Published at 28th of February 2022 06:38:53 AM

Chapter 127

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Holy Hiram Empire - the empire with the largest territory among the four empires, the northern frontier of the britannian Empire and the northern frontier of the Frankish Empire, all bordered on the holy Hiram empire.

It is close to the sea in the West and the grassland in the East. In terms of land area, it is a real "superpower".

Although the land area of the holy Hiram empire is the largest, it also has a lot of useless territory.

Because the holy Hiram empire is located in the north of the continent, many lands are located in the far north.

Therefore, the holy Hiram Empire has nearly 13 lands, which are frozen soil and ice fields that cannot be inhabited and cultivated.

At present, it is not only the first of the four empires in terms of land area, but also the first of the four empires in terms of comprehensive national strength.

If the comprehensive national strength of the four empires is ranked, the holy Helan empire will occupy the first place without suspense, the Britannia Empire and the Frankish empire are equal and tied for the second, and the Lorraine empire is the second.

The ranking of the national strength of the four empires has remained unchanged for decades and now


At this point.

A remote town in the Holy Hiran empire.

A street in this remote small town.

A man in a shabby black robe was sitting in a corner of the street.

The man in a shabby black robe was wearing a big hood, which was so low that passers-by couldn't see the man's face at all.

Not only that, the man in a shabby black robe also held a crystal ball as big as a man's head in his arms.

The black robed man sitting at the corner of the street had to rub the crystal ball in his arms from time to time.

Then, the black robed man seemed to feel something, suddenly and gently uttered "en?".

His voice sounded neither male nor female, making it impossible to distinguish the gender of the man in black from his voice.


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

——The man in black burst into a series of terrible laughter.

The laughter of the man in black startled the pedestrians in the nearby streets.

The frightened pedestrians used a pair of "is this man OK?" He looked at the man in black.

After laughing, the man in black shouted:

"Interesting! What fun! At present, the two men with the strongest military ability in the world have finally met! Even shook hands together! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It's so interesting. It seems that my last decision to instruct El Bernard, Gabriel Gelan and Camille young not to go to the Frankish Empire, but to the britannian empire is right! "

The pedestrians in the street showed clear expressions after listening to the man in black.

"It's a psycho..."

A pedestrian muttered.

Then, the pedestrian looked at the man in black with disgust in his eyes, and then quickly left here.

Other pedestrians, like the pedestrian, quickened their pace and walked away from the man in black.

In a flash, the black robed man was left alone in the street where the black robed man was located.

However, the man in black didn't seem to care that the newcomers cast disgusting eyes at him and quickly walked away from him.

The man in black stood up slowly with the crystal ball in his arms.

After standing up, the man in black continued to shout in his indistinguishable voice:

"The delicate balance of power among the four empires, the holy Helan Empire, the britannian Empire, the Frankish Empire, the Lorraine Empire, has begun to collapse."

"Once the balance of the four empires collapses, it shows that the ranking of national strength has been maintained for decades, and it is finally going to start to change the ranking again!"

"Decades ago, the holy Hiram Empire, relying on the overwhelming national strength difference, overwhelmed the three countries and won the hegemony of the whole continent! It has dominated the world for decades. "

"Now, the holy Helan Empire has gradually become a beautiful tree with rotten inside. Although it has rotted, it still holds millions of troops and has amazing military and material resources that can not be underestimated. In order to maintain its current dominant position, the holy Helan empire is also ready to start rectifying its army and national defense!"

"The outstanding literary ministers and Knights of the britannian Empire also gushed out, and the national strength finally stopped declining and began to rise slowly. Soon, the 'great emperor' who will bring blood to the whole continent will ascend the throne."

"Now the Frankish Empire also began to get tired of the war with the Britannia Empire that lasted for hundreds of years, and began to further expand its troops and enrich its armaments, preparing to completely eliminate the Britannia Empire and end the hundred year war."

"Great military talents have also appeared in the Lorraine empire! If the Lorraine empire can make good use of this genius, then the Lorraine empire may not be able to win world hegemony. "

"The future is really full of fog... Although I have seen a little bit of the future of various countries, I can't see which country will win in the future..."

"The balance between the four empires is finally going to be broken! In the last battle for hegemony, the holy Hiram Empire won world hegemony! So this time, which Empire will be able to achieve world hegemony and dominate the world? "

"Has it finally begun... A new round of hegemony competition between the four empires after decades!"

After saying so many words loudly, the man in black began to gasp slightly.

——It was a gasp of extreme excitement.

"The world is finally going to become interesting..." the black robed man murmured in a low voice, "can I miss it? The last battle for hegemony was really boring. I hope this battle for hegemony can become more interesting..."

Then the man in black raised his head and turned his eyes to the south.

"Sure enough... I still care..."

The man in black continued to talk to himself.

"I also want to see the 'biggest enemy of the three empires since the founding of the people's Republic of China'"

Then the man in black raised his head again and looked at the stars all over the sky.

"The britannian Empire really has a wonderful figure... I've never seen such a bright and dazzling new star. In terms of the degree of brilliance and brilliance, maybe only this one of the holy Helan Empire and that one of the Lorraine empire can compete with it. Hehe, if these three new stars fight, who will win? Really looking forward to it... "

As soon as the words fell, the black robed man straightened the shabby and dirty black robe on his body.

"I'll go to the British Empire, too." The black robed man then said, with a few more smiles in his tone, "sure enough, I still want to see for myself, the biggest enemy of the three empires, and also the man who came here from other worlds..."

Speaking of this, the man in black seemed to think of something. He gently "ah" and then said:

"Let's go and have a look at the set of books he brought from that world. It's true... That man didn't use the set of books in the right place at all... That set of books is not used like that, nor is it for you... I'll give him a little guidance on how to use and who to use this set of books."

Then the man in black took a step forward.

After taking one step, the man in black stopped.

"It's just... If I guide him how to use that set of books, will it be too unfair to the other three empires, and will it affect this new round of hegemony competition..."

The man in black stopped in place, pondered for a long time, and then——

"I almost forgot the lessons of so many years..."

The man in black shook his head as he spoke.

"The general trend of history will not change because of one or two people. No matter whether there is my intervention or not, there will be no change in how the world should develop or how it will develop in the future. No matter what I do, it will not change the established good future. "

After that, the man in black seemed to have figured it out and walked towards the South with a brisk pace.

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