Published at 28th of February 2022 06:14:57 AM

Chapter 1053

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——Water blue hair and pupils... Can you say

Bancro recalled the identity of the blue haired woman in front of him.

"Excuse me," bancro asked the blue haired woman, "are you miss Carol cook, the wife of Captain Cheng?"

"Huh?" Carol looked at Crowe curiously, then nodded, "well, yes."

After confirming the identity of the blue haired woman, bancro turned his eyes to the little girl sitting next to Carol.

"So - this should be the daughter of head Cheng? Head Cheng is really a happy man. He has two beautiful wives and such a lovely daughter. "

Carol doesn't know bancro, so she always looks at bancro with curiosity.

Eliza finally introduced to Carol:

"Carol, this is Mr. bancro field, chief of foreign affairs and military staff of our country."

Carol doesn't know how big an official he is, but from this series of titles, Carol can vaguely feel that this person should be a big man.

Carol stood up, saluted bancro politely and said softly to DeLisa next to her:

"Come on, say hello to this uncle."

"You, hello..." DeLisa said hello to bancro in a soft waxy tone with a faint voice as she looked at bancro with timid eyes.

Looking at the mother and daughter in front of her, bancro couldn't help smiling, and then said in a half joking tone:

"I'm not uncle bancro anymore, but grandpa bancro." After saying that, he specially pointed to the white hair and long beard on his head and chin.

"You want to talk to Eliza here, don't you?" Carol said, "just a moment, please. I'll clean up here right away."

After that, Carol leaned down again and asked DeLisa to clean up the toys on the ground together.

However, bancro raised his hand first to stop:

"Oh, don't bother, Miss Carol. You can stay here and listen. If you're interested, you can listen with Miss Eliza and your daughter."

"Because what I'm going to say next has something to do with your husband."

"About honesty?" Carol wondered.

Not only did Carol look puzzled, but even Eliza's face showed a shadow of doubt.

Originally, Carol was not interested in what bancro wanted Eliza to discuss.

But after learning that what they wanted to talk about was still related to Su Cheng, Carol's interest suddenly came up.

There is a big long table in the middle of the meeting room.

Carol took deliza in her arms and opened a chair at the long table.

Eliza sat opposite Carol.

After sitting casually in a chair, bancro said directly to Carol and Eliza:

"Miss Eliza, Miss Carol, you should have heard about the current situation of the Empire?"

"Yes..." Eliza's tone was full of loss. "I didn't expect this to happen..."

Alan's mutiny was well known on pandragon's side.

There are different versions of Ilsa's whereabouts.

"Mr. bancro." "What's the matter with your majesty now?" asked Eliza hastily to bancro? Have you heard from your majesty? "

"At present, it is not known whether your majesty will live or die." Bancro said in a deep voice, "today, we elected his highness Gail to be our regent, and let his highness Gail serve as our backbone during his Majesty's absence."

"Regent?" Eliza whispered, "let your highness Gail be our Regent... Now we really need a famous and capable person to lead us..."

"Today, in the council chamber, all the ministers can be said to be quarrelling." Bancro smiled bitterly. "Should pandragon stick to it or give up - around this problem, the main war faction and the main withdrawal faction are about to fight."

"Mr. bancro." Eliza asked bancro carefully, "excuse me - are you a militant or a withdrawal?"

"Of course I am a staunch landlord and war faction." Bancro replied without hesitation, "all countries are the foundation of the country. How can we just give up to the enemy. If the country's capital is captured - it will be a great blow to the morale of our army and the people's hearts, so we must stick to pandragon! "

"Mr. bancro, are you a militant..." Eliza breathed out, "that's good..."

"Huh‘ That's good '? " Bancro repeated what Eliza had just said, "what do you mean?"

"Because I'm also a militant." Eliza smiled, then continued in a half joking tone, "if you were the leader of the withdrawal, Mr. bancro, I might drive you out of my house."

Eliza's words stunned bancro a little.

Then he smiled:

"So, Miss Eliza, you are also a militant."

"Yes." Eliza nodded. "Although I don't understand the defensive strength of pandragon now, I understand that if we don't even defend and give up pandragon directly, it will cause great harm to our country."

"And - even if pandragon's current defensive strength is very weak, I don't think we must not be Alan's opponent."

"Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe." Bancro nodded. "I think so, too. If we want to stick to pandragon, we don't have any chance of winning. "

"Even if the summoning order is issued and the garrison troops in the cities around the imperial capital are summoned, together with the garrison troops still left in the imperial capital and the remaining 1000 soldiers of the royal guards, we can now gather up a force of 3000 people."

"There must be no chance of winning with these 3000 people and Alan's 150000 army."

"The key to holding pandragon is whether commander Cheng can lead the Michael knights to return in time."

After hearing that bancro mentioned Su Cheng's name, Eliza and Carol cheered up and listened attentively.

"After learning that Allen launched a mutiny and led the Uriel knights and armored Ruis to the capital, we immediately sent messengers to the north to send orders to head Cheng, asking him to lead the Michael knights to support pandragon."

"The time for the messenger to go to the north, the time for preparing for the March, and the time for the troops to go south... All these numerous times add up to less time."

"Therefore, the key to whether we can stick to pandragon is whether we can win the time for the return of Michael Knights!"

"As long as we can hold on until captain Cheng and his Michael Knights come to deal with the mere Allen, it's nothing at all!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!