Published at 28th of February 2022 06:07:46 AM

Chapter 1321

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Su Cheng looked at the general staff building in front of him.

He also looked at the General Logistics Department building, which is about to be completed and mainly in red.

Both buildings are of the same style.

Looking at the two buildings, Su Cheng sighed.

"It's a waste to build such a magnificent building... Obviously, the current finance of the empire is quite tight..."

Although the British Empire won last year's Patriotic War, it suffered a lot.

The Knights of Gabriel and Rachel were badly hurt.

The reconstruction of these two knights, as well as the reconstruction of the Imperial Navy, will consume a lot of money.

At a time when the financial pressure is unprecedented, he has allocated a lot of money to build these two magnificent buildings - to be honest, Su Cheng thinks it's really a waste.

Jacob raised his hand, patted Su Cheng on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"The functions of the general staff and the General Logistics Department are quite important and are the facade of the country."

"Since it is the facade of the country, it can't be built too shabby."

"If it is too shabby, it will be laughed at."

"... that's right."

After sighing, Su Cheng asked Jacob:

"Forget it, don't talk about this. Mr. Jacob, has Juren mansion recently recruited any powerful talents? "

After the establishment of Juren mansion, Ilsa handed over the relevant work of Juren mansion to Jacob.

Jacob is famous for being good at seeing people.

Although his lover is sometimes inaccurate and wrong, he has indeed succeeded in attracting many outstanding talents.

The simplest and typical examples - Su Cheng and Humphrey were picked up by Jacob's insight.

Hearing Su Cheng's question, Jacob smiled helplessly.

"It's the same as before. There's hardly any talent to use."

"They are almost all straw bags that can only talk."

Then Jacob sighed.

"No outstanding talents have come to our country for a long time - Your Majesty is very anxious about this situation..."



As Jacob said, Ilsa was very anxious about the delay in the arrival of outstanding talents to the britannian empire.

The reason why she decided to establish Juren government is to gather outstanding talents from various countries on the mainland to help her achieve the revitalization and strength of the country.

Since the establishment of Juren mansion, it has indeed attracted many people to their britannian empire.

But - most of them are just talking and no real talent.

There are not even a few ordinary talents, let alone those of genius.

Ilsa urgently needs someone to replace bancro's foreign affairs director.

Jacob's body was badly damaged in the patriotic war.

Compared with before, Jacob's body has become more than a little weaker.

Because of his weakness, Jacob had no energy to take up the important post of palace minister, which needed to deal with many complicated affairs every day.

Therefore, Jacob now basically focuses on the work related to gathering people's house.

Bancro will help with the work related to the palace phase.

For example, now bancro is in Ilsa's study, dealing with today's government affairs together.



"... money... Really, just ask me for money..."

Ilsa smiled bitterly and handed the instrument to bancro.

"Bancro, look, another city Lord who has been attacked by Alan's rebels has come to ask for central funding."

When Allen led the rebels to attack the city of pandragon from the Bank of Yeni River, he captured all the cities along the way.

The economy of these cities that were attacked suffered major or minor trauma.

Since the end of the war, the City owners of these cities have come to the central government to ask for money and ask the central government for funds to help them revitalize their cities' economy.

Bancro stretched out his one arm, took the document from Ilsa, read it at a glance with a bitter smile, and said:

"Your Majesty, let them insist a little more. We don't have the spare power to allocate funds to help the place now."

Then bancro yawned.

"Bancro, what's the matter?"

Ilsa asked bancro in a concerned tone.

"Didn't you sleep well last night?"

"No... I slept soundly."

"It's just... There's not enough sleep."

Hearing bancro's words, Ilsa sighed.

"Bancro... It's really hard for you these days..."

Bancro's original position was foreign affairs director and military staff officer.

At present, there is no war in the country, so the post of military staff officer has nothing to do at present.

However, there are still many things to deal with in the post of foreign affairs director every day.

Bancro now has to deal with all the affairs of foreign affairs director every day, and also hold the post of palace minister to help Ilsa deal with daily government affairs.

Even energetic young people may not be able to withstand such daily toil, let alone bancro, who is now old, has long gray hair and lost an arm in the patriotic war.

Bancro's appearance was obviously haggard from hard work.

Ilsa then sighed and said:

"I really hope that the Juren mansion can recruit talents who can replace bancro as your foreign affairs manager as soon as possible..."

Speaking of this, Elizabeth paused.

Then he continued in a half joking tone:

"Of course, it would be best if there were a talented person who could directly take over the position of palace minister."

"Your Majesty..."

Bancro smiled bitterly.

"You're a little greedy."

"Yes... It's really greedy... There are few reliable talents now, let alone those who can succeed the position of palace minister..."

Ilsa also knew that her wish was too unrealistic, so what she said just now was just a joke.

After stretching hard, Elsa said to bancro:

"Bancro, let's go on. If you finish these administrative affairs early, you can go to bed early. "



Britannia Empire, pandragon, Su Cheng's home.

Carol and Alan are playing with DeLisa in the hall on the first floor.

I have to say - children develop fast.

DeLisa is 4 years old this year. She has begun to be clever.

Just as Carol held DeLisa in her arms and watched her play with her toys, a notice suddenly sounded outside the door:

"Madam! Someone's coming! She claims to be your old friend! "

Su Cheng's identity is different now. Now, day and night, a large number of guards stand guard and patrol in front of his house every day to prevent any irrelevant people from approaching Su Cheng's house.

If someone wants to find Su Cheng's people, they have to let the guards at the door inform them.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!