Published at 22nd of May 2024 05:41:37 AM

Chapter 40

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Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Du Qingyu’s expression changed when she heard this. She stood up excitedly. “Qilan, you can’t. She doesn’t have any work experience. How can she be qualified to be a secretary? Besides, her appearance will damage the company’s image…”

Su Hongxing originally wanted to refuse, but Du Qingyu’s words made her change her mind.

After thinking for a moment, she asked, “Is it better to be your secretary than in the planning department?”

A hint of a smile flashed across Ye Qilan’s eyes. “Of course, if you become my secretary, your salary will be twice as much as before.”

“No one will go against money, right?” Su Hongxing’s expression changed. “Thank you for giving me this chance, President Ye. I’ll work hard.”

Ye Qilan was satisfied with Su Hongxing’s answer. He looked at Du Qingyu, who was standing in front of the sofa. “Since you sprained your ankle, go to the hospital for a checkup. I’ll give you a day off today.”

Du Qingyu did not expect such an outcome.

She clearly wanted Su Hongxing to see with her own eyes how gentle Ye Qilan was to her. Unexpectedly, she sent Su Hongxing to Ye Qilan instead.

She walked to the office door and turned around. Ye Qilan’s focused look on Su Hongxing was imprinted in her eyes. Her heart tightened. She turned back to Ye Qilan and said, “Qilan, I want to be transferred to the secretariat too. Is that okay?”

Ye Qilan and Su Hongxing looked at Du Qingyu at the same time.

Su Hongxing reacted. “How about this? I’ll give my position as secretary to Manager Du.”

“You have to protect your own things well. Why should you give them up?” Ye Qilan disagreed. He turned to Du Qingyu and said, “You’re the one who said you wanted to be the Planning Department’s manager. You just took office today and now you wanted to be transferred to the Secretariat. Manager Du, work is not child’s play. If you don’t want to do it, you can quit and return to the capital to be the pampered Mrs. Ye!”

Du Qingyu was speechless. She had suffered a double loss today, but Su Hongxing had the upper hand.

In fact, Su Hongxing had regretted it ever since she became Ye Qilan’s so-called secretary.

Ye Qilan was like a robot when it came to working. He did not care about favors at all. She was scolded several times because she was not familiar with the business, even though he was very reserved.

Many people in the secretariat mocked her behind her back.

The first was to laugh at her figure. The second was to laugh at her face. The third was to laugh at her attire. The fourth, of course, was to laugh at her work ability.

On the first day she became the secretary, her name spread far and wide. The entire company knew that a woman named Su Hongxing had been hired by Ye Qilan, but she couldn’t do anything well and even made a fool of herself.

Others were idiotic beauties, but she was an ugly idiot.

When it was time to get off work, Ye Qilan still did not allow her to get off work. There was a dinner party, and as his secretary, she had to accompany him.

“Why don’t you find another secretary?” Su Hongxing was genuinely concerned about Ye Qilan.

Her appearance was indeed not presentable. Wasn’t Ye Qilan afraid that the client would be disgusted if he brought a secretary like her out?

“This is work!” Ye Qilan’s words cut off Su Hongxing’s escape route.

In the end, Su Hongxing accompanied Ye Qilan to the Red House. When they reached a private room called Hongxing, she fixed her gaze on it.

At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar man’s voice sounded from behind. “Fourth Son, what kind of strange gaze is this? Don’t you have any other beautiful secretaries in your company?”

Su Hongxing heard the voice and turned around stiffly.

Wasn’t this devilishly handsome man in front of her the male lead of her erotic dream?


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