Published at 6th of May 2024 05:26:50 AM

Chapter 140: Chapter 140: Chapter 140: Do You Have Any Last Words?

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Chapter 140: Chapter 140: Do You Have Any Last Words?


Translator: 549690339

When Qiao Yin woke up again, she heard two kidnappers arguing.

I said we shouldve killed her! You insisted on keeping her, and look what happened we ended up getting one less bag of money because we were too busy dealing with her!

We have over sixty million in two bags thats plenty! Why do you always think about killing! This woman is innocent!

There is no such thing as an innocent rich person! They all deserve to die! Theyre so wealthy and yet they refuse to help us poor folks! Ive worked my ass off at the construction site for so long and I barely earn twenty thousand, barely enough to cover medical expenses! Boss Huang still owes me ten thousand in wages. Theyre not human!

Youve already killed Boss Huang who owed you the wages. Thats enough! No more killing!

If were killing, we might as well take out that guy with surname Lu! Boss Huang is just a cog in their corporation. None of them are good people! I dont have much time left anyway, might as well take some of these rich people down with me. I wont lose out in life that way.

At this point, Qiao Yins heart had sunk to the pit of her stomach.

The kidnapper had actually killed before!

To say she wasnt scared, would be a lie.

Against such a desperate and wicked person, no amount of forced composure would help.

Seeing her awake, the kidnapper walked towards her, knife in hand.

Qiao Yin couldnt help but shrink back.

You heard, didnt you? Ive already taken a life. One more wouldnt make a difference! But dont worry, youre more genuine than that Miss Lan, so Ill do you a favor and end it quickly. One swift cut, alright?

Not alright!

In her mind, Qiao Yin roared in anger, but when she spoke, her voice trembled, Werent you planning to ransom me for money? If you kill me, you wont get any.

Screw it, your man didnt play by the rules. He didnt come alone to deliver the ransom. He brought a crowd with him. Lucky I was prepared, or else Id be done for! Just shows, you wealthy folks are never straight!

Qiao Yin hurriedly said, I can give you money too! If you dont trust him, you can trust me. I play by the rules!

Stop struggling, I cant keep carrying you around anymore, youre too conspicuous, too easy to be discovered. This here is a graveyard. If you die here, I could just bury you and no one would find you anytime soon.

Only then did Qiao Yin realize, they were surrounded by gravestones. She had been too stressed and scared upon awakening to even notice she was in a cemetery.

She glanced around, quickly sifting through her options, thinking about how she could possibly escape.

Give it up, there is no escape for you.

The kidnapper casually swung the knife in his hand, a hint of regret in his voice: I wished I couldve killed that Lu. Hes the richest one. I hate his kind the most in this life.

But if I kill you, and leave that evil woman to him, when he eventually discovers her true face, he will be filled with regret that he chose the wrong person, and live his life in remorse. I think, this is the best punishment for these rich people!

He laughed manically: Hahaha, all rich people should die. But death is too easy for them, they should be tormented like this!

Qiao Yin could not have imagined, that the kidnappers mind would work like that.

But she has to admit, from his perspective, this is indeed an effective way of retaliating.

Though it hinged on her not becoming the sacrificial pawn of that retaliation.

The kidnapper raised the sharp knife in his hand, about to bring it down on Qiao Yins neck,

Jolted awake, she screamed, Wait!

The kidnapper stopped, Any last words?

Qiao Yin closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face, Not last words, Im justafraid I have to break a vow.

What you mean?

Qiao Yin did not explain her vow to him, she opened her eyes, looking at the young, sixteen or seventeen-year-old kidnapper, I can make an exception, save your sons life..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!