My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1102

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:43:06 AM

Chapter 1102: 1102

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did not expect.

The foreigners even started to master this technique, although at present, it is not very strong. But the effect is amazing, the more advanced equipment, the more fragile.

These words.

Used here, very suitable.

in contrast.

This technique is almost ineffective for general energy shields. Lin Shan can know the reason, but it still benefits from the integration of the source space.

This fusion.

Very special.

If it is compared to mathematics.

It only teaches various basic theories and formulas. As for various problem-solving methods, it does not. Just like the spatial fluctuation combination of the Crowe Empire.

That is a comprehensive question.


But relying on basic theory, it can be solved.


For the space constant.

Lin Shan hasn't paid much attention to it yet, thinking it's useless. Looking at it now, it is very useful. It should be able to specifically restrain this type of spatial fluctuation equipment.

after all.

The collapse of the space constant means that the foundation of technology is shaken.

. . .

the other side.


The commander of the Crowe Empire is waiting for instructions from the military headquarters.



The commander is actually inclined to the former, this new civilization, just in contact, does not have any deep feelings. Let millions of soldiers be buried here.

not worth!


Hand down the report.

"Zheyi said, that... equipment, know the reason for the collapse of the space protection system."


The commander was taken aback.


It is unbelief.

The space protection system is the cutting-edge equipment of their empire, and the upscaling civilization only initially came into contact with space technology. As for Linshan's equipment.

What can you do?



He remembered Zheyi's previous question: "Level 6, can the body bend?"

Back then.

I didn't take it too seriously, but when I think about it now, it doesn't seem to be a simple question, but a real curiosity, or an existence that can be curved.


who is it?

"What's wrong?" the military headquarters asked.

"Zheyi said that Linshan's equipment knows the reason for the collapse of our protective system." The commander said.

"Hurry up and ask."

The military department was about to order a retreat, but the unexpected situation held back.



Zheyi's communication frequency band is connected. Everyone saw Zheyi and the humanoid metal next to him, but they were different, like individuals.

"Do you know the reason?" the commander asked hurriedly. The military leaders watched.

Zheyi looks towards'Linshan'.


The soul soldier who looked exactly like Lin Shan nodded. Since they are all here, the soul soldier can also change its appearance anyway, naturally this image is better.


A word popped out of Lin Shan's mouth.

"Through space technology, they tear the space apart and activate a constant changing device, so that the basic space constant of a region is tampered with."

"With this."

"Let your space protection equipment collapse in theory."



The commander of the Crowe Empire stared round eyes. Not only him, but the military leaders were also stunned. The space was constant, and the opponent had this technology.

No wonder.

They have not found the cause of the failure.

This technology.

They were also initially exploring there, but the enemy was already weaponized, and he was a step slower. No, how does Linshan know that equipment?

Is wondering.


A technician was shocked.

"Oh my god, the sixth level, the ninth level soul can respond, this..."


Attracted the eyes of other people, hearing the sixth grade and ninth grade, the expressions of each one changed again, and there was only one such spirit power fluctuation in the Kro Empire.

Absolutely belong to the category of the strong.


Lock the target.


Everyone stayed again, looking at the metal. . people?




They had probed before, and although it was a sixth-level soul energy, it was far less powerful. If it was one before the time, it is now fifty.

Too much powerful.

Nine class.

Almost reached the sixth peak.

"It's nothing to be surprised. A part of my strength can be attached to it to realize remote control and communication. The situation was urgent just now."

"Don't worry about my problem. I can suppress this kind of constant fluctuation. If you have other solutions, I will treat this matter as if I talk too much."

"If not, I can shoot."

The battle situation was tense, Lin Shan said fast.

One listen.

The mothership commander and the military leader all recovered. Yes! What is the current situation? Every second is the passing of life.

"Please help." The military chief said solemnly.


Words fall.

They saw Lin Shan disappear in place, and appeared outside their mothership in less than a second, and the alarm almost went off.

. . .

Crowe Empire.


A group of big people were shocked looking at the data before them.


The distance of thousands of miles flashed in the blink of an eye. Although their technology can be achieved, it is shocked by the pure power of the soul crystal.

Level seven.

It is not possible to use curvature for non-level seven.


Part of the strength attached to Lin Shan can use curvature, so how powerful will its body strength be? It's incredible.


The other party was able to discover the tampering of the space constant.

This. . . The brain supplement ability instantly gave Lin Shan the impression of a ‘peerless powerhouse’.

. . .

"It's a friend, lift the alarm."

"Restart the space protection system."



After losing some more warships, the mothership's space protection equipment began to restart, and another wave of new fluctuations enveloped the entire camp.

Another ‘recipe’.

Lin Shan was quite happy.


He can learn basic theories from the source space, but these ‘practical applications’ are quite brain-burning. Now I picked one for nothing and earned again.


The power of the soul, covering the mothership.




The space where the entire mothership is located has become more stable. Although he cannot tamper with the constant at will, he can do it without letting people tamper.

Level seven.

Soul crystals can be different.

It can be integrated into the rules, and the power of the soul, according to the depth of perception, also carries the power of rules. This is the seventh and sixth level, the biggest difference.

. . .


Foreign enemy fleet.

See it did not escape.

Haha laughed, it was a celebration in advance.

"Go on, let them be the first batch of experimental products for new weapons."



Mixed in the energy beam attack, one was hidden in a ten-mile battleship, the shape was the same as the others, but the inside was completely different.


The launch port space is distorted.


Then accurate to one ten-thousandth of a second, launched a small blue ball toward the cracked space, the moment it entered the subspace.

The shell shattered.

Hundredths of a second.


A kind of strange energy release, as if it could corrode the space, fell from the subspace back to the normal space, and suddenly appeared on the Crow Empire mothership not far away.

It took less than a tenth of a second from launch to appearance around the mothership.


Silently, a burst of energy hit Lin Shan's spirit power.

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