Published at 28th of February 2022 06:26:12 AM

Chapter 616

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Britannia Empire, northern border, ligasos mountains (Brahma), Lago department, patriarch's room.

Char, the patriarch of the Lago department, sat expressionless on the chair placed at the northernmost end of his room.

At this time, in his room, in addition to him, there were tribal wizards and several other most respected elders in the tribe.

The wizard and the elders of these tribes sat on the left and right sides of char.

They are all waiting.

Waiting for the arrival of britannian envoys.

Twenty minutes ago, they were informed that britannian envoys were about to arrive at their tribe.

After receiving this notification, Chaer, the patriarch of the Lago department, summoned the Wizards of the tribe and the elders of these tribes to wait quietly for the envoys of the britannians.

No one spoke.

Everyone was expressionless.

Make the atmosphere in the room not heavy.

After a long time, a young soldier in charge of guarding the door of the house finally broke into the house and broke the silence.

"Patriarch!" The young soldier who broke into the house informed char, "the envoys of the britannians are waiting outside the door now!"

"Yes." As soon as the young soldier's voice fell, char nodded and said in a deep voice, "let him in."




Two minutes ago.

Outside the door of char's house, the head of the Lago tribe.

Vivian and Samuel are standing outside the house of patriarch char, waiting for the announcement that they are allowed to enter.

Looking at the wooden house in front of him, Samuel couldn't help sighing in a low voice: "Lago... The last tribe..."

"Yes." Vivian, standing in front of Samuel, also answered, "the last tribe. After solving this tribe, our lobbying task is over and we can return to Avalon fortress."

After the British Empire declared war on these mountain barbarians, three tribes did not express their position in time and did not indicate whether they planned to fight to the end or to surrender obediently.

The three tribes are ziko, MAHO and Lago.

Vivian's lobbying task this time is to send envoys to the three tribes, lobby the three tribes, persuade the three tribes and let them surrender.

Now, Qike department and Mahe department have all obediently surrendered under Vivian's lobbying.

At present, the only thing left is the Lago department where they are now.

As long as they succeed in persuading the Lago department to surrender, Vivian's lobbying task will be over and they can set off to return to the fortress to receive merit.

After Vivian's voice fell, Samuel then sighed:

"The mission lobbying was much smoother than I thought... Whether it was the Qike department or the Mahe department, their persuasion to surrender was surprisingly smooth. Basically, they successfully persuaded them to surrender as soon as they arrived at their tribe."

Speaking of this, Samuel paused.

Then, in a half joking tone, he continued to say to Vivian:

"Miss Vivian, please try to be normal in your lobbying for the Lago department. After all, we are the envoys. When we lobbied the ziko and MAHO departments before, our actions were not quite like an envoys, but more like an armed mob. "

Samuel accentuated the word "normal".

When he arrived at Ziko department and Vivian ordered the complete annihilation of the envoys of herai department, Samuel felt that their mission of lobbying began to become a little strange.

They became less like envoys, but more like a brutal armed group.

The envoys in Samuel's impression should be a symbol of moderation. If you can talk about it, you can talk about it and leave if you can't talk about it.

After participating in the mission with Vivian, Vivian successfully refreshed and subverted Samuel's understanding of the envoy group.

After arriving at the first stop, Qike department, they first started to be strong, killed all the envoys of the hostile forces, then used it to deter and force the clan head of Qike department, and then successfully "persuaded" Qike department to surrender.

After arriving at the second stop - mahogany, it was even more excessive. After seeing the clan head of mahogany, he rushed to kill the clan head of mahogany, destroy the backbone of the "main war faction" of mahogany, and then win over the leader of the "main war faction" - Wizard Farr. After working together with Farr to eliminate all the main war faction people of mahogany, he successfully "persuaded" mahogany to surrender.

When he left the mahogany department and went to the Lago department, Samuel thought: how can we be such an envoy? How will later history books and historians evaluate their mission, which is not gentle and full of violence?

When he arrived at the Lago department, Samuel kept muttering in his heart: now it's the Lago department's turn. Will miss Vivian's method of "Persuading" the Lago department to surrender be very abnormal

After hearing Samuel's half joking words just now, Vivian smiled at Samuel with a meaningful smile:

"I'll try my best. If I can, I just want to rely on my mouth and not on other ways to persuade them to surrender. "

As soon as Vivian's voice fell behind, the young soldier who had just entered the house to inform their patriarch quickly ran back:

"Envoys of the britannians! Our patriarch let you in! "

"Yes." Vivian nodded at the young soldier, "OK, it's hard for you."

After obtaining the permission to enter, Vivian led Samuel to the house of char, the patriarch of the Lago department.

After entering the house, Vivian saw several people sitting in the house.

Looking at these people in the room, Vivian whispered in her heart:

——The middle-aged man sitting in the middle should be Chaer, the patriarch of the Lago department.

Although Vivian doesn't know what char looks like, her intuition tells her that the man sitting in the middle is char.

Because of his position, his expression and his temperament, all of them are exposing his identity.

After entering the house, Vivian and Samuel immediately performed the etiquette of their britannian Empire to these people in the house.

While saluting, Vivian said hello and introduced herself to these people in the room in fluent Lake language:

"Hello, everyone of the Lago department. The next officer is Vivian O'Brien, the envoy of the British Empire. This is Samuel Brooke, the escort of the officer. "

"Yes." As soon as Vivian's words fell, the middle-aged man sitting in the middle nodded, "Hello, Ambassador, I'm char, the patriarch of the Lago department. Your excellency, you should come to my tribe this time to persuade us to surrender and let us surrender to your britannians? "

——Ah, ah... It seems that the clan leader of the Lago department is very impatient. I just finished introducing myself. I went straight to the topic before I even spoke polite words.

As soon as char's voice fell, Vivian said this with some surprise in her heart.

——But that's good.

Vivian then said in her heart.

——It's a good thing to get to the point quickly. It can save a lot of time to say polite words.

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