Published at 28th of February 2022 06:25:57 AM

Chapter 626

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Britannia Empire, northern border, ligasos mountains (Brahma).

On this day, the only two who remained on Mount BLA and planned to resist with the britannians to the end, the Helai and Koran were "lively".

Because they received the news that the britannians began to attack the mountains!

According to the report of the soldiers responsible for monitoring the movements of the britannians, the britannians sent at least 300 people up the mountain this time.

Upon learning of this news, the hellai and Koran ministries immediately began to operate.

The elite soldiers of their tribe were sent to stop the britannians who began to climb the mountain.

At this time - Helai department.

"Mocha, are you nervous?" Tru asked Moka, who was running next to him.

Moka kept up with the army while sorting out his bows, arrows, swords and other weapons.

"Not nervous." Moka smiled, "because I can finally fight the britannians, I'm not nervous, but I'm also a little excited at this time."

"Hahaha! Me too! " Tru's eyes burned with fighting spirit. "I'm excited to finally fight the britannians! We must show the people of Britannia our strength! "

At present, there are 418 soldiers in the Helai department.

Because this would be the first battle with the britannians, Nalu sent most of their helaibu soldiers - a full 250 soldiers to the front battlefield to be on the safe side.

At this time, luge stood on a high ground in the Helai department and watched 250 soldiers, including his friends, rush to the front line.

His eyes were full of sadness.

In a tone that only you can hear, he said to himself:

"How can we beat the britannians... I hope fewer people will die this time..."



Ligasos mountains (Brahma), somewhere on the south slope.

"Darlene, Darlene."

Yala whispered to Darlene walking next to her:

"We finally went to the battlefield and fought face to face with the enemy... What should we do? I'm so nervous. My hands are full of sweat now, and my heart beats so fast..."

"Me too..." dalina smiled bitterly and said to Yala with the same low voice. "I'm also nervous... I didn't expect us to go to the battlefield so soon..."

During such a March, chatting was strictly prohibited, so they only dared to lower the voice line and talk in a low voice that only they could hear.

Su Cheng transferred half of the Fourth Army of the Michael knights to form a flat barbarian army, which was responsible for calming the BLA mountain.

The 17th brigade where Da Liana is located happens to be one of the 10 brigades that were drawn to attack Bula mountain.

After arriving at the foot of the ligasos mountains, the first squadron of the 17th brigade where Da Liana is located was transferred to drive away the businessmen who set up a trade point at the foot of the ligasos mountains to do business with the mountain barbarians.

After driving away shanman, who set up a trade point and did business with shanman, they experienced a long period of idleness and training every day.

Then, last night, they suddenly received a battle request!

Tomorrow morning, the first Squadron, the second squadron and the third squadron of the 17th brigade will take the lead in climbing the mountain and launch the first wave of exploratory attacks on the mountain barbarians.

After learning that they were finally going to fight face-to-face with shanman, some people were excited and some were afraid.

But more nervous.

Darlene and her good friend Yala belong to the kind of people who feel nervous when they know that there is going to be a war.

They even lost sleep last night because they were too nervous.

After a sleepless night, at the moment when the sun just shone on the earth, the people of the first Squadron, the second squadron and the third squadron of their 17th brigade were ready to go and began to march towards the ligasos mountains.

Lindsay, the squadron leader of their first Squadron, was temporarily appointed as the commander-in-chief of the three squadrons.

On the way of leading the three squadrons to the ligasos mountains, Lindsay also cheered the soldiers of the three squadrons from time to time:

"Don't be nervous! Don't be afraid! Apply the skills you usually practice on the training ground to here! "

"The mountain barbarians are just a bunch of savages! Compared with the brave and well-equipped northerners, it's not worth mentioning! Your first battle turned out to be such a weak and deceptive savage. Your luck is really good! I fought the first battle in those years, but I was from the North! Bad luck! "

The northern kingdom is the customary name of the holy Hiram empire by the britannians.

Of course, some people like to call the holy Helan Empire snow country, but there are few such people.

Britannians like to call the holy Helan empire the north, the Frankish empire the East and the Lorraine empire the south.

Lindsay kept cheering the soldiers of the three squadrons because they were recruits who had never been on the battlefield.

It should be said that the soldiers of the 17th brigade are recruits who have not been on the battlefield and have not fought face to face with the enemy.

They were all new recruits when they launched the reconstruction plan of the Michael knights at the end of last year.

Although they had enough training time and mastered everything they should learn, they had no experience of going to the battlefield.

Many recruits are very nervous when they first go to the battlefield.

Therefore, in order to ease the tension of these recruits, Lindsay kept making a noise and cheering the soldiers of the three squadrons.

Lindsay's encouragement is still useful.

After listening to Lindsay's words, many soldiers' pale, iron blue faces also improved a little.


Yala lowered her voice again and said to dalina walking next to her:

"Why doesn't officer Lindsay explain to us? Explain why you want to kill only the people of Helai department, not the people of Koran department. "

After they received a request to play last night, they received a strange request.

That is, after starting to attack the mountain tomorrow morning, we should only kill the people of Helai department, not the people of Koran department.

In the face of the people in the Koran department, just knock them out. You can't kill them unless you have to.

After informing them of this strange request, he taught them how to distinguish them from helaibu and Koran from clothing.

When they began to march towards the ligasos mountains just now, the officers led by Lindsay also specially came to check whether each of them knew how to distinguish who was from the helaibu and who was from the Koran.

After hearing Yala's question, Darlene shrugged her shoulders: "officer Lindsay may not know why she only killed the people of Hleb."

"But we don't need to think too much. We just have to abide by the task assigned by the chief and kill only the people of Helai department."

"Yes." Yala nodded, "that's right."


Just then, a large number of arrows suddenly came from the trees on both sides of the march of their three squadrons.

The large number of arrows shrouded the three squadrons in an instant.

"Enemy attack! Meet the enemy! "

While these arrows shrouded them, Lindsay's shrill cry rang out and echoed in everyone's ears.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!