Published at 28th of February 2022 06:03:42 AM

Chapter 1487

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August 11, 299 BC——

Britannia Empire, somewhere in the north——

Darlene felt her body bumping up and down with an irregular rhythm.

Slowly opened his eyes and saw Yala sitting opposite her.

Yala, sitting opposite her, also found the awakened dalina.

"Darlene, are you awake? How did you sleep? "

"It's OK. If the carriage wasn't so bumpy, I should be able to sleep better."

After stretching hard, Darlene looked out of the car.

Judging by the weather, it should be around 15 p.m.

——Did you sleep for about 2 hours... Quite a long time.

After mumbling in her heart, Darlene turned her eyes to ara again.

"Yala, do you want to sleep for a while?"

"No, I don't. I'm not sleepy. "

Darlene and Yala are sitting in a carriage they rented.

Like the other troops of the British Empire, the German undead team took a rotation system. The team took turns to rest.

However, the leave system of the German undead team is more humane than that of other troops.

That is - when you don't want to rest, you can save your vacation.

Therefore, there are a large number of team members who don't know what to do even if they are on vacation. They save every vacation and gradually save a surprisingly long vacation.

For example, dalina and Yala are among them.

Dalina and Yala belong to those who give them a short holiday, and they don't know what to do.

So they all choose to save their holidays.

After several years of savings, the holidays saved by the two reached an amazing four months.

At the beginning of this year, Da Liana received a home letter from her parents from her hometown.

Darlene's parents made no secret of their missing for Darlene in the letter.

After reading this letter from her parents, Darlene made up her mind to spend all her four months of vacation at one go! Go back to her hometown to see her parents.

After Darlene said she decided to go back to her hometown, Yala also decided to use up her four-month vacation and accompany Darlene to her hometown.

The reason why Yala decided to accompany Darlene to her hometown was purely a travel attitude.

Dalina is Yala's closest friend in the army.

Yala is also very interested in darina's hometown.

Anyway, it's no use saving her four months of vacation. It's better to take advantage of this opportunity and use it all at one go.

After the end of the SDF war, the base of their German undead army was changed from the north to the outskirts of pandragon.

Darlene's hometown happens to be in the north.

Although the journey is a little far away, as long as you rent a carriage, with the speed of the carriage, it is completely enough for darina and Yala to go back and forth between pandragon and darina's hometown during their four-month vacation.

Darlene and Yala are also members of the German undead team, the ace force of the Michael knights.

The military pay saved over the years, let alone renting a carriage.

Even buying a carriage is more than enough.



"Hello, Darlene." While looking at the scenery outside the carriage, Yala asked darina in a casual tone, "are we very close to your hometown?"

"Yes." Darlene nodded.

Then he turned his head and looked out of the carriage like Yala.

"I have... Can feel... We are very close to my hometown..."



On the boundless field, the carriage of Darlene and Yala moved to the end of the horizon on the straight dirt road under the blue sky.

One by one, the wooden barriers separated the farmland one by one from the dirt road.

From time to time, some farmers working on the farmland cast curious eyes on the carriages of dalina and Yala.

Some children playing in the field even chased Darlene's carriage and warmly waved to them.



"Guest, here we are."

The coachman said to Darlene and Yala.

"Thank you for your care all the way." Darlene thanked the coachman as she and Yala packed their luggage on the carriage.

"You're welcome. Well, just as we agreed - I'll pick you up here in a month. Don't be late. "

"No problem. Please rest assured. We won't be late. "

It takes one and a half months to go to their hometown, live in their hometown for one month, and then return to their residence in one and a half months - this is their plan.

Dalina and Yala rented the carriage from pandragon central carriage station, so their reputation is quite guaranteed. They said they would come here to pick them up a month later, so they will pick them up a month later.

After packing up their luggage, jumping out of the carriage and watching the coachman drive the carriage away, Darlene turned her head and looked at the small black spots that were emitting cooking smoke in the distance ahead.

These small black spots are the houses in Suoya village, darina's hometown.

Looking at her hometown close at hand, Darlene felt her heart beating faster.

This tension made Darlene have the illusion that she was now waiting for an attack order on the battlefield.

After taking several deep breaths and slightly suppressing the tension in her heart, Darlene strode towards her hometown with her only Luggage - a huge suitcase.

If you follow this dirt road to Da Liana's hometown, you must first step over a mill bridge.

The murmuring stream from the sluice of mill bridge is slowly extending forward.

The mottled old mill built next to the mill bridge is between the trickle from the sluice and the twilight.

Now it is dusk, and the chimneys of every family are constantly emitting cooking smoke.

The sunlight from the setting sun in the west left a long, long shadow on the ground for dalina and Yala.

Darlene is too familiar with the mill bridge.

When she was a child, she always danced and played with her friends on the mill bridge. Count what sundries float through the trickle below.

It would be inaccurate to say that Darlene was only familiar with the mill bridge.

It should be said - Darlene is familiar with everything here.

Darlene is too familiar with everything around here.

Every facade nearby is so friendly, Uncle David's house, aunt Maya's house, Winnie's house

Darlene felt that her legs seemed to have self-awareness, like an old horse that knew the way, leading Darlene to turn left and right.

Finally, stand in front of a brown wooden door with a damaged handle.

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