Published at 28th of February 2022 06:16:23 AM

Chapter 1000

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British Empire, pandragon.

Although it was a long way from Avalon fortress to pandragon, the 200 members of the German undead team finally escorted the head's wife and head's daughter safely to the imperial capital.

Despite the successful completion of the task, Darlene still has a regret.

That's -- along the way, Darlene never had a chance to see the head's wives.

According to the comrades in arms around them, their leader has two wives, one of whom is an ordinary civilian, and the other is a female Knight of the Michael knights.

Darlene also heard that the two wives of the head are very beautiful.

Women often have a strong curiosity about such things, and dalina is no exception.

Da liana, who was aroused by curiosity, always wanted to find a chance to see how beautiful the two wives of the head of the regiment were.

It's a pity - along the way, Darlene never found a chance.

When the motorcade was on the road, the leader's wives stayed in the carriage.

If you want to see what the head's wives look like, the only chance is when the team stops.

When the motorcade stops, the two wives of the head will naturally get off and rest. At that time, they will have the opportunity to witness their appearance with their own eyes.

Unfortunately - Darlene's luck has always been bad.

When the convoy finally stopped to camp and rest, Darlene received the task of guarding or patrolling the periphery of the camp.

Staying on the periphery of the camp, how can you have the opportunity to see the appearance of the head's wives?

Therefore, during such a long journey from Avalon fortress to pandragon, darina never had the opportunity to see the two wives of the head

This has to make Darlene feel quite sorry.

But Darlene was not discouraged.

After all - they still need to return to Fort Avalon.

On the way back to Avalon fortress, Darlene also had the opportunity to see the two wives of the head.

Darlene didn't believe her luck would be so bad. When she returned to Avalon fortress, she believed that she would always have the opportunity to get close to the head's husband and see whether the head's husband was really as beautiful as the rumor said.

After the head's wives were safely delivered to pandragon, dalina and her family also enjoyed a few days of crazy play in the imperial capital.

When entering the imperial capital, most people, including darina, were stunned by the prosperity of pandragon.

Da Liana is a peasant from the north. If you use an ugly word to describe her, it's a hick.

As a hillbilly, before she came to panderagon, the most prosperous city she saw was Avalon fortress.

Although Avalon fortress is a military fortress, it is also a prosperous metropolis. Most of its residents are military dependents.

After arriving at panderagon, Darlene found that compared with panderagon, Avalon fortress is like a small town!

Stunned and dizzy by the prosperity of the imperial capital, the party immediately dispersed after receiving the order to dissolve, took their savings and rushed to the streets and alleys of pandragon to start their own "adventure".

The wives of the regimental commander rented a whole hotel for the 200 members of the German undead team.

During their stay in pandragon, the 200 members of the German undead team lived in this hotel.

Although the players of the undead team can play here for a few days, it is not unlimited.

There are two restrictions for players:

Article 1: no fighting or making trouble in panderagon.

Article 2: return to their hotel before 20 p.m. and do not spend the night outside the hotel.

As long as they can abide by these two rules, the 200 players of the German undead team can play as they want.

Except that this second provision makes some people feel very uncomfortable, others, including Da liana, don't feel how strict these two provisions are. These two provisions are already quite loose.

It's been 10 days since they arrived in Pendragon, and Darlene and them have been playing crazy in Pendragon for 10 days.

Although she played for 10 days, Darlene still didn't play enough.

Because panderagon is too big, there are still countless places to go and special dishes to eat.

Because none of Darlene's acquaintances came, Darlene came to pandragon alone.

At first, Darlene was worried about whether she would be bored and lonely when she visited panderagon alone.

However, after arriving at pandragon and starting to play around the streets of pandragon, Darlene found that her worry was completely unnecessary.

Even if there is only one person, you can still have a good time.

Because pandragon has too much to see, play and eat.

What makes Darlene happy most is that there are so many delicious food in pandragon.

There are many delicious foods that Darlene has never seen.

For example: rice ball.

In the north of the British Empire, wheat and oats were mainly produced, so the most common food Darlene ate was food made of wheat and oats, such as bread and porridge.

Dalina seldom eats food made of rice.

Rice was grown only in the southern part of the British Empire and the Lorraine empire.

Especially in the Lorraine Empire, rice has always been the main crop of the Lorraine empire.

Because rice was only planted in the south, the generals of the Michael Knights usually had little chance to eat rice and related food made of rice.

After coming to pandragon, pandragon learned that there were so many kinds of food made of rice.

Among them, Da Liana's favorite food is rice balls.

The so-called rice ball is to pinch rice into a fist sized ball, which is wrapped with some delicious sauce and tastes very delicious.

Some rice balls are also wrapped with meat slices. These rice balls wrapped with meat slices are more delicious.

Dalina was originally a person who was very interested in eating, so these days, dalina's main itinerary has always been to explore the streets of pandragon and look for food vendors or shops scattered throughout the imperial capital.

Today, as usual, Darlene strolled along a main road in Pendragon, looking around while strolling, looking for vendors or shops with attractive food aroma.

Just then, Darlene suddenly heard the rapid sound of horses' hoofs from far and near behind her.

While the sound of horse hoofs came, there were also anxious drinks:

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way! "

Darlene didn't have time to look back. She jumped aside subconsciously and jumped to the side of the avenue.

As soon as he jumped to the side of the avenue, a fast horse carrying a famous man with an anxious face galloped past where Darlene had just stood.

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