My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1000

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:45:47 AM

Chapter 1000: 1000

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Behind it.

The senior leaders of the federations lowered their usual arrogant heads to show respect, even if there were tens of millions of troops and hundreds of millions of people behind them.

Nor can it provide a sense of security.

Within minutes.

People are all enemies.

At this.

There are similar words. The big guys bowed their heads, and all the welcoming teams all bend down, which made Gemi on the side feel excited.




It is absolute strength.

"Okay, just expose it." Lin Shan smiled.

"Thank you."

Everyone was relieved.



The president gave way to a position, Lin Shan was not polite, and walked in front, the president quickly followed, located on the left, as for Gemi, it was behind the right.


The court remembered bursts of courtesy and music.


Lin Shan nodded, music knows no borders, and no civilization. It is certainly not bad to be a civilized ritual music, magnificent and majestic.

very good!

. . .


The sound will inevitably be heard by the people nearby, and some people even use telescope equipment to see small figures, and everyone can't help but become curious.

"What's wrong? Today is not a holiday, right?"

"so many people."

"I can't see clearly who should be welcomed. It's just weird. The status of the Federation is already the highest. There is no one worthy of them."

"I don't understand."

"The media hasn't reported anything, ask the official."


To this.

The official did not reply, and everyone died down and continued to do their own things. They should eat and drink. No one thought of aliens coming.

. . .

Federation headquarters.

Lin Shan followed everywhere to visit.


The chairman knocked on the side and mentioned the cooperation he mentioned last time. Lin Shan did not hide this. "The beast stars are connected to many civilizations, and each is different."




"Weak and small."


"The cooperation I'm talking about can be regarded as a kind of alliance. When necessary, military mutual assistance is required to better survive on the beast star and meet possible dangers."

"You, although your strength is a little weaker, but at least it's medium, you can make up the number." In the words, Lin Shan couldn't help but pretend to be a little more.

in fact.

Not too much. After all, the technology of Wandering Planet is quite powerful, but on Beast Star, the combat effectiveness is still a little weak, and there are only two in the first echelon.

Lingyuan civilization.

Earth civilization.


Currently only belongs to the second echelon.

Finished listening.

The tops of the Federation twitched their lips, which was a bit depressing. Weak, good or bad, medium, make up. . . A few words sound too awkward.


Can't refute it.


If someone said that, they would definitely send a look of contempt, but after seeing Lin Shan's strength, they found that their side was indeed quite weak.

He can't even beat him alone.

Confidence collapsed.


The information in the words made their hearts hot, and military mutual assistance was what they hoped for when they understood that they were not strong.

Having a strong backing is better than going alone.

this time.

The one who came here was a gentle person, and I didn't know how to come here next time with a cruel heart, who didn't play alliances and directly enslaved him. That would be the most terrifying.

. . .


Regarding the details of the alliance, they had understood it clearly, had no objection, and accepted it in its entirety. There was also a clause in the covenant that Gemi's position could not be moved.

To this.

No one dares to say no.

after all.

This request is not a difficult one, but to maintain Gemi's current position. After Lin Shan is involved, they dare not move Gemi's position casually.

Although it is very disturbing.


Compared with having one more backer and one more guarantee, everyone will bear it, otherwise? Against? Lin Shan waved away, or destroyed them now.

What to do?


It has always been written by people who have survived. The situation is stronger than that of people. With the **** Lin Shan standing beside them, they don't have the confidence and courage to negotiate.


At least the situation is still under control, and it will not be worse than it is now.

"Your Excellency Lin Shan, are there any other civilizations... no one lives?"

Finished talking.

The chairman suddenly asked.


Lin Shan narrowed his eyes.

The president quickly explained:

"You also know that there is a problem with our star system. If there are no people in other star systems, we also want to be in a safe place."

No way.

The parent star is wandering in the endless starry sky. To reach the next star system, the number of years is in ten thousand years, or even longer, the more drifting, the worse the environment.


I really hope to have a new home.

There are so many civilizations of beast stars, Lin Shan has said, the strengths are different, and there is a big difference between them, don't ask for one, if you encounter a civilization with no people.

It might be impossible to emigrate.


With the strength of the civilization where Linshan is, there should be no shortage of life planets.

Hear the words.

Lin Shan had already expected it.


Shaking his head again.

"Yes, but we all have people in our current civilization. Although our strength is a little weaker, we can't deal with other people's home stars casually, so we give them away."


"You will never encounter a suitable planet in the future. If you contribute enough, it is not impossible to consider." Lin Shan did not directly refuse, and began to draw the pie.


It's not necessary to directly break other people's hope.


At that time, who said we must give primordial life stars? Many of the star systems connected by so many civilizations can be transformed into life stars.


This promise will not harm the interests of the Federation. It's just a planet. Changing a civilization to be a younger brother was an absolutely unimaginable luxury before.

just now.

There are too many planets under the Federation, and there will be more in the future.

"Thank you!"


"We must..."

The chairman and others are overjoyed.

There is a play.

Moreover, Lin Shan's meaning is also very clear, to be obedient to make contributions, it might not be impossible to migrate to a planet with stars in the future and start again.


Shangbang is the atmosphere.

"First declare that this promise does not guarantee that there are existing life stars. Therefore, next, you'd better break through the environmental modification technology yourself."

Lin Shan said again.

this point.

In fact, the Federation has been doing it all the time. Among the planets in the solar system, there are two planets that are considered worthy of transformation, namely Mars and Venus.


Venus is not listed, too difficult.


The advancement of civilization and technology has added Venus to the ranks of attempts to transform and set up relevant units to study the life transformation plans of such stars.

Slow progress.


Everyone was taken aback, but they had to reform themselves?


It’s a little helpless but it can only be accepted, and it is not guaranteed, not necessarily, "Okay, understand, we will increase the research on environmental transformation."

How dare to talk too much.


This is not a bad thing. More technical reserves are better than nothing.

. . . . . .

PS: It's a thousand chapters. It's not easy. Thank you everyone for continuing to support my dead salted fish. Although there is no guarantee that I will not continue to salted fish, I really appreciate it.

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