Published at 28th of February 2022 06:28:43 AM

Chapter 519

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"Cross... Star?" "I remember that in the history of your britannians, there was also a famous battle with the code name of the cross star."

"That's right." Bancro nodded. "Thousands of years ago, our great ancestor, 'Knight King' Arthur pandragon launched a decisive battle against the Western barbarians. The action code of this decisive battle against the Western barbarians is the North Cross."

"The reason why we named the code name of the war of annihilation against the Frankish empire as the cross star is that we hope that the war of annihilation against the Frankish empire will be as beautiful as the North Cross lightning war of the 'Knight King' thousands of years ago."

"I hope we can completely defeat the Frankish Empire and end the hundred year war by relying on the Southern Cross plan, just as the 'Knight King' completely defeated the Ximan by the Northern Cross lightning war."

After listening to bancro's words, cro Shan Yu frowned more tightly and said:

"To put it simply, your britannian Empire hopes to form an alliance with our Hungarians to jointly implement the 'Southern Cross plan' and attack the Frankish empire from the East and West, right?"

"That's right."

"... tell me the specific details of your Southern Cross plan. I'll judge whether we Hungarians want to form an alliance with your britannian Empire according to the contents of your plan. After all, I'm the leader. Such an alliance can't be decided hastily."

"And - I'm also curious about what you're going to do with the Frankish empire. The Frankish empire is a very difficult enemy. Although I'm reluctant to admit it, it's true."

"The Frankish Empire has a military power that we xiongran people who grew up on horseback have to admire. Are you confident that you can completely defeat the Frankish empire by relying on the Southern Cross plan?"

"Yes!" Replied bancro sonorously.

"Then - let me listen to your Southern Cross plan."

"That's nature." Bancro nodded and smiled, "then let me tell you the general content of our Southern Cross plan."

"As your excellency Shan Yu said just now, the Frankish Empire has a very strong military and national strength. It has the strongest cavalry in the four empires and two heavy armor forces, iron armor paladins and armor soldiers. It is also the country with the most amazing heavy armor in the four empires."

"But the Frankish Empire has a very fatal weakness."

"Fatal... Weakness?" In a roundabout way, crodan hesitated.

"Yes. The most fatal weakness of the Frankish empire was its very poor economy. In terms of economic level, the Frankish empire is the worst of our four empires. "

"The reason is that the Frankish Empire has always pursued the general strategy of militarism."

"The Frankish Empire has to spend more than half of its fiscal revenue into the army every year in order to maintain such a strong military."

"The cost of the Armored Cavalry alone is enough to support a huge regiment of hundreds of thousands of people."

"The Frankish empire is so militaristic that it has brought a very fatal weakness to itself, that is, its economy is very poor, and its citizens are basically at a level that will not starve to death, but also live in pain."

"The poor economy of the Frankish Empire means that the Frankish Empire lacks the ability to continue war and fight large-scale war. At the same time, it also means that the Frankish Empire lacks the ability to quickly make up for losses."

"It is a good proof that its armored paladins have not yet recovered to 20000."

"More than two years ago, a gifted Knight of our britannian Empire who was less than 18 years old at that time commanded a large-scale battle called the rescue war of Lund kingdom. In that battle, the gifted Knight successfully wiped out 4000 armored paladins."

"Wipe out 4000 armored paladins?!" Around the corner, crodanyu took a breath.

Circuitous crodanyu had long heard of the name of the armored Paladin, and had seen many battles with the participation of the armored Paladin.

What a strong heavy cavalry force the armored paladins are, crodanyu knows very well.

Therefore, after learning from bancro that a young man who was less than 18 years old at that time wiped out 4000 armored Paladins in World War I alone, bancro was very surprised.

"That's right." Bancro nodded, "it's the total annihilation of 4000 armored paladins. By the way, the young gifted knight has now been promoted by our emperor to be the head of the Michael order, one of the three major Knights guarding the britannian Empire, guarding the north gate of our empire. "

"More than two years have passed since our talented Knight wiped out 4000 armored paladins. The Frankish Empire has been unable to replenish its troops in time. So far, the armored paladins have not been able to recover to the original number of 20000."

"Combined with the information we have collected all the time, we can infer an information that is very important for us to formulate the war plan against the Frankish Empire - the Frankish empire with poor economic situation has a poor ability to repair the loss of troops."

"The Frankish empire's recovery efficiency is very poor, so as long as it can kill more than half of its troops, it will not recover for a long time in the future!"

"Therefore - the main purpose of our Southern Cross plan is not to occupy the territory and cities of the Frankish Empire, but to kill the troops of the Frankish empire as much as possible!"

"As long as the army of the Frankish empire is damaged by more than half, it will be easy to capture BERLU, the imperial capital of the Frankish empire. If we can't cause great damage to the army of the Frankish Empire, it's meaningless for us to capture much of the land of the Frankish empire. "

"... I see. It's not for the purpose of attacking cities and land, but for the purpose of killing the troops of the Frankish empire..." roundabout chucroshan murmured, "such a strategy is indeed very suitable for the Frankish Empire, which is the same size as himself At the same time, the ability to repair damage is very poor... But how do you Britannia Empire plan to mass kill the troops of the Frankish Empire? "

"As for how to kill the troops of the Frankish empire on a large scale, we intend to adopt a tactic that is not satisfactory after a hundred attempts, and the enemy knows that this is a trap, but has to jump in. We are convinced that after using this tactic, the main forces of the Frankish empire will be led by us. "

After that, bancro's face showed an intriguing smile.

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