Published at 28th of February 2022 06:17:43 AM

Chapter 946

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The reinforcements of the holy Helan Empire have been defeated by Dengar, and the disabled soldiers led by the civilian men of the logistics force have fled all the way East.

After learning that Nikita's troops had been defeated and that Nikita himself was missing, the 20000 reinforcements who were about to arrive at the western front also quickly stopped moving westward. In order to preserve the only living force now, they fled all the way East, let alone rescue the West. Now they don't even dare to look back to the West.

Losing all the obstacles, the East Road army galloped all the way and entered the whole institute without success.

After learning that their reinforcements had been defeated by the British army, the city leaders along the way became more and more afraid and fell one after another.

The East Route Army approached Ariel, the companion capital of the Holy Hiran Empire, with great speed.

In the twinkling of an eye, the new vanguard force led by Raymond was only 30 miles away from Ariel



The East Route Army marched all the way, burned, killed and looted all the way, turning countless farmers into refugees.

Driven by the desire for survival, many refugees fled frantically to the East, and most of them flocked to the richest and safest place in their mind - Ariel.

However, they don't know - Ariel is not a safe place now.

We can't ignore these refugees who have fled here. Therefore, all refugees who have fled here have been released into the city by the city Lord of Ariel.

These refugees who escaped to Ariel and survived by chance tried their best to exaggerate the ruthlessness of the British army.

The size of the British army has also become more and more exaggerated in the rendering of the refugees.

The total strength of the East Route Army is only more than 80000, but it has been blown into hundreds of thousands by refugees.

The exaggeration of these refugees filled the city with panic.

In order to prevent riots in the city, the mayor of Ariel sent a large number of people to appease the people and tell them that Ariel is safe and that the British army can't capture here.

These words can only deceive the ignorant people.

The officials and nobles of Ariel know that Ariel is very dangerous now.

Ariel is located in the hinterland of the Holy Hiran empire. Since the founding of the Holy Hiran Empire, Ariel has never been threatened by any foreign enemy.

In Ariel, which has been in peace for a long time, its military equipment is relaxed. There are only 2000 defenders in the city, and they are all crooked melons and cracked dates. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is impossible to be the opponent of the knights, the regular army of the British Empire.

How can such a poor lineup beat the "hundreds of thousands" of the British army?

If a lie is told and spread over and over again, it can also become true. Now many officials and nobles in Ariel believe that there are hundreds of thousands of britannian troops attacking.

As the British Army approached Ariel, all the officials and nobles in Ariel were divided into two parts.

Some people advocate sticking to Ariel.

While others advocated carrying all the valuables of Ariel and evacuating Ariel.

Those who advocate sticking to Ariel are mainly aristocrats.

Ariel is the companion capital of the holy Hiram Empire, and there are naturally many nobles in the city.

There are 15 nobles living in Ariel - 1 Duke, 1 Marquis, 3 earls, 5 viscount and 5 marquis.

Among them, Archduke chishuvar, the only Duke in Ariel, shouted the most fiercely and ordered the city master of Ariel to guard Ariel and never let the British army get Ariel.

Those who advocate carrying all the valuables of Ariel and then retreating are mainly a group of officials headed by the city Lord of Ariel.

These two groups of people have been arguing over whether to fight or withdraw these days.

Even though the vanguard of the British army was only 30 miles away from Ariel, they were still arguing endlessly there.



Holy Hiran Empire, Ariel.

"Ariel is the accompanying capital of our country! It's the heart of Western China. How can you give it to the britannians! "

A count angrily reprimanded the mayor of Ariel.

The mayor of Ariel was Gennady, a middle-aged man who was already over 40.

It is needless to say that the personal ability of the city master who can be appointed as the accompanying capital is of course very excellent.

Therefore, he is also the one who sees the current situation best.

When he learned that the reinforcements sent by the central government had been defeated by the British army, Gennady knew that Ariel could not hold it.

Therefore, after learning that his reinforcements were defeated, Gennady strongly advocated retreat.

However, it was strongly opposed and obstructed by the nobles in Ariel.

According to Gennady's plan, he wanted to carry all the valuables of Ariel, evacuate and destroy all the things that might be owned by the enemy, and then let the residents in the city evacuate in batches. As many people as he could escape.

However, thanks to the blessing of these nobles, the evacuation plan could not be implemented.

The nobles not only did not allow the officials and soldiers in the city to evacuate with valuables, but also did not allow the civilians in the city to evacuate.

To this day, the nobles in the city still do not let go, and insist on sticking to Ariel and never letting britannians get Ariel.

Gennady sat behind the long table without expression, listening to the reprimands of the gorgeous nobles in front of the table.

The man standing at the forefront of the nobility is a middle-aged man who is as fat as a ball.

Looking at the fat man's huge belly, Gennady was worried about whether his clothes would be broken by his big belly.

This fat man is the only Duke in Ariel, and also a great nobleman in the whole Empire who can't be compared with few nobles in terms of dignity - Duke zixiuval.

Prince chishuvar was the loudest of all the nobles.


The grand public of chishuvar shouted at Gennady in a strong and rude tone:

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if you gave up Ariel?"

"Ariel is the companion capital of our country! If we abandon our defense if we don't release an arrow, our Congress will become the laughing stock of all countries! "

"I will never allow you to do such things that will disgrace the dignity of our country!"

Archduke chishuvar reprimanded Gennady in such a high voice.

As soon as his voice fell, the rest of the nobles standing behind him echoed the words just made by Archduke chishuvar.

Gennady was still expressionless.

However, after listening to the words just made by Archduke chishuvar, he sneered with small imperceptible movements.

The heart whispered:

——Afraid of humiliating the dignity of our country?

——You fat pig is just afraid that your family's property will be damaged!

——You moths who will only drag the country back!

After secretly saying these words in his heart, Gennady quietly clenched his hands, which naturally rested on his knees.

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