Published at 28th of February 2022 06:05:21 AM

Chapter 1420

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The old man with bandages on his body is Denny.

From the number of bandages on his body and the state that he still needs two people to help, it is enough to see how serious Denis is now.

"Commander Denis!" Xu Xie continued to exclaim, "aren't you seriously injured? Why are you still here? "

"Who said you couldn't be here if you were seriously injured?"

Said Denise in a half joking tone.

"If two people hold me, I can barely get up and go up the wall."

"No!" Xu Xie said without thinking, "commander in chief, it's too dangerous for you to do so! You'd better go back to the safe rear and have a rest! "

Although Xu Xie doesn't know medicine, he has a pair of eyes with good eyesight.

Denis was covered with bandages and needed two people to help him - such a state, no matter what, was not suitable for getting up and climbing the dangerous wall.

But for Xu Xie's kind proposal, Denise shook his head directly.

"The front line of the city wall cannot be without me."

"If I were afraid of death, I wouldn't have come to Orleans from the beginning."

"Let an old man like me finally give play to some waste heat."

After that, Denis turned his head and shouted to a bodyguard who was carrying a big flag:

"Give me the flag!"


The bodyguard carrying the flag respectfully handed the flag to Denis.

Even though his body was covered with bandages and he would feel varying degrees of pain when he made any action, Denis still endured the pain, took the flag from the guard's hand, and then stretched the flag to reveal the bright golden iris on the flag.

This is the flag of their Luo Lin army.

After pestering the flag of the Luo Lin army on the ground, Denis whispered to the general next to him and ordered:

"Send a message to all the generals in the city that commander Denis has returned to the front line of the battlefield, on the north city wall, under this flag!"

"Let them take this flag as me!"

"The flag is here, I am!"

"Even if I'm gone, the flag is still there!"



Coach Denis was not only alive, but also returned to the front line of the battlefield with his seriously injured body and commanded the battle - the news spread all over Orleans at a speed that could not even catch up with infectious diseases.

The morale and fighting spirit of the defenders in Orleans were greatly boosted.

People may feel relieved because the coach is not dead, so their morale is boosted.

Or because the commander-in-chief is old and has to support his body to return to the front line of the battlefield in case of serious injury, he feels great admiration for it, so his morale is boosted.

Or simply because of the chorus of "military song" just now, I feel that the fear in my body has been reduced, so my morale has been boosted.

In short - after learning that Denis had returned to the front line of the battlefield, there were enough cheers on all the walls of Orleans to lift the whole sky.



Lorraine Empire, north of Orleans, the camp of Michael knights, this array.

"The defenders on the wall are singing?"

Willie looked puzzled at the messenger behind him.

Just now, the messenger sent him a rather strange report on the war situation - when the generals were about to reach under the north city wall, they suddenly heard strange songs.

Then, it seemed to hear the cheers of the defenders on the city wall.

Although Willie had some doubts about the strange situation, he didn't care much.

Because according to his judgment, the defenders on the north wall of Orleans can't last long.

This is the intuition he developed after years of fierce fighting on the battlefield.

In Willie's eyes, no matter what happens on the north wall of Orleans, it will not affect their subsequent strategy on the north wall of Orleans.

Now that it has been judged that the garrison on the north wall is at the end of a powerful crossbow, Willie also decided not to keep it and did his best to give the last fatal blow to the garrison on the north wall.

"Get Raymond ready to attack."

Willie used a calm tone to preach to a messenger beside him:

"In half an hour, I'll see the flag of the Michael Knights inserted on the north wall of Orleans."



Commander Denis returned to the front line of the north wall.

The morale of the defenders was boosted by the return of general manager Denis to the front line.

Xu Xie thought they could survive today safely.

But not long after the battle began, Xu Xie found that the trend of the situation was completely different from his guess.

Originally, the combat effectiveness of the enemy soldiers who boarded the north wall was no different from that in the past.

But after a while, the fighting capacity of the British army who climbed the wall suddenly increased sharply!

——Damn it!

Xu Xie scolded secretly in his heart.

——Have the enemy finally sent out their elite troops to attack us!

The fighting capacity of the British army who climbed the wall suddenly increased sharply - the only explanation that Xu Xie could think of was that the enemy replaced their elite troops to attack them!

While worried about the britannian army replacing their elite troops to attack them, Xu Xie also felt a slight loss

It turns out... The most difficult enemy soldiers they have fought these days are not the elite troops of the enemy



Also secretly scolding "damn" in his heart, there is Denny.

Although he guessed that the commander of the enemy might hide their elite troops and dispatch their elite troops to attack them when necessary.

But when such a thing really happened in front of him, Denise still couldn't help yelling.

The combat effectiveness of this new force on the wall is visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, the Michael Knights also sent a strong general to participate in the attack.

From the appearance, the fierce general is about 40 years old.

Although he is very old, his brave posture is not like a middle-aged man who is about 40 years old.

With a shield in his left hand and an axe in his right hand, no one on the wall can compete with him.

If Denis's memory is correct, the general should be Raymond, the commander of the first army of the Michael knights.

Denis compared the appearance of the great general with every great general in the British Empire who was good at force in his memory.

The only one who agreed with all the conditions was Raymond, the commander of the first army of the Michael knights.

The thought that Raymond, the famous general of the Michael knights, personally led the elite troops of their army to attack Orleans sank Denis's heart.

Even the northern city wall garrison, whose morale and fighting spirit have been boosted and under his command, is difficult to compete with the elite troops led by Raymond.

The front on the wall retreated again and again.

If we continue to retreat like this, the fall of the north city wall will only be a matter of time.

Denis certainly wouldn't let this happen to him.

But no matter how he commanded, he failed to stop or slow down the retreat of the front

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!