Published at 28th of February 2022 06:39:10 AM

Chapter 115

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Pandragon, central carriage station.

"Wow! Brother, many people! " Alan pulled Su Cheng's sleeve, looked around with curious eyes and said.

Su Cheng nodded deeply, then said:

"Yes, there are a lot of people."

Now, Su Cheng and his four people have come to the central carriage station of pandragon.

The central carriage station is one of the places with the largest flow of people in pandragon.

In the central carriage station, people come and go, one after another, and the "magnificent" sound of horses and people's shouting can be heard all the time.

Su Cheng looked at the busy central carriage station with great interest.

However, just then——

"Hey, you see, they look like a bunch of Hicks."

"It's really like I haven't seen the world. It's just a central carriage station."

"Hee hee, that's funny."

——Suddenly came the laughter of several girls.

Su Cheng followed the past.

Not far away, three well-dressed women whispered.

While the three women whispered to each other, they also looked at Su Cheng and the four of them from time to time with somewhat contemptuous eyes.

Obviously, the mockery of the three women was aimed at Su Cheng and the four of them.

It seems that the three girls are deliberately controlling their volume and don't want to make their volume too loud, so that Su Cheng and the four of them hear their ridicule.

However, the three girls didn't seem to be very good at controlling the volume. Their sarcasm was still heard by Su Cheng and the four of them.

There was a little embarrassment on the faces of Carol and Deng Jiaer.

Alan glared at the three girls.

The three girls seemed to find that their mocking voice had been heard by their mocking object, so they hurried away with some embarrassment.

Looking at the back of the three girls who left quickly, Alan snorted unhappily.

"These three guys are really rude! Very angry! "

"Well, don't be angry." Su Cheng rubbed Alan's little head. "The three girls actually didn't say anything wrong. The four of us just did something very hick. Well, let's go and buy tickets. "

Subsequently, Su Cheng and the four people came to the ticket front desk of the central carriage station.

"Hello! Where are you going? How many tickets do you want? What kind of car do you want? "

The receptionist smiled professionally and said to Su Cheng standing in front of the receptionist in a pleasant voice.

Su Cheng glanced at the "vehicle price list" hanging next to him.

This "vehicle price list" lists various styles of carriages at the central carriage station, including those of "simple type" and those of "luxury type".

The cheaper the carriage, the worse the ride experience.

In contrast, the more expensive the carriage, the better the ride experience.

Su Cheng just glanced at the "vehicle price list" next to him, and then took back his eyes.

Then he said proudly:

"I want the most expensive car!"

Su Cheng has never been a very vague person in spending money.

After becoming a knight, Su Cheng's life became better and better, from the original state of "extreme poverty" to the state of "well-off".

What's more, Su Cheng also received 8.5 million British francs from the Empire at the "merit reward conference" the day before yesterday.

In addition to some deposits originally saved, excluding real estate, Su Cheng's total current assets have been nearly ten million.

For Su Cheng, who now has tens of millions of assets, naturally he will not pay attention to the mere carriage money.

Moreover, the most luxurious carriage shown on the price list has only four seats, which is just suitable for Su Cheng and his four people.

Su Cheng asked for the most luxurious carriage as soon as he opened his mouth, which attracted people around him.

However, the front desk lady seemed to be used to it, her face remained unchanged, still maintained a professional smile, and continued to ask:

"OK, where are you going? How many tickets do you want? "

"I want four tickets to acarrea."

"OK, a total of 6000 francs."

After hearing the front desk lady counting, Su Cheng lowered his head, took out his wallet and counted the money from it.

After counting enough 6000 yuan bills, Su Cheng raised his head and was about to give the money to the front desk lady. Suddenly, Su Cheng found that the front desk lady stared at Su Cheng's face.

"Well... Is there anything on my face?" Su Cheng asked suspiciously as he touched his face.

However, the receptionist didn't answer Su Cheng's question. Instead, she continued to look straight at Su Cheng's face and muttered in a low voice:

"Tall... A little thin... Black hair and black pupils... A little like the facial features of grassland people..."

The pupils of the front desk lady gradually glowed.

Then, the receptionist asked Su Cheng in a low voice with expectation and joy:

"Excuse me, are you Su Cheng? Is it Su Cheng, the former Supreme Commander of the rescue operation of Lund kingdom? "

After hearing what the receptionist said, Su Cheng was stunned, but he nodded subconsciously and replied:

"Well, yes, I'm Su Cheng."

"Wow Wow!!!"

As soon as Su Cheng's voice fell, the receptionist screamed.

Then, the people around looked at the receptionist with strange eyes.

The receptionist also found that she had just lost her manners, so she quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

The front desk lady who covered her mouth burst out her eyes with ecstasy.

After taking a few deep breaths, the receptionist put down her hands covering her lips and stammered to Su Cheng in a trembling voice:

"That, that, Mr. Su, Mr. Su Cheng! Hello! I have heard your heroic deeds from friends and bards these days! I, I, I admire you very much! Please, excuse me, may I shake hands with you? "

Then, the receptionist whose cheeks turned crimson with excitement stretched out her two small hands.

"Hey, hey? Well... There's no problem shaking hands... Am I so famous... "

Although Su Cheng was confused about his current state, he obediently stretched out his right hand and gently held the delicate right hand of the receptionist.

However, as soon as Su Cheng's right hand gently held the right hand of the front desk lady, the front desk lady's right hand suddenly forced! Hold Su Cheng's hand tightly. At the same time, the receptionist's left hand also pasted it. Both hands hold Su Cheng's right hand together.

Although the front desk lady looks a little petite, her grip is really not small! Holding Su Cheng's expression became a little distorted.

"Little, miss, it hurts a little!"

"Wow Wow!!! It's Su Cheng's hand!!! "

However, the receptionist seemed to be immersed in ecstasy and didn't seem to notice Su Cheng's face distorted by pain.

At this time, the receptionist was holding Su Cheng's hand tightly, screaming and jumping happily.

Just then——

"Hey, the young lady just said 'Mr. Su Cheng'"

"Su Cheng... Ah! Is it Su Cheng who won the rescue battle of Lund kingdom not long ago? "

"It is said that Su Cheng is tall and thin. He has black hair and pupils. His facial features are a bit like grassland people! He looks about 17! "

"Eh?! Then don't all the young people over there match?! "

"Really! And the young man is being held by the receptionist who just shouted 'Mr. Su Cheng'

"It's su Chengye!"

"It's Su Cheng!"

"It's Su Cheng who won the rescue battle of Lund kingdom!!"

"Hello! Su Cheng, the new GUI knight who commanded the army to win the rescue battle of Lund Kingdom, is here!! "

"Fool!! You're not well informed, are you?! Now Su Cheng has been promoted to double oak Knight!! "

"It is said that Su Cheng became a new Guangxi knight in only 24 days, breaking the record of our British Empire! Now it takes only four months to become a double oak Knight!! "

"Too strong! Promoted to Xingui knight in 24 days! Promoted to double oak knight in 4 months! "

"It's Su Cheng! The legendary figure Su Cheng that bards have been talking about recently is here! "

"I only heard the legend of Su Cheng from the Bard yesterday, and I saw Su Cheng himself at the central carriage station today! Good luck! "



Just now, the receptionist seemed too excited, so she couldn't control her volume, so that everyone around heard what the receptionist said.

For a moment, Su Cheng was surrounded by people on the inner and outer floors!

"Are you Mr. Su Cheng?"

"Mr. Su Cheng! Please shake hands with me! "

"Mr. Su Cheng!"


People around Su Cheng threw questions and requests one after another at Su Cheng.

Alan, Deng Jiaer and Carol, who followed Su Cheng, were also frightened by the current situation.

"Cheng..." Carol held Su Cheng's left hand in fear. "Are you so famous in pandragon now..."

"I don't know..." Su Cheng was also confused by the current situation. "I've heard that pandragon's minstrels are singing my heroic deeds in the rescue operation of Lund Kingdom, but I didn't expect that these minstrels are so capable... I didn't expect that I would be so popular..."

Just then——

"Mr. Su Cheng! Please sign my name! I've heard of your heroic deeds these days! I especially look forward to you! "

"Please sign for me, too!"

"I, I want it too!"

——Three female voices full of Joy came from Su Cheng's heel.

Su Cheng looked down at her.

It was found that three girls were crowding in front of the group of people around him. All three girls were holding a small book and a pen in their hands.

The three girls spread out their little books, with snow-white paper facing Su Cheng.

Su Cheng looked intently and found that the three girls were the three girls who had just mocked that the four of them were Hicks.

The three girls also seem to have found that Su Cheng is the object of their ridicule.

"Sorry..." one of the girls blushed, lowered her head and whispered to Su Cheng, "we didn't recognize you just now. We shouldn't laugh at you and your friends... Please forgive me..."

"Ah, it's all right." Su Cheng quickly exclaimed, "I won't mind such a small matter, as long as you don't laugh at others in private. I'll give you three autographs. Don't ridicule others like this in the future. "

"Uh huh! We will! " Three girls nodded in unison.

After that, Su Cheng, who had been stunned by the current situation, picked up the pen of one of the girls and wrote down his name in the book opened by the three girls.

If Su Cheng knows what will happen in more than ten seconds, he will regret his signature for the three girls.

After Su Cheng just signed three girls, the crowd around Su Cheng exploded!

"Wow! It's Mr. Su Cheng's signature! "

"It's a signature! Mr. Su Cheng! I also want the signature of a hero like you! "

"Mr. Su Cheng! I want it too! "

"I want it too!"


Looking at the crowd that started the riot and surrounded him, Su Cheng shouted "no good" in his heart, and then subconsciously pulled behind him Carol, who had held his left hand for fear since just now.

Then, with his free right hand, Su Cheng also pulled Alan and Deng Jiaer, two little girls who are most likely to be crushed and trampled because of their petite stature, behind him.

Su Cheng protected the three of Carol behind him with his own body, and shouted in the direction of the receptionist while standing against the crowd:

"Front desk lady! Please give me the tickets for four of us quickly!! also! Tell me where our carriage is again!!! "

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