Published at 28th of February 2022 06:15:37 AM

Chapter 1029

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After it was completely dark, a very strange scene suddenly appeared in the barracks.

Many knights in the army went into the same tent.

When they entered the military tent and found that there were many colleagues in it, they all talked with doubts on their faces.

"Why are you here?"

"It was the herald who told me that commander Allen called me here."

"Me too. I'm also a herald. Tell me - Commander Allen has something to tell me, so he asked me to come to this account."

"Why are there so many people... Is something wrong? How dare you summon so many Knights... "


After some discussion, these Knights found that they came here because of the command of commander Allen.

The Knights gathered in this military tent include Knights belonging to the order of Uriel, as well as knights who originally stayed in Pendragon and were brought by Ilsa to participate in the war.

In order to bring back the current situation, Ilsa can be said to have done her best and everything.

All the troops left behind in the imperial capital (Uriel knights and armored Ruishi) were sent out, and the imperial driver personally marched. Even all the Knights left behind in pandragon were brought here.

Now most of the Knights gathered in this military tent are familiar with each other,

So while waiting for coach Allen to come, the Knights chatted in twos and threes.

They don't know yet - their manager Alan won't come to see them at all



At this time - in Allen's camp.

Allen's small camp was now full of people.

The men who filled Allen's camp were all armored soldiers without exception.

However, these soldiers who are gathering in Allen's camp are different from other soldiers of armored Ruishi.

These generals who are gathering in Allen's camp are carefully selected by Allen and trusted by Allen.

They may have been saved by Allen, thanked Ellen and vowed to repay Allen at all costs.

They may be attracted by Allen's personality charm and intend to stay with Allen forever.

In short - these generals are Allen's staunch supporters and followers.

At the same time, they all know what Alan is going to do tonight.

They are also ready to follow Alan's consciousness to the death.

As for Allen, he was sitting in a chair with armor, and his black knight sword was leaning on the ground as a walking stick, his eyes closed, as if he were nourishing himself.


A confidant standing not far from Allen said to Allen:

"Those Knights have all entered the army account."

"Yes." Allen nodded softly. "So - what about Jacob and enly?"

"Jacob and enli are now in their respective army tents."

"Then - what about your majesty?"

"Your Majesty is also in his military account."

"Well, good."

After that, Alan opened his eyes, then stood up slowly, and then said in a flat tone with a little tired color:

"Let's go."



The Knights still waiting for Allen's arrival are still chatting in twos and threes in the military tent.

"Do you think I have any hope of becoming the head of the knights?"

"Just you? Forget it. You're lucky to be a fan LAN knight in your life. Do you still want to be the head of the knights? "

"Alas... I wish I had half the talent of commander Cheng..."

"Well, it's still a long time before bedtime, so don't dream. Let's continue to guess boxing."

"Guess? How many rounds did we guess just now? "

"If you want to pass the time, of course, guessing is the most effective."

"Alas... When will coach Allen come..."

"Yes, we've been waiting for a long time..."

"Somehow called us over, and then made us wait so long."

"Hum, the generals from the Frankish empire are really unreliable... Huh? Who are you? "

While the knights were talking, the curtain of the military tent was suddenly opened.

A heavily armored infantry with top armour and full armor rushed into the tent.

At a glance, the knights in the tent saw that this was the only heavy infantry team in their britannian Empire - armored Ruishi.

When all the knights were wondering why the armored Ruishi came into the account, an unexpected scene happened——

The first thing these Armored Warriors who rushed into the tent did was to swing their heavy swords and cut off the heads of the knights in the tent.

For a moment, there was a constant scream in the military tent.

Bright blood colored flowers bloomed in the military tent and splashed on the white curtain of the military tent, and the general's tent was dyed blood red everywhere.

"Bastard! What are you doing! "

"Do you want to rebel?"

"Soldier! rank-and-file soldiers! There's a man-made counter attack! "


The knights in the tent didn't know until the iron armor and sharp men waved the picture to them. They pulled out the knight's sword around their waist and began to fight back.

But this is destined to be an asymmetric battle.

Not all knights are good at fighting.

Like Su Cheng, Iser and Albert, people who only know literature and no martial arts account for the majority of knights.

Raymond, Samuel, Eliza and enly are just a few of the Knights.

Among these knights in the military tent, only a few are excellent fighters.

In addition, they suffered a sudden attack and were completely unprepared. These iron warriors who came to kill them came prepared, so the battle was doomed when it first happened

In less than 5 minutes, there was no scream in the account



These Armored Warriors who surrounded and killed all the Knights mistakenly thought that these people were sinners who had committed great crimes.

They simply followed Alan's orders and came to destroy everyone in the camp.

While these Armored Warriors massacred these knights, Allen was not idle.

Allen and his cronies will deal with the three key figures in the army at this time.

These three key figures will be at ease only if they are handed over to himself and his cronies.

Allen divided his cronies into three groups.

A group of people rushed to Jacob's tent and controlled Jacob as quickly as possible.

A group of people are responsible for rushing to Ilsa's big account to monitor Ilsa's movements.

Allen personally led the last batch of 15 armored Ruishi to a certain place.

Alan is going to a place and meet someone himself.

After dealing with the man, deal with Ilsa.

Allen's destination was the camp of enly, his best friend and partner after he "surrendered" to the British Empire.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!