Published at 24th of March 2020 02:57:17 PM

Chapter 39

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Within a fence marked No. 16, two thin boys were crouching in the corner. Surprisingly, they didn’t have expecting eyes like other children. Instead, they looked too stubborn to associate themselves with undesirable things.

“Owner,” called Ye Qingyi. Deeply attracted by these two boys, she summoned the market owner.

“Sir, what do you want?” The owner trotted to Ye Qingyi, bowed and asked again like a lackey, “How can I help you?”

“The boys, who are they? And what happened to them?” asked Ye Qingyi, pointing at these two boys.

The owner looked in where she pointed and was shocked to see the boys! “Why does this young man want these two?” he thought to himself, “They’re noted for their stubbornness.”

However hard he tried to train them, they insisted on being indifferent. They never seemed to be good servants. He wondered why this young man picked them.

“Uh, would you like to see some other slaves?” he then suggested, “These two boys are known to be stubborn. I’m afraid they might hurt you, instead of serving you.”

“It’s okay. Bring them to me,” ordered Ye Qingyi.

Serve her? She wanted someone who could do more than serving people. They didn’t know how to serve guys. That was okay, as long as they had skills she hoped for.

“Go! You’re wanted. Go there! Hurry!” the owner yelled and pushed the boys rudely to Ye Qingyi.

“Sir, here they are!”

Ye Qingyi looked carefully at the boys. Without doubt, they were undernourished whose faces were smudged with dirt. Compared to other children of their age, they were far shorter and thinner.

Even though, their unyielding eyes were too strong be to ignored. They looked up at Ye Qingyi, while the venom in their eyes shocked her.

“Can you be trying to kill me?” asked Ye Qingyi, “Let alone the rest. Just tell me. Do you think you can defeat me even if you join hands?”

As she spoke, she put her hands on their shoulders. As she slightly pressed, the boys frowned. They tried to get rid of her, but always failed, however hard they tried.

“Well, you know what?” said Ye Qingyi, “I can’t offer you wealth or fame. If you want an easy life, sorry, but there isn’t. If you would like to fight for your own future... Okay. You’ll have whatever I can provide.”

She took her hands off their shoulders, took out the fan from her belt and opened it, still staring at them.

The boys, looking into her eyes, somehow had a feeling. “Go with him,” they thought in their mind, “Go and we’ll have a different future.”

Of course, they heard what Ye Qingyi said. She wouldn’t give them wealth or fame, and they had to fight for anything they wanted.

That was exactly what they expected, wasn’t it? They didn’t want to depend on anything else for a living or live as slaves. They had burning ambitions to be fulfilled. In the slave market, however, how could they ever do that?

This “man” looked young, but his words shocked them.

“If we follow him, will we fulfil our ambitions?” they thought.

“Can we... can we really fight for what we want?” asked the taller of the boys, hesitating for the moment. His voice trembled, on the verge of full expectations in his eyes.

“Sure,” replied Ye Qingyi, “I never raise idlers. I don’t have enough money or time to raise useless guys. If you’re the men I think you are, you can leave with me.”

Staring at them, Ye Qingyi knew fairly well what would happen. They were exactly those she had been looking for, who didn’t yield to wealthy or influential guys. Once they made up their mind to do something, they would make it, whatever happened.

“Master!” said the boys, kneeling to her on one knee. Ye Qingyi smiled. They agreed to be her followers, just as she expected. “Great!” she thought, “Now I have another two capable followers.”

“My subordinates shall kneel to nobody, except the heaven or their parents.” said Ye Qingyi, feeling deeply ashamed. Why did they kneel so quickly? Didn’t they know men shouldn’t always kneel?

“Aye, Master!” replied the boys. What Ye Qingyi said made them more firmly believe that they had made a right choice. This young “man” must be a big shot.

“Master, uh...” the taller of the boys yelled gently, hesitating if he should ask.

“Feel free to say it,” said Ye Qingyi.

“There are another three of us,” he explained, “Could you also buy them?”

Ye Qingyi was shocked to hear that. “Another three?” she wondered, “Well, let’s go and see who they are.”

“Take me to them,” ordered she.

The boys took Ye Qingyi to another fence marked No. 19. As soon as they arrived, three young men rushed to the door and asked, “Luo Qi, Luo Cheng, you...”

“Brothers, this is our new master.” explained the taller boy, Luo Qi, “I wonder if you’d like to work for him, too.”

Luo Qi looked at the three young men in the fence who had dirty faces that hadn’t been washed for days. Their eyes, on the contrary, sparkled. Seemed like they were born to be refractory.

Ye Qingyi stood and stared.

Compared to the boys she had just picked, these three men seemed to be a little more mature. There was something in their eyes, she didn’t understand, though.

“Luo Qi, Luo Cheng, have you made up your mind?” asked one of the young men, Gu Cai.

“Brothers, come with us. He’s a good master we can work for,” said Luo Qi, the resoluteness in his eyes was clear.

Ye Qingyi stared at them, too. She realized that they were useful guys. It would surely, however, took far more time to train them, considering their age.

“Since you’ve made up your mind, we’ll leave with you,” replied Gu Cai.

Luo Qi and Luo Cheng were glad to hear the answer. In this way, they could stay together again!

“Owner, get them out. I want them all,” ordered Ye Qingyi.

The owner was confused. “Why does this young man only pick stubborn boys?” he thought with a puzzled look, “Well, I can never understand such rich guys!” In a low whisper, he opened the door and brought out the three young men.

“Well, you know, sir...” As he murmured, he gesticulated.

Ye Qingyi understood what he meant and signaled at Yueshuang. The latter took out a small ingot of silver and gave it to the owner. That made him goggle-eyed! What a generous man!

“Thank you, sir. Thank you,” he said, “You’re always welcome!”

Followed by her new subordinates, Ye Qingyi went back to the new house they bought yesterday when Yueshuang led the way.

“Yueshuang, go boil some water,” ordered Ye Qingyi, “Wumiao, measure the boys and buy them some new suits.”

“Aye, My Lady.”


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