far superior to humans.
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Humans, on the other hand, are weaker than any other race or Beast, the reason of their advantage lies in quantity and intelligence.

See for example the Elves, they are known for their frightening speed, Alchemy of Divine Level, without saying the immense affinity with the Element Nature and Water, as for their physicists, they compare themselves to humans or are a little inferior, but otherwise, they are quite superior.

The Dwarfs have robust physicists that humans hardly compare themselves, Divine Level Forge, as well as the great affinity with the Element Fire, Earth and Metal.

There are the Orcs, a race specialized in combat and at least 99% are Vital Cultivators, those who are not, they are known as Shamans, who cultivate mysterious but powerful techniques.

All these races are very powerful, but they have their fatal flaws, something that humans do not have, besides being naturally inferior in quality, but gain in quantity.

It takes about 9 years for an Elf to be born, that is, the mother will have to stay 9 years with the baby in her womb, and after they are born, they are bathed, at least most, in the Water of Life, a precious material that only the Elf Race can do.

The baby then spends 1 month in the Water of Life and then they are given to their mothers, who will take care of them until they are 15 years old, which would compare to the age of 3 years for a human child.

Well, to put it simply, Elves are several times smaller in quantity than Humans and other races.

Dwarfs are similar to humans in birth rate, they take 9 months for the baby to be born, but the problem is in infertility, the Dwarfs have low fertility.

As for the Orcs, they are donkeys, they are born with powerful bodies, their babies take 9 months to be born, but they are donkeys like a stone, only the shamans are intelligent, but they are very rare, but when they appear, they are the ones who control the Race.

And the Beasts, it varies a lot, but it has something in common with all kinds of Beasts, it would be the low intelligence for those with a low lineage, as well as low cultivation.

It is necessary at least the Realm of Transcendent, for the Spiritual Beasts to be able to speak, but only Beasts that are at least of Rare Grade, below that they will continue to be donkeys made of stones, which is why humans can live, even with constant contact with them, they are more intelligent.

Returning to the [Body of Beast], this art allows him to cultivate like a Beast, passively absorbing the Energy from its surroundings and due to its Seed of the Spirit and Immaculate Soul, Julius does not need to worry about impurities, since they will all be naturally purged by his body in an instant.

So Julius, who only cultivated this technique once in the past, finally used it again.

If it were not for its problem of absorbing all kinds of Energy, bringing all kinds of impurities, just as Humans are not able to passively purify impurities, this would naturally be a God Grade Technique, but it has become Heaven Grade, for its uselessness.

And in just 2 weeks, since Julius acquired the Seed of Spirit, he has already advanced to a Gold Fighter, Stage 4 in his Qi, as far as his Vital Cultivation is concerned, he has already reached Stage 8 of Gold Fighter, a little more and he will advance to a Crystal Fighter.


Today Julius met a small group of people, which is very rare, considering the months he spent in the forest and did not find any human, only Spiritual Beasts.

This group consisted of 3 men and 2 women, who told him they belonged to the City of the Burning Flame, a city with a maximum of 800,000 inhabitants, with some powerful Clans living there, just as it is a coastal city, the specialty is seafood.

Knowing this, Julius, who was tired of eating Spiritual Beast meat, was very interested and after asking for some indications, which the group was very kind and receptive, to the point of guiding him to the City, Julius was grateful.

On the way, a Spiritual Beast of Silver Level Fighter appeared and when the group prepared to fight, Julius kicked the poor Beast, killing it.

The group now knew that Julius was a powerful expert, probably from some powerful Clan or Family, which made the group even more respectful towards him.

In a few hours Julius saw a big wall made from some kind of red stone, it was beautiful, resistant and exhaled a strong Fire Element Energy.

- If you want to enter, pay! - A guard in red armor said to Julius and the group just behind.

Julius looked at the leader of the group and asked. - How much do you have to pay?

- There's no need for this Julius, just let's us show why he's going to letting us pass through. - When he said that, he went to the front and showed an emblem when the guard saw it, he made his way to the gate and said.

- I didn't know it was Young Master Rach, please come in! - You could feel the respect in the guard's voice.

Soon Julius and the group entered without problems, Julius laughed as he looked at Rich and said. – Seams like you're a Young Master, I didn't expect that.

Rich laughed and said. - I may even be a Young Master, but I'm weak, even as 28 years old, I'm still just a Stage 3 Silver Fighter, unfortunately, I didn't follow the advice of my elders and ended up cultivating a Technique that hurt me more than benefits, I had to start all over again. - It was possible to feel the regret in your tone.

Hearing this, Julius wasn't surprised, for with one glance he'd seen the many wounds in Rich's cultivation, he seems to have cultivated a Technique that wasn't good for his body, probably focused on his practicality and increased strength, forgetting what he needed, it's sad but quite common.

- Well, I think this is where we separate, as a thank you for guiding me, I'll help you with that from here. - When Julius finished speaking, he touched Rich's Dantian area and sent his Vital Energy to infiltrate Rich's body.

Rich rolled his eyes and soon began to sweat, but before the 4 right behind could do anything, they began to hear some "Plop" sounds coming from Rich's body as if bubbles were being burst.

In an instant Rich's cultivation reached Stage 8 of Silver Fighter, Julius calmly said. - I just fixed the wounds on your Dantian and the Qi that was stored in those wounds ended up merging with the base, so you suffered this increase in Cultivation, but know that I didn't recover your Cultivation from the past, since it's impossible, well, now I have to go, take care! - Soon Julius waved and left.

Rich tried to stop him because he wanted to return the big favor, but he realized that his body was frozen and when he took a look, he realized that his Pressure Points had been used to paralyze him for a few minutes, that was something Julius did because he knew that Rich would try something.

About 5 minutes later Rich moved again, his friends were happy for him, now his farming speed would return to normal, in a few years he would reach the Golden Fighter, and before 50, he could become a Crystal Fighter.

Even if he has missed many opportunities in the last few years, at least he won't be a completely useless for his Clan.

Julius after saying goodbye to Rich, asked some questions and soon arrived at the in "Doce de Mel", since it was getting dark, he decided first to take a hot bath and sleep, had been months since he enjoyed a comfortable bed.

(Thanat: It's a very common candy/cookie from Brazil)

When he arrived at the counter, he met a beautiful blonde woman, who was stunned by his beauty, Julius was a very handsome and charming man, it would be rare to find any woman able to resist his charm.

- Hello young man, how can I help you? - Recovering, she quickly asked with a smile on her face.

- I've come for the night, how much? - Julius asked calmly, he was used to such things, in his past life, and this one.

- It's only 80 Credits for one night, including bathroom and dinner. - Said the woman calmly.

(Thanat: Looks like a porn from the eighties…)

Julius, who had a Credit Card with millions on it, didn't hesitate to pay for the night, so he took the key to his room and went upstairs.


The next morning!

After a great night's sleep and a hot bath, Julius decided to enjoy the spices of the city, he was looking forward to some seafood.

After getting some instructions, Julius arrived at a Seafood Restaurant, specializing in raw fish meat, that is, Sushi.

Julius did not hesitate to pay for a private room, but unfortunately, the restaurant was very famous, all rooms were full, so Julius was satisfied with one of the second-floor tables, which had fewer people.

There Julius ordered several dishes, he didn't care about the quantity, since there was no limit to how much he could eat, he is a Cultivator, increasing the digestion of food is something extremely simple.

And when the dishes started to arrive, the table was already full of plates ho was getting over each, and then Juliu, looked at the beauty of his table, full of all kinds of dishes, as well as high-quality wines.

Without hesitating Julius started to eat, the people at the next tables were surprised with Julius, who alone was eating all this.

And while Julius was enjoying his food, a couple wearing luxurious clothes arrived on the second floor, but Julius didn't pay attention until a commotion started from this couple.

- What do you mean all the rooms are in use? Shit! I don't care, throw out some of this junk!

- Yeah, just throw them out, we'll double it!

- Excuse me, Young Masters, but all the private rooms have been rented by the Hay hat Clan. - Said the manager in a clever way, to get them both to back off.

Hearing it was rented by the Hay hat Clan, the two knew they could not provoke a Clan that was far superior to theirs, they didn't want their positions taken away from them because of a conflict.

- Well, I'll rent the whole second floor then, I'll pay 20,000 Credits, now everybody out! - Said the man arrogantly while looking at everyone on the second floor.

Many wanted to complain, but they kept quiet when they saw an emblem on the man's chest, it belonged to one of the 10 greatest powers in the City, there was no reason to provoke them because of a little food.

And soon everyone got up and started going out except Julius...

When they saw that someone kept eating, ignoring them and just kept eating, the duo was furious.

- Hey you, are you deaf by any chance? I'll give you three seconds, if not

- If not what? - Said an indifferent voice, Julius looked vaguely at the pair as he chewed soft, white meat.

- You! Where are the fucking guards? Tell them to come here and break this bastard's arms and legs! Nobody insults the Radimund Clan like that! - Shouted the angry men.

The manager wanted to harmonize the situation and tried to ask Julius to leave, he wouldn't have to pay for the food, but Julius didn't care, he walked for months, now that he can eat good food, he had to take advantage, as for this pair, they were nothing but assholes in his eyes.

Seeing Julius, the manager knew that he was no ordinary person, his clothes were of high quality, he couldn't see his crop, even though he was a Golden Fighter, just as he felt a danger coming from deep in his heart.

Seeing as the manager hesitated, one of the arrogant men came to Julius' table and said. - So you want to eat, right? Then eat!

When he had finished talking, he lifted one foot and brought it down to the table still full of dishes with untouched food.

Julius' eyes glowed viciously the next instant, before the man's foot touched the table, nothing happened...

Everyone expected a loud beat, cymbals flying and breaking, but nothing happened, the man simply stopped before he could touch the table.

But when everyone thought nothing would happen, suddenly the man's leg fell off, released from his body...

Blood started sneezing, dirtying the whole table and food.

Julius looked at the now bloody food and sighed with pity, so much food wasted.

As for the man, he was screaming desperately on the ground while holding his leg.

Julius took a napkin, wiped his lips before he got up and walked up to the manager, casually he threw a Credit Card, next to a piece of paper and said. - In this card there are 10,000 Credits, pay for the meal, as for the rest, to clean up this filth, the rest give to the cook, say the food was delicious, unfortunately, I couldn't taste everything because of some insects.

After talking, Julius casually looked at the other man, who was terrified, he knew he was no match for Julius and would never be, his cultivation was too high.

Snorting with disdain, Julius soon came downstairs and left the restaurant, he then scratched his chin and headed for another seafood restaurant, only this time would be cooked.

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