Published at 28th of February 2022 06:21:03 AM

Chapter 816

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[day 3 of coming to the western islands]

Today is the third day to visit this western island.

We are the first people in the whole continent to come to the West. In a sense, we are now making history.

In order to commemorate this historic "journey to the west", I decided to listen to Bryce's opinions and write a diary every day from today to record everything that happened after we came to this western island.

Today, like the previous two days, we are all looking for food, fresh water and repairing the ship.

All ships, including the shiperian, have suffered large and small damage after experiencing the big storm and sailing for such a long time. Fortunately, there are many trees on the island and all the wood needed to repair the ships.

Although there is still enough fresh water on board, for the sake of insurance, we decided to look for potable fresh water while looking for food.



[day 5 of coming to the western islands]

After several days of exploration, we found that there are not only new animals such as giraffes and kangaroos, but also many plants and fruits we have never seen before.

Because we didn't know whether there was poison, we didn't touch these plants and fruits.

Today we have discovered a new animal that we have never seen before.

The animal is hung on a tree. Although it is small, it is fat, with messy and thick hair and no tail. It is light gray to light yellow. The color around its abdomen is relatively bright. Its nose is bald, large and round, its head is round, its hair on its ears is very fluffy, and its forelimbs have unusually strong claws.

Because it looks like a little bear and can't hang down from the tree, we call it "koala".



[day 9 of coming to the western islands]

It has been some time since I came to this island.

Today, we have successfully found a safe source of fresh water.

Congratulations, congratulations.

We don't need to worry about water anymore.



[day 11 of coming to the western islands]

Today is the 11th day of visiting this western island.

I didn't expect that we had come to this strange western island for so many days.

After staying on this western island for so many days, I'm used to this kind of savage life.

This western island is surprisingly large and has many novel animals and plants.

Therefore, today, blitz finally put forward a bold idea to me: will the land under our feet be not an island, but a continent?

Bryce's idea was too bold. As soon as he finished, he startled me.

I subconsciously wanted to refute him, but after thinking for a while, I found that I had no argument to refute him.

Who said there was only one continent in the world? Why can't there be a new continent on the other side of the sea?



[day 12 of coming to the western islands]

In order to verify whether this land is a continent, we set sail today and decided to sail around the coastline of this land.

We will go all the way north to find the end of the coastline of this land.



[day 15 of coming to the western islands]

It has been three days since we set sail and sailed along the coastline of this land.

In these three days, we have been sailing North day and night.

But no matter how we sail, the northern coastline of this land will not reach the end.

If this is an island, will it be a little bigger?

Such a large island can no longer be called an island.

At this moment, we finally realized that we did not come to an island! But a continent! A new continent!



[day 16 of the new world]

Today, I took my diary from [to the second day of the Western Island] ⚪ The first day in the new world ⚪ Days].

I've had a bad headache since yesterday.

I found a lot of amazing things, so that my brain has not slowed down until now.

We found a shoal and landed in the new world again.

After landing in the new world, blitz put forward a bold idea to me: will there be people living in the new world?

Blaise's idea is not completely impossible.

Our "old continent" can be inhabited by human beings and has developed such a high degree of civilization. Why can't there be human habitation in this "new continent"?

My hair bristled at the thought that there might be human habitation on this new continent.



[day 17 of the new world]

We decided to continue our exploration of the new world.

This expedition is no longer to find food and fresh water, but to find people!

I want to see if there are human beings living in this new continent!

I finally came to the new world. If I can't make a good investigation, I will regret it all my life.

We brought our equipment and went deep into the new world again.

After embarking on the "Aboriginal Exploration Tour", my heart has been very uneasy. I have some expectations and some fears to meet the aborigines of this new world.

Are there any humans on this new continent?

This is a "new continent" very different from our "old continent". If there are humans on this new continent, will the humans on this new continent be very different from us living in the old continent?

Will the people here look different from us

Will the level of human civilization in this new continent be different from ours?

Is their civilization more advanced or backward than ours?

Will humans in this new world welcome us?

There are so many questions in my mind.



[day 19 of the new world]

Still nothing today.

There is still no trace of humans.

If there are people living in this new continent, I hope their civilization is much lower than ours.

It's better to be in the era of tribal system, just like the mountain barbarians in the ligasos mountains who have been destroyed by leader Cheng.

After all, only if their civilization is low enough, we will not be afraid to contact them.



[21st day in the new world]

I made a great discovery today!

We are still exploring along the river as we did a few days ago.

We still know that human settlements are generally built on rivers.

Today, while exploring along the river, we found a human footprint!

As like as two peas of our old world.

The footprint is small and looks like a girl's foot.

At the same time - this footprint is also a little old. It seems that the owner of this footprint has left here for many days.

Today's discovery is a breakthrough!

We finally found the trace of human beings! There are really human beings living in this new world!

Everyone, including me, was very excited and decided to make persistent efforts.

I will never go back to the old world until I find the aborigines of the new world!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!