My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1103

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:43:05 AM

Chapter 1103: 1103

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Enemy mothership.

"Useless work!"

"It is estimated that the Crowe Empire has not been attacked by any weapon until now."

"Like this feeling."



But soon.

The cheers stopped abruptly, because monitoring data showed that the space protection system of the Crowe Empire did not collapse like the previous three times.

This. . . Not scientific!

"What's the matter? Why is it still running?"

"There may have been an accident, and the device did not fall back to normal space normally. After all, this is a test-level weapon and cannot be guaranteed to be 100%."



They don't believe that the Crowe Empire has cracked their weapons, and the constant collapse is their latest research result. There is no defense method yet.

The opponent's first three restarts proved that his weapon was effective.

this time.

It must be a malfunction.



After all, it is a new weapon, and it cannot be perfect.

"Ready to launch again."


After an order, launch again.

. . .

the other side.

Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was perfectly defended, and the fluctuation that changed the space constant hit his power of divine soul.

The effect is very poor.

After only breaking through two hundred kilometers, it was completely dissipated, and the space equipment of the Crowe Empire was not covered, so it was naturally impossible to restart the fault.

all of these.

The Crowe Empire was in sight. They didn't know the effect of constant weapons, but they knew that there was a tiny space tear just now.


Space tearing and fluctuation will cause failures due to constant modification without warning. This time, Lin Shan resisted the constant fluctuation.

Tearing fluctuations.

It is as conspicuous as a beacon in the night.

"Sure enough, it's the same as Lin Shan said."


"Fortunately, there is forest mountain, otherwise we don't even know how we were attacked. We haven't mastered the subspace drop technology yet!"

"The enemy's technological progress is too fast."


The military headquarters of the Crowe Empire was also slightly shocked. This weapon method was not the first time I saw it, but in the subspace, all the equipment would be invalid.


Can enter.

But can't come out.


The other party has something, can enter and exit, and directly attack space equipment. I really don't know what kind of method it is, and it is temporarily impossible to defend.

If the spatial fluctuation is solved, it's better to say, just change it.


People directly focus on the space constant. No matter how you change it, the basic theory will collapse and the entire system will fail. Many people were shocked.

This time.

There will be a big change in the war.


Many people suddenly regained consciousness and looked at the figure in the picture that was passed back.


Just now.

The system did not restart, which obviously proved that Lin Shan was able to cope with it. It was just too shocking. This was possessed, and it could be so strong.


How powerful is his true body?

Level seven?

Do not.

Seventh-level strong people, they have seen, but they have not heard of the ability to possess, or they saw that the seventh-level is not strong enough. In other words.

Even at level 7.

Lin Shan is also among the best.


Definitely so, great master! Although in some cases, science and technology are stronger than individuals, in terms of comprehensive strength, in the cultivation civilization of the starry sky battlefield.

The overall strength is weak, and only some people can take the lead.

most of the time.

It is their technological civilization that dominates, but they do not deny others. Just like now, a strong cultivator can prevent the constant collapse of space.

How weird this is.

at least.

Their scientific and technological equipment, in this field, has lost a lot.

"Wait to ask, see if you can help us, develop an inverse constant collapse equipment. Alas, the deeper the technology, a revolution."

"Enough to disrupt the situation."

Suddenly, the heart of solicitation rose.

. . .


Zheyi also knew that Lin Shan successfully prevented a crisis, and at the same time he was grateful, that the powerful civilization of the Crowe Empire couldn't stop it.

One of Lin Shan's possession can turn the situation around.


Regarding Lin Shan's strength, once again, they thought about staying strong when Lin Shan was present. now think of it.

Fear after a while.

If dare.

Now they may be taught how to behave. Fortunately, they didn't offend others at the beginning, and now they have the situation of fighting together.

. . .

"Tearing fluctuations detected."

"Come again."

"The equipment has no abnormal alarm, and the fifth attack is invalid."


"Good! Good!"

Space tearing was detected again, but the protection system did not collapse in the slightest. The commander of the Crowe Empire laughed, happy.

at last.

No need to run away.

"Lin Shan, thank you."

"Don't thank me first, now you still think about how to end it, I can only help here, if they have new weapons."


The mothership commander nodded.


Passive beatings are when they are heads. Although they don't have weapons with a constant protection space, they have many other weapons, and they have been disrupted before.

This time.

Got to get back a good game.

. . .


"The fifth constant collapse attack failed to achieve the intended effect. Now it is almost certain that the Crowe Empire has anti-constant collapse equipment."





The cheers at the beginning turned into a gloomy cloud. The first time was an accident, the second time it was not. Their constant collapse weapons were invalid.

This time.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.


Easy to enter a war of attrition.

Do not hit.

Feeling shameless again.

Bringing a new type of weapon, just a few shots, it didn't work.

"Withdraw, continue, we may not be able to take advantage."

"They have anti-constant collapse equipment, and they may have constant collapse weapons. You are likely to be in danger. After the mothership is cushioned, the rest begin to retreat."


The civilized command layer sent an order to retreat. Lin Shan didn't know that his help stopped the whole plan to dominate the battlefield with new weapons.


The fleet turned around.

They also have a space shield, but only the mothership has it. Other warships began to retreat faster than the speed of light, and the mothership stayed at the end to resist the attack.




The attack of the Crowe Empire arrived, and the space shield shook.


Did not crash. This kind of protective cover is currently regarded as the mainstream cutting-edge technology. Since the war, the motherships of all sides have not really lost much.


As other warships retreated and left the protection zone of the mothership, many of them were in the attack range. Suddenly, the stars burst into light again.

. . .

See here.

The Empire of Crowe was a bit anxious, so I ran away after hitting me, but couldn't solve the opponent's mothership for a while.

"Your Excellency is there a way to make their protective shields invalid?"


Lin Shan didn't intend to go up the bar. Now he has only broken through the limit of attracting spirits for two days, and his strength is still growing, unless he is absolutely sure.


It's better to stay a little bit better, the soul soldier will only be there. If it is gone, it will really break the connection with the starry sky battlefield. Therefore, there is no room for loss.


He believes that when the source body space is completely integrated, his strength will have a qualitative leap. Perhaps it will no longer be difficult to single out the mothership.

right now.

It's good to be leisurely.

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