Published at 6th of May 2024 05:26:51 AM

Chapter 138: Chapter 138: Chapter 138: You Can Only Choose One to Take Away

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Chapter 138: Chapter 138: You Can Only Choose One to Take Away


Translator: 549690339

Elsewhere, after Lu Lingche was hung up on, he called back.

But the other partys phone was switched off.

Lu Yanxis eyes were already swollen from crying: Second Sister-in-law didnt come to work. I knew something must have happened to her! I told you but you didnt believe me, do you believe me now? You need to go save her!

Lu Lingche really didnt expect that Qiao Yin would be kidnapped, she didnt go to work, he thought she overslept, or was too lazy for work.

But Lu Yanxi insisted that something had definitely happened to her and asked him to contact the police.

Ironically, on Lan Yuyis side, no one even noticed she was missing. Had it not been for the kidnappers call, he wouldnt even have known Lan Yuyi was also kidnapped.

Yuanshan, arrange for the money, we need one billion in cash.

Lu Lingche directed his assistant and then made a few more calls, looking for people to help him track the kidnappers location.

Second Brother, arent you going to call the police?

We cant call the police just yet. The police making a move would cause too much commotion and they might get alerted.

Why are you only concerned about Lan Yuyi, disregarding Second Sister-in-law? Second Brother, youre not planning to abandon Second Sister-in-law, are you?

Lu Lingche was already in a bad mood, hearing her constant chatter he sternly asked: Where did you get the absurd idea that I wouldnt save her? Am I not trying to save them right now?

Normally, Lu Yanxi would back down in fear of him, but now that Qiao Yins life was at stake, she refused to back down: Then why didnt you tell the kidnapper not to harm Second Sister-in-law! You only said not to harm Lan Yuyi. I can tell who you favor more, wouldnt the kidnapper notice too? What if the kidnapper thinks you dont care about Second Sister-in-law and harm her instead!

Did the kidnapper give me time to speak?

Lu Lingche responded coldly: My plan was to get the kidnapper to talk for as long as possible so we would have more time to locate him, but he hung up. Didnt you hear that?

Only after hearing him say this did Lu Yanxi stop arguing with him.

Time steadily ticked away, and by the time the sky had darkened completely, the ransom was finally ready.

At half-past seven, the kidnapper called again: President Lu, bring the money and come alone to save them. If you try anything, we recover the ticket!

Lu Lingche agreed.

He drove following the kidnappers instructions, circling the entire city before eventually being led to an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

Inside a factory building, he found Qiao Yin and Lan Yuyi bound up.

The moment Lan Yuyi saw him, she began crying loudly: Lingche, save me! I cant stand it anymore, my stomach hurts. Im so scared! Lingche!

Her voice hoarse; her expression frightened to the extreme, she was trembling all over.

Meanwhile, Qiao Yin by her side, even though pale, seemed to be holding a lot better.

She didnt cry nor made a fuss and didnt even speak; she just gave him a calm look.

Lu Lingche took three large suitcases from the car and placed them at his feet: I have brought the ransom. Let them go.

The older kidnapper signaled the younger one to go and check.

The man assented after checking: The money is real, and the amount should be sufficient.

The kidnapper was very satisfied. He said to Lu Lingche: Youre sensible, bringing all real money. These two women, choose one to take with you.

Lu Lingche coldly replied: You should give both of them to me.

I only demanded one billion ransom, which is the price for one person. President Lu is being delusional if he thinks he can take both with just that.

I can give you another billion, just let both of them go.

Well, wait for you to bring another billion, then we can talk!

You didnt ask for two billion earlier. You only asked for one billion. I can only manage to collect this much cash in such a short time, even the banks reserve cash isnt unlimited!

The kidnapper put his knife against Lan Yuyis neck, who he thought was of higher value: I need to keep one hostage as assurance, or else right after I give you the hostages, youll have the police arrest me.. Stop the nonsense, and choose one to take with you!

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