Published at 28th of February 2022 06:12:02 AM

Chapter 1157

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"Explain? What explanation would you like me to give you, nolid? "

"Brother!" Norred exclaimed, "are you serious? I really intend to send all the combat forces of the wing mounted cavalry regiment to support pandragon! "

"Just send the whole army of the wing mounted cavalry regiment to the pandragon battlefield. Brother, you even gave more than half of the money in the Treasury to the wing mounted cavalry regiment to boost the morale of the generals!"

"Even if you take out all the money in the Treasury! Brother, you're going to enlist on the pandragon front! "

"Fighting and hunting are two different things!"

"As far as I know, brother, you don't know any fighting skills except archery?"

"To put it mildly, with your brother's ability, it would be a strange thing if you didn't die on the spot on the battlefield!"

"Brother! Are you really going to give all our fiefdom to support Pendragon? "

"Ah, that's right."

As soon as norred's voice fell, Ron nodded calmly.

"That's what I'm going to do."

"I have made up my mind."

"Support pandragon at all costs."

"After all, I am the current Duke of Connaught. If the generals of the wing mounted cavalry regiment know that the Lord they serve is fighting side by side with them, their morale should be improved more or less."

Ron was determined not only to support pandragon, but also to follow all the generals of the wing mounted cavalry regiment to the front line and boost morale.

Originally, after hearing that Ron decided to kiss the front line, Boris quarreled and wanted to go with Ron to support pandragon.

But Beth's request was rejected by Ron without thinking.

If you want to boost the morale of the generals, you only need Ron to go alone, and you don't need to let Boris go with you.

After all, Beth is just an adult. She has almost no prestige and fame in the territory. Even if she goes to the front line, she can't play any role.

And -- Beth is Ron's eldest daughter after all.

As a father, Ron would not allow his daughter to experience the hardships and dangers of war.


Norred's face seemed to be dripping green.

"Why did you do that?"

"Haven't we all agreed? Perfunctory envoys of the central government will never devote a lot of human and material resources to the support of pandragon! "

"Are you fascinated by Miss Carol's beauty? He wanted to show his masculine charm in front of the beautiful miss Carol, so he was so hot headed that he decided to follow Miss Carol's request and give full support to Pendragon? "

"Nolid." Ron's mouth tilted slightly and said in a half joking tone, "man is a fickle animal."

"If you want to buy this today, you may not want to buy it tomorrow - isn't it common?"

"As for being charmed by Miss Carol's beauty... You can't talk nonsense, nolid."

"I don't want to annoy the head of the Michael knights."

"You also know that if you annoy the head of the military power holding Michael knights, the consequences may be unimaginable."

"Brother!" Norred glared at norred in front of him with some angry eyes, "please don't joke with me again! Please answer my question seriously! "

"..." seeing that norred seemed to be losing patience, Ron flattened the slightly raised corners of his mouth and restrained his playful attitude.

"In fact, there are not many reasons."

Ron said in a calm tone.

"I just found my heart."

"Original heart?" Norred wondered.

"Norred, you know what? After I had agreed with you that I would never fully support pandragon, my chest seemed to be blocked by a big stone. "

Ron raised his hand and gently pressed his chest.

"It's really uncomfortable... The feeling that my chest is blocked..."

"I can't understand what's going on in my chest."

"It wasn't until I saw Miss Carol and heard what Miss Carol said that I finally woke up - what's the matter with the stuffy and tingling feeling in my chest."

"It's a shame to think about it. I'm so old. I didn't expect to be awakened by a little girl in her early twenties."

"The reason why my chest always has this stuffy and tingling feeling is because my heart is resisting."

"Strongly resist the decision I agreed with you."

"Although I am old now, I will no longer shout all day to serve my country and offer loyalty and glory to the British Empire as I did when I was young." ""

"But my heart, which hopes that the British Empire will continue to prosper, has not changed."

Ron continued with a sonorous force as he looked straight into nolid's eyes with a firm look.

"Even if the central government has a bad attitude towards our feudal ministers, I still hope that my country can still be rich and strong, will not be defeated by the enemy and will not perish!"

"As Miss Carol said, I don't want to destroy this country - that's why I'm determined to give all I have to support pandragon."

After that, Ron said no more.

Hold the helmet under your left armpit, hold the long sword in your right hand, and stride forward.

As he passed noryard, Ron handed the long sword of his right hand to his left hand, then raised his hand and patted noryard's shoulder, which still looked disappointed.

"During my absence, the Duke asked you to take care of it."

"If... I can't come back, Boris will inherit the Duke."

Speaking of this, Ron said.

Then the corners of his mouth tilted slightly and said in a somewhat joking tone:

"If I come back, I will bring back some local specialties from pandragon as much as possible."

Having said that, Ron put down his hand on nolid's shoulder, handed the long sword of his left hand back to his right hand, and then strode outside the Duke's house.



The first two days have been cloudy and rainy.

At this time, the long rainy weather finally ended.

On the once gray and dark sky, tangled clouds are dispersing. In the gap vacated by the clouds, the blue of the lake water sample is exposed again.

Out of the duchy, Ron took a deep breath looking at the blue sky above his head.

Breathe the fresh air and enjoy the comfortable feeling of chest that has not been experienced for a long time.

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