Published at 28th of February 2022 06:23:40 AM

Chapter 710

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In addition to allocating a large number of equipment to support the northern front, the northern border General Administration also used heavy money to recruit a number of doctors willing to work for the army.

It's just that there are too many injuries here in Avalon fortress every day.

Even with the help of these doctors recruited by the northern border administration, the military doctors on the side of Avalon fortress are still insufficient.

Like the wall where the battle never stopped, the battle in the wound treatment office never stopped.

In terms of intensity, it is even more intense than the battle on the city wall.

At least the battle on the city wall can rest at night, and the battle in the treatment department can't stop even when night falls.

After dinner, Darlene walked slowly towards the treatment office.

She wants to visit the female soldier saved today.

The girl soldier looked very strange at that time, so Darlene couldn't help caring about her.

The treatment place for the injured was very large. As soon as she walked in, Darlene smelled a bloody smell.

Like the city walls during the day, howls can be heard everywhere in the treatment of the wounded.

However, the howl at the treatment site was somewhat different from that on the city wall.

The howl of the treatment room was more mournful than that of the city wall.

The bloody smell of the wounded treatment place is also different from that of the city wall.

The smell here is mixed with a lot of strange smells.

So even Darlene, who is used to the howling and the smell of blood, still feels a little uncomfortable when she comes to the treatment place.

The treatment of patients is very big, there are many patients, and there are all kinds of patients.

Darlene spent a lot of time finding the female soldier.

However, this effort was not in vain. Dalina found the female soldier rescued today.

The female soldier curled up on a quilt on the ground as if she were curled up in a corner of the city wall during the day.

"Hello! Are you okay? "

The female soldier did not respond to Darlene.

——Is my voice too low?

After approaching the female soldier, Darlene found that the female soldier's body was no longer shaking, and the expression on her face was no longer so strange.

But overall, there are still some abnormalities.

Darlene asked her many times, "are you okay?"“ Remember me? ", The female soldier didn't respond to Darlene.

Just glanced at Darlene and continued to hold her knees.

His face was numb and stunned.

——What's the matter with her... She doesn't seem to be hurt

Just as Darlene was considering whether to catch a military doctor to ask what was wrong with the female soldier, a familiar voice suddenly came from her side:

"Darlene, let her go. She just collapsed because she couldn't bear the stimulation of the battlefield. No matter how excellent the military doctor can do to this collapsed soldier, whether she can recover depends on her luck."

"Squadron leader?"

The owner of this voice is Lindsay, the commander of the first squadron of the 17th brigade.

Lindsay was sitting on the ground not far away. She was covered with bandages in many places and was drinking a drink that seemed to be black tea.

Looking at her appearance, it seems that she has just been treated by a military doctor.

After listening to Lindsay's words, Darlene remembered that Lindsay had said similar words during the day.

Said that the female soldier collapsed. Whether she can recover depends on her luck.

Unable to restrain her curiosity, Darlene asked Lindsay:

"Squadron leader, what is collapse? Is it a disease? Is there nothing military doctors can do about this disease? "

After listening to Darlene's question, Lindsay sipped the black tea in the cup:

"The soldiers collapsed - this is very common in the army, mostly among recruits."

"Darlene, you haven't been in the army for a long time, so this should be the first time you've seen such a collapsed soldier, and I've been a soldier for many years. I've seen many collapsed soldiers like this."

"When many recruits first go to the battlefield, they often can't bear the stimulation and pressure on the battlefield, and then the whole person will be abnormal."

"We call this abnormal phenomenon of the whole person because he can't bear the stimulation and pressure on the battlefield, which is called collapse."

"After the collapse, the abnormal actions are also strange."

"Like this female soldier, the whole person is stupid."

"There are those who suddenly change their temperament. They were obedient and suddenly became irritable."

"I met such people when I was a recruit."

"When I was a recruit, a comrade in arms who had a good relationship with me collapsed after a battle."

"Originally, he was very obedient and honest. Like a changed person, he became quite irritable and unreasonable."

"What he said was incoherent and unintelligible. He always claimed that he was a Hiran and wanted to kill us britannians."

"No good doctor can do anything about these collapsed soldiers."

"Doctors can only treat physical injuries, and there is nothing they can do about this psychological and personality trauma."

"So whether these collapsed soldiers can return to normal depends on their luck."

"After the war, these collapsed soldiers will be treated as disabled soldiers, given generous pensions and sent back to their hometown."

"Not long after my old friend collapsed, he was given a pension and sent back to his hometown."

"The female soldier should also be sent back to her hometown as a disabled soldier after the offensive and defensive battle of the fortress."

"Whether she can recover depends on the nature and luck of the female soldier."

"My old friend is unlucky. He doesn't seem to have fully recovered. He is still crazy and can't speak a few words."

Speaking of this, Lindsay paused.

Then, in a half joking tone, he praised Darlene:

"So some people are not born to be soldiers on the battlefield."

"But some people are born to be soldiers."

"Darlene, I think you are the kind of material that is naturally suitable for being a soldier."

"After last year's saromanda battle and the three-day fierce battle now, the whole person is still like a carefree person. You should eat, drink and sleep. Moreover, I think you seem to be braver and braver when you fight. You are a natural soldier."

In the face of Lindsay's appreciation, Darlene was modest.

Then he couldn't help looking at the poor female soldier again.

"What a pity..." Darlene couldn't help saying in a pathetic tone.

Darlene wanted to help the poor soldier, but she couldn't help at all.

"Yes, it's really pathetic." Lindsay sighed. "The soldiers collapsed. There's no way."

"Although I have no education, I have realized something after being a soldier for so long."

"War is a distorted behavior, and it is inevitable that we who are specially responsible for this distorted behavior will be tortured and distorted."

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