My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1111

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:42:54 AM

Chapter 1111: 1111

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Both sides look at each other.


Lin Shan moved, slowly drifting forward.


"What is it going to do?"


One by one backed away in a panic, thinking that Lin Shan was going to attack them, but the next moment, their eyes fell out again, and their mouths opened wide.


"How can this be?"


They saw with their own eyes that Lin Shan's body penetrated the shell of the main ship and entered inside. The shell was not damaged in the slightest, so it was penetrated.

Wall penetration!

This kind of skill, just think about it in science fiction works.


right now.

But the truth appeared before him.


Not only do people possess impenetrable defenses, they can also penetrate matter at will. Such an existence is not a god, what else can it be?

"Master God."

"Master God."


More people fell to their knees.

Everything in front of me.

Shocking their cognition, when they broke through, their entire cognition was rewritten. Atheism was crushed by the scene before him.

Become a scum.

. . .

A few hours later.

Main ship.

A group of people stood by one person respectfully.


They have no fighting spirit, the strongest attack is like a child's play in front of others, and the opponent can penetrate matter. The most important thing is that they have a finger.


An extremely powerful beam of light was emitted and hit the surface of the parent star.

The mountains do not exist.

The ocean is boiling.

In short.

It shows that their attacks are not weaker than them, and they can fly at the speed of light. . . Too much shock made them raise their estimates several times.

Up to now, it is completely treated like a god.

"Everything is up to you."


"Good, good."


Regarding Lin Shan's request, they nodded repeatedly, and being alive is the last word. In the face of such an existence, all conspiracies are scum.

and so.

They chose seconds.

for myself.

Also for countless people.

. . .

Lin Shan was quite satisfied with this result. Before he came into contact with civilization, he had to gather information and slowly seek contact with high-level officials.

right now.

He has one more choice.

---Strong push.

In fact.

This civilization is also capable of regaining the surface, mainly because it is worried that there will be other powerful enemies besides the alien beasts, so it got into space.

have to say.


Tens of millions of people live on these spacecraft, and many more have migrated to the nearest planet, which is not much different from Mars.

No magnetic field.

Very desolate.

Lack of water.

The atmosphere is thin.


It is not suitable for human survival at all.

But no way.


Many underground and above-ground cities have been built, and life is very difficult. As for keeping so many people here, the reason is very simple-food and water.

over there.

These are the things that are most in short supply.


It can also be obtained on the surface of the home planet. The speed is faster. Even if there is an attack by an alien beast, it is a small probability, and their weapons are fairly advanced.

Note that it can be played.


These people left early.

When he came to a table, Lin Shan sat in the main seat.

"Next, you should go back to your home planet. Trust your weapons and clean up those alien beasts. It's more than enough. If you feel unsafe."

"You can close most of the doors of space."

"Leave one or two, and reject the beast star is rejecting being strong."

One listen.

Everyone nodded repeatedly.

"We will execute it immediately."



They believed what Lin Shan said. After so long, of course they tried alien beast meat, but they were still afraid of a powerful enemy over there, and they also thought about blocking the light gate.

But I don't think it makes much sense.

after all.

People have arrived in space, and they also want alien animal meat, so they are simply unsealed and let some of them come as prey. Since Lin Shan said it's okay.

They also relaxed a little.

at least.

It's better to have a big brother covering it than to be fearful.

. . .

Finished talking about the alliance.


Seeing Lin Shan turned into a light and disappeared in the blink of an eye, the senior civilized people no longer knew what to say. Such an ability is too bad.

The speed of light.

This is the speed of light.

They have studied for so many years, they are still only looking into the distance.


By one. . . It’s the same as playing. Although through communication, I know that Lin Shan is also a human, but it is better than such a human.

Can you count as a person? It's terrible.


No solution!


In the face of this kind of existence, they seem to have no other good way except surrender. Facts have proved that the weak either defend their dignity by death.


It is surrendering to the strong and accepting reality.

"Send the order, start paying off the alien beasts, not leaving one."



Although there was an extra eldest brother, there was also an extra guarantee. Immediately, they followed Lin Shan's instructions and began to clear the free alien beasts on the surface.





Arranged in space, the weapon prepared to prevent a strong enemy began to show a hideous face, facing the alien beast below that seemed to inform the planet.

Directly a catastrophe.

of course.

They haven't floated yet, and it's only because of the home court advantage. When they reach the beast star, they will not be so easy to face the alien beast.


Fighters like locusts leave the battleship and enter the atmosphere of the home planet.



The weaker ones are fried directly into minced meat.


Fighters enter the atmosphere and forcefully eliminate each target.

For a time.

The battle was fierce. Although the alien beast was strong and thick, it could not hold it in the face of high-power kinetic energy and energy weapons. Screaming.



All of them are useless. Although the home planet is occupied, the planet that migrates and temporarily lives, but produces weapons and equipment day and night.

Regardless of the cost.

Regardless of cost.

This has the military scale today.

. . .

Just as the battlefield of the home planet was about to fight, a long scream sounded from the migrating star in all human underground and above-ground cities.


A voice spread to everyone's ears.

"Attention, everyone, the highest-level order of the Military Control Commission, starting from today, begin to subdue the parent star, hope the star, non-military equipment and munitions production personnel."

"We will return to the home planet in order according to their wishes."


Three times.

Three times.

Finished listening.

After a few seconds of silence, hundreds of millions of people cheered, and their voices shook the steel cities. They missed the mother star very much.

Mountains and rivers.


Flowers and plants.


Blue sky.



Everything, once seen everywhere, the scenery that I don't think of, now feels extremely valuable, even the air that is taken for granted.

I miss it so much.


Only then did they know that the preciousness, in each city, everyone breathes now, is the air that is filtered over and over again, or is prepared with chemicals. UU reading


Become an extremely precious thing.

Whether they drink it or use it, it is filtered over and over again, and the urine will turn into water the next day.

Cycle for everyone to drink.

In short.

A terrible word.

right now.

They are finally going to say goodbye to such a day, they are so excited, even if they are dead, they can go back to take a breath of air from their home planet and drink a sip of mountain spring water.

Also feel worth it.

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