Moonlight Ball - Chapter 176

Published at 26th of June 2024 06:43:51 AM

Chapter 176

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Iris heard the grandmother-turned-Margaret cursing in a hoarse voice. As she listened, she widened her eyes. She knew she was in a lucid dream, a lucid nightmare, and she had to win this.

“It’s okay, you can endure this. You can endure it.”

She gritted her teeth and smiled at the infant lying in a cradle. The child’s complexion was deathly pale. Her tears fell on the baby’s cheek, and it seemed as if the child had died because of her tears. She quickly wiped the baby’s cheek.

She used all the magic she had. She summoned all the spells and squeezed out all her magical power. She had dedicated her life to the study of magic, had been called a prodigy all her life, and had been said to possess the greatest magical power of all time. But it seemed insufficient to save her own child. No matter how hard she tried, the child’s face remained blue.

Iris exhausted all her efforts. Her magical power was depleted, and she couldn’t even think anymore. Then, she became an ordinary mother. She held her child’s hand and began to pray, as it seemed to be the only option left. “Please help. Please, if there’s a price to pay, let me pay it. My child hasn’t committed any sins. It was me who cast the curse. Please, please save my child…”

Her sobs boiled in her chest. It felt as if she were shedding tears of blood. How could she do anything when there was nothing she could do? She just watched and prayed; that was all she could do. When Iris held her child’s hand and trembled, the moment arrived.

The child’s hand began to warm up slightly. She lifted her head in surprise.

The child’s complexion was returning. Iris stared at the face in front of her, her eyes filling with tears.

“You did well.”

Iris kissed the baby’s forehead.

“You’re strong, my child.”

She kissed the baby’s forehead repeatedly and held her in her arms. The child had survived. Iris had somehow managed to save her child with her own magical power. She had been terrified that the shock might harm the child, but now the child had returned to her embrace.

“Thank you, thank you so much.”

She expressed her gratitude to someone, but she didn’t even know who it was. Ruthna? Luck? Or perhaps the child who had endured it all?

“You’re welcome.”

She muttered unconsciously. Iris suddenly opened her eyes. In front of her, a man was sitting, grinning.

She tried to stand up but staggered, hit by a throbbing headache. She felt dizzy and nauseous. She looked at the man.

She knew who this man was. Kurtlan En Samein. The man who was Rosemary’s biological father. The man she had met in the courtroom, the one who had casually agreed to her becoming his true daughter and declaring the marriage null and void.

Iris, with her guard up, scrutinized the man’s face. She was mildly surprised to find that his face, unlike Rosemary’s, was not that similar. Well, to be precise, they did resemble each other quite a bit. Lord Samein was quite handsome, though Rosemary was undoubtedly more beautiful. Still, it was evident that Rosemary’s beauty had been inherited from him to some extent. However, they had completely different impressions.

According to Iris’s Elaine’s Impression Classification, Rosemary had a “perfect face sculpted by life,” while Lord Samein had a “face sculpted by others’ lives.” Elaine had warned her not to go near a face like Lord Samein’s, comparing it to a deadly mushroom. She had never had the chance to examine that face closely in the courtroom, but now she could see it clearly. But why was she alone with him, in her bedroom?

Wait a moment. Where exactly was this room?

“Where is this?”

It wasn’t as opulent as the Queen’s bedroom, but it was certainly a luxurious room. Iris fidgeted, and Lord Samein gave her a soft smile.

“It’s your bedroom, Iris.”

“This is not my bedroom.”

Iris’s eyes flickered with a blue flame. However, Lord Samain remained composed.

“Yes, it is. You’ve been using this room since you were born.”

Iris felt like she should know where this room was. This was Rosemary’s bedroom. Iris bit her lip. She couldn’t breathe properly; it felt like she was going to scream. She wanted to faint. But she managed to hold herself together. She looked down at her hands and heard a clinking sound. Both of her wrists were bound with magical restraints. Mana restraints. Iris struggled to catch her breath; it felt scary, unpleasant, and she wanted to faint. But she barely managed to keep herself conscious. She had one more question to ask.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“Because you’re my daughter.”

Lord Samein  replied casually.

“The trial isn’t over yet.”

“What does that matter?”

Ah, of course. To this man, trials didn’t matter at all. That meant…

“Did you kidnap me?”

“I brought you back.”

Iris finally gave in. She had reached her limit. She collapsed without a scream. Iris, who had reached her limit, simply fainted. Lord Samein lit a pipe and started smoking contentedly as he looked at Iris, who had fallen onto the pillow. Whether a pregnant woman was in front of him or not didn’t matter; she was going to be taken care of. He couldn’t afford to lose her twice.


He chuckled with pleasure as he smoked his pipe, looking at Railan, who had taken a long time to return. Railan had some magical power as well, he had mentioned. Ah, truly my Ralan.

This time, we should be good friends. And make sure he never has any more children.

Lord Samein laughed heartily.

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