Published at 28th of February 2022 06:32:56 AM

Chapter 354

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"Well... Brother, it may be strange for me to ask. Why do we have to capture the city of mayn?"

After hearing Alan's question, Su Cheng was a little stunned, and then his face showed some helplessness.

Just as Su Cheng opened his mouth and intended to explain to Alan, Deng Jiaer took the lead in saying:

"Because mayin city is just stuck on an important traffic road, which is the only way for us to go to Feihai plain."

"Our goal now is to go to the Fei Hai Plain to support our reinforcements."

"Therefore, from our current position, if we go to Feihai plain from here, we must pass through mayn city."

"Therefore, we must capture the city of mayn, sir. He is now worried about how to capture the city of mayn."

"Oh, I see..." Alan nodded.

Then Alan, frowning slightly, said in an unhappy tone:

"Can you only go to the Feihai plain through mayin city? What trouble... "

"Huh?" As soon as Alan's voice fell, Su Cheng suddenly gave a light "um".

Just now, after hearing Alan's words, Su Cheng suddenly felt as if there was a flash of lightning in his mind.


Su Cheng, who had originally shrunk in his chair, suddenly straightened up, grabbed Alan's small shoulders, and then said:

"What did you just say?"


Alan blinked twice and looked at his brother who seemed to be very excited.

Although he didn't understand what his brother wanted to do, Alan replied obediently:

"I just said 'what trouble'."

"That's not it. Last one."

"In the last sentence... 'can you only go through mayin city to Fei Hai Plain?'"

"Can you only go through mayin city to Fei Hai Plain..."

Su Cheng repeated this sentence in a low voice.

He loosened his hands that grabbed Alan's shoulders, turned his head and looked at the map on the long table.

Su Cheng's eyes swept rapidly on the map.

Su Cheng's sight mainly sweeps three places on the map.

They are the Feihai plain, mayin City, and the tipingning mountains on the west side of mayin city.

Su Cheng's eyes swept quickly in these three places, and his face looked thoughtful.

What is Mr. brother doing now?

——Alan and Deng Jiaer looked at Su Cheng suspiciously, and asked in their hearts almost at the same time.

Although they don't know what's wrong with Su Cheng, they have a tacit understanding that they don't disturb Su Cheng, but stay quietly and watch Su Cheng.

After looking at the map in front of Su Cheng for a while, he finally broke his silence and said:

"Alan... Do you have anything you really want recently?"

"Huh? What I want... Before I came to this hot southern front, I took a fancy to a toy. I especially want it, but it's expensive and can't afford it. I'm going to buy it when I save enough money. "

After saying this, Alan put on a half joking tone, and then said to Su Cheng:

"What? Brother, why did you suddenly ask me this question? Are you going to give me this toy? "

As soon as Alan's voice fell, Su Cheng immediately replied:

"Well! you 're right! When I get back, I'll buy you the toy you said! "


Alan blinked his eyes suspiciously.

"Why is it so nice to give me something suddenly?"

"Because you have done me a great favor." Su Cheng's face showed an excited smile, "thanks to your words just now, I woke up in time! Help me out of the blind zone of thinking! "

Say it, Su Cheng stood up with a "Hoo".

His coach suddenly stood up, and the knights who were still arguing and discussing until now immediately quieted down.

Qi Qi turns his doubts to Su Cheng.

"Coach." Willie asked Su Cheng, "what's the matter..."

Before Willie finished, Su Cheng directly interrupted:

"That's the end of the discussion! I've come up with a new plan! Start deployment and preparation tonight! "

"New, new plan?!" Willie looked at Su Cheng with a shocked face.

"Well, yes, thanks to my sister, I just conceived a new plan."

As Su Cheng spoke, he raised his hand, put it on Alan's small head and rubbed it gently.

"Lord, commander in chief!" On Willie's face... No, it should be said that everyone, including Deng Jiaer, looked at Su Cheng with expectation and excitement, "have you come up with any strange plan to capture mayin city?"


As soon as Willie's voice fell, Su Cheng replied in seconds:

"I didn't come up with any strange plan to capture the city of mayn. To be honest, there are no strange plans to capture the city of mayn in this situation."

"Huh?" Willie's tone began to appear a bit stunned, "manager, didn't you come up with any strange plans? How are you going to capture the city of mayn? "

"I don't intend to continue to attack mayin city. Naturally, I won't have any strange plans." Su Cheng said with a strange smile on his face.


Day 2.

August 2, 290 in the imperial calendar of the British Empire.

This day is the third day of Fei Hai battle.

On this day, fierce fighting was still going on on on the Feihai plain as in the previous two days.

The Feihai plain is still the same as before, but the eastern battlefield is not the same as before.

Before the sun rose today, Rochelle and Ou Ren had already put on their helmets and stood on the city wall, ready for today's new round of battle.

Like them, they are ready to meet the new round of battle, as well as all the defenders who are already ready for battle on the wall.

Before dawn, they had finished their breakfast and waited on the wall early.

They thought that shortly after the sun rose, the britannian army outside the city would rush over with a ladder as usual.

However, today is very abnormal, completely contrary to their expectations.

Long after the sun rose, they did not see the British Army coming.

If the white and thin smoke could not be seen, Rocher and Oren wondered whether the British Army outside the city had withdrawn.

Ou Ren, frowning, looked down at his pocket watch, and then said in a deep voice to Luo Xie beside him:

"General Rocher, it's already 9:30. It's been a long time. The britannian army hasn't attacked yet... It's strange... They were killed at dawn two days ago..."

"Yes... It's very strange..." Luo Xie also frowned and said in a deep voice, "but the more strange it is, the more vigilant it is! This may be a trick played by Su Cheng! Deliberately choose a different time point from before to attack us! The purpose is to make us careless! "

"Well, that's right." Ou Ren nodded, "no matter what Su Cheng outside the city has done, we just need to remain vigilant and stick to the city. As long as we stick to the city and don't be careless, Su Cheng can't play any tricks, and there's no way to capture here in a short time! We can continue to drag Su Cheng here! "

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