Published at 28th of February 2022 06:04:07 AM

Chapter 1470

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"Also - immediately go to the territory of the former Lorraine Empire and announce that Baal and the 'Saint' have both died."

"Yes!" Deng Jiaer responded loudly.

"Hoo..." Su Cheng took a long breath, and then lay on the back of the chair behind him without image. "The war against the Luolin empire... Is finally over..."

"Yes..." Deng Jia'er sighed softly and echoed, "I have finally completed the great cause of attacking and destroying the Luolin empire... Then I can finally have a rest..."

As soon as Deng Jiaer's voice fell, Su Cheng gave a self mocking sneer:

"Rest? At this time, how can I have time to rest... "

Unlike Deng Jiaer, who had not yet known that Ilsa intended to unify the whole continent, Su Cheng knew that their britannian empire was currently engaged in an unprecedented "war of mainland reunification".

Even the general strategy adopted by them - first South, then east and then north, was personally planned by Su Cheng.

At present, the Lorraine Empire has perished.

The goal of the britannian empire is only the Frankish empire in the East and the Holy Hiran empire in the North!



The news that Barr and the "Saint" were dead returned to pandragon as quickly as possible.

After learning the news, the princes and ministers in the central part of the British Empire cheered and boiling.

They all know what the death of Baal and the "Saint" means - the complete destruction of the Lorraine empire!

After Su Cheng led the britannian army into Tuli, which was controlled by the rebellious nobles, the captured royal families of the Lorraine Empire led by Queen Bella were transported to pandragon under the heavy protection of thousands of britannian soldiers.

For these royal families of the Lorraine Empire, Ilsa did not treat them roughly, but treated them very well. She just put them under house arrest in pandragon in disguise. In addition, she did not treat these royal families of the Lorraine Empire too much.

Although there was a little episode.

Ilsa treated these royal families of the Lorraine Empire very well. In addition to being unable to leave Pendragon, she gave them all kinds of convenience, allowing them to live a good life far beyond the average level of the britannian empire.

Although life is good, for Bella, who used to be extravagant, such a life is no different from living in a pigsty.

So Bella had a big fight when she first came to Pendragon.

Ilsa was not in the mood to play around with the "former Queen".

Ilsa directly entrusted the task of "calming Bella" to enly.

Enly did not live up to Ilsa's expectations - he took a team of elite infantry of the national imperial seal Knights directly to Bella's home.

After seeing the rows of shining blades, Bella has become much more clever and no longer dares to raise any objection to her current treatment

As for the nobles of the Lorraine Empire who were very knowledgeable, Ilsa also fulfilled her promise to let them continue to govern their respective fiefs, and everything remained the same except that they could no longer have private episodes.

In order to minimize the cost of attacking and destroying the Lorraine Empire, let these nobles of the Lorraine Empire continue to manage their respective fiefs - this is also a helpless choice.

But Ilsa didn't feel so sad about it.

After all, for Ilsa, those lands were temporarily handed over to the nobles of the "former Lorraine Empire".

When she has time and energy in the future, she can slowly deal with these land problems with these nobles.

After learning of the death of Baal and the "Saint" and the complete destruction of the Lorraine Empire, Ilsa even drank a few sips of wine excitedly.

However... Ilsa and others had not had time to get excited for long. A piece of bad news equivalent to a bolt from the blue for the central part of the britannian Empire spread to pandragon without any omen.

The bad news is that the prairie people in the Far East were defeated by the holy Helan empire!

The Central Committee of the britannian Empire knew the news that the Holy Hiran Empire promoted a young man named El Bernard to the new marshal and made him the new commander-in-chief of the far east front army.

El Bernard, the youngest marshal in the history of the holy Helan Empire, after succeeding as the new commander-in-chief of the Far East Front Army, the first thing he did was to expedition the grassland - which was known by the central government of the British Empire for a long time.

But the princes and ministers in the center of the British Empire did not expect that El's expedition was successful!

And it's the kind of success that won a big victory!

El Bernard's expedition led a force of only 80000 people to defeat and kill more than 400000 Hungarian troops.

The three main courts of the xiongran people - Zuo Xian Wang Ting, You Xian Wang Ting and the central Wang Ting all fell.

Along with the fall, there are dozens of settlements of the xiongran people.

Hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep were captured, and the rest of all kinds of booty were counted.

The Hun's Shan Yu, the circuitous krodhan Yu, fled directly and led the remaining combat forces all the way East.

And El led the army all the way.

While pursuing, we did not forget to destroy all the Hungarian settlements along the way.

Because the supplies couldn't keep up, El couldn't catch up with crodanyu.

But it doesn't matter.

After all - the results of their war are rich enough.

El this war is the most brilliant victory against the Hungarians in the Far East since the establishment of the Holy Hiran empire... No, it should be said that it is the most brilliant victory against the Hungarians in the Far East since the establishment of the Holy Hiran Empire and the Frankish empire!

After learning that El Bernard had accomplished this feat, the center of the British Empire, from Ilsa to ordinary courtiers, was shocked.

El's unprecedented expedition directly crippled the xiongran people!

Circuitous krodhanyu fled to the East with the remnants of their xiongran people. The xiongran people should not dare to come back for a long time in the future.

In other words, the "Bolshevik Hungarian alliance" is tantamount to disintegration in disguise!

The reason why the British Empire allied with the Huns was to use the strength of the Huns to disperse the energy of the Holy Hiran Empire and the Frankish Empire and contain the two countries.

At a time when the Hungarians had fled to the East, they could no longer help the britannian Empire contain the Holy Hiran Empire and the Frankish empire.

The "Bolshevik Hungarian alliance" also collapsed in a disguised form.

In the middle of the British Empire, if anyone is the one who is most shocked to learn that El has achieved this unprecedented victory, it must be Camille.

Camille was in a mixed mood when he learned that El had accomplished this feat.

She was both shocked and happy.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!