Published at 22nd of May 2024 05:42:59 AM

Chapter 7

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Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Su Hongxing caught a flash of disdain in Xiao Le’s eyes. She didn’t say anything and asked calmly, “Can I choose any room?”

“Isn’t Madam staying in the master bedroom?” Xiao Le asked. However, she was thinking that if she were Mr. Ye, he would not be able to do anything to such an ugly and fat woman.

With Su Hongxing’s broad body, any man would lose their appetite just by looking at her. Not to mention that Mr. Ye was so outstanding.

Su Hongxing carried her luggage upstairs and accurately found the master bedroom. She stood in front of the master bedroom and fixed her gaze.

There was no furniture in the master bedroom. There was only a large bed in the middle. The room was white. Even the curtains that fluttered in the wind were white. Even the floor was white.

She had never seen anyone mess up a bedroom like this. This made her a little curious about Ye Qilan.

She walked into the master bedroom. There was another cubicle. It was a changing room.

The closet was also white. She opened the closet and scanned it. She realized that Ye Qilan’s clothes were either white or black. His shirt, in particular, seemed to be white.

It had to be said that Ye Qilan was an eccentric man.

Xiao Le thought that Su Hongxing would stay in the master bedroom. Just as she was thinking about how to chase Su Hongxing away, Su Hongxing consciously left the master bedroom and found another bedroom.

“Go ahead. I want to be alone.” Su Hongxing ordered her to leave.

She could see the disdain and disdain in Xiao Le’s eyes. It was just that she was lazy and did not want to easily become enemies with others.

After Xiao Le went downstairs, Su Hongxing went online to search for the name “Ye Qilan”. She wanted to find out more about Ye Qilan.

She could tell that this man was either rich or noble, but she had never heard anyone mention this person.

The results of the search were not ideal.

Ye Qilan’s name could indeed be found online, but there was no detailed explanation of his family background and resume.

There were two possibilities for such an outcome. Firstly, Ye Qilan was just a nobody. Secondly, Ye Qilan was a big shot who kept a low profile.

Although she hoped it was the former, she knew that it was unlikely.

Xiao Le did not treat Su Hongxing as her mistress and did not make lunch.

Fortunately, Su Hongxing was used to cooking by herself. She made herself a bowl of noodles and solved the problem of food and clothing. When she left the kitchen, she saw Xiao Le snooping around.

Pretending not to see Xiao Le, she left the living room and went to the lounge chair by the swimming pool. She sat down and went online to post her work resume.

Just as she was busy, Mrs. Xiao called.

“Child, why did you suddenly move out?”

Hearing Mrs. Xiao’s concerned voice, Su Hongxing’s eyes turned warm. “I rented a house with my classmates. I wanted to say it a long time ago, but I was afraid that Mrs. Xiao would stop me, so I decided to act first and tell you later. Mrs. Xiao, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be silly. I just can’t bear for you to leave. I’m afraid you’ll suffer outside. It’s not impossible to move out, but you have to come back every weekend to see your Mother Xiao, okay?”

In Mrs. Xiao’s heart, Hongxing was no different from her daughter. This was also the child she had watched grow up.

“Alright, I’ll be back in two days to eat Mrs. Xiao’s Dongpo meat. It’s delicious,” Su Hongxing replied with a smile.

“You can eat as much as you want. You must come back.” Mrs. Xiao reminded her worriedly before hanging up.

Su Hongxing heaved a sigh of relief. Even though she had lost Xiao Ji, she still had Mrs. Xiao, who loved and doted on her.

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