My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1140

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:42:13 AM

Chapter 1140: 1140

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   After a while.

   The originally unstable space was shattered again and again by these strong men. As Lin Shan expected, these civilized strong men have a lot of hole cards.

   It is true.

   In terms of space rules, my perception is no deeper than my own, or it is far worse.

   is like a runway, they are at a hundred meters, and they are six meters at most.


  In other respects, it even surpassed it. Just like the dark energy that I didn't master before, some of these people could control the attack.

   That power.

Really are. . . To be used on the planet, it can be called Destroy the Heaven and Exterminate the Earth.

   Linshan is a little slapped.

   But think about it carefully.

   is a bit clear again.

   These cultivation civilizations are rich in dynamism, and the concentration of dark energy mesons is extremely high. Growing up in such an environment, it will be a little different.



  From small to large, all ‘bubble’ in such a ‘pool’.

   will naturally have an affinity.

  . . .

It can be said.

   The current underground cultivation civilization connected by the beast stars can only be said to be relatively low-level, because the strong there are in the starry sky without pulsating energy.

  ---All have to be caught blindly.

   These civilizations are truly powerful in front of them, and they should be able to mobilize dark energy in all known places, even on beast stars.

   Although it may not be too much, it is very powerful.

   Just listen to them.

   is also a seventh-level powerhouse, that is, above the fascination, before they can formally come into contact with dark energy.

  . . .

   After a full hour, these powerhouses stopped one by one, looking at Lin Shan, their eyes burning, expecting Lin Shan to give some pointers.


  The Soul Soldier nodded.

   "I almost understand how to attack you. In that case, let's start with the rules of space."

   Hear the words.

   The collective spirit of many strong people was shocked.

as far as I can tell.

   They felt that the space rules needed to be strengthened the most. You must know that Lin Shan was able to come out of the subspace because he had a deeper understanding than them.

   And the next moment.

   A powerful spatial fluctuation covers a radius of ten miles.


   "This... This is..."



   one by one shocked inexplicably, not because of how strong this rule is, but rather. . . Calm and transparent.

  In the past.

   They feel that the rules of space are in unstable areas.

   A little bit of insight, verification, and continuous testing, finally formed an understanding into combat effectiveness, just like walking a stick in the mist to find a way.


   At this moment.

   The thick fog that covered their eyes in the past dissipated, and they could see densely packed roads, even though they didn’t know where to go, but so what?

   went up and walked for a while.

   This is how they feel at the moment.





   You must know that it may not be difficult for you to know a question, but tell a poor student a complicated question so that he can understand it and learn it flexibly.

   is more than difficult.

   And I feel that it is a hundred times more difficult to let others understand than the topic.

   and before my eyes.

   Lin Shan almost wrote down the thoughts and steps of disintegration, and looked at the standard answers to make them understand. In fact, this is nothing new.

   In the teaching of their respective civilization techniques, sometimes they directly empowered.

   takes energy to walk around in someone else's body, but the rules are different, which is not a difficulty level at all.

   "Hurry up, feel it."


   "Can't waste it."


After    was shocked, one by one began to realize, like students, absorbing knowledge frantically.

  . . .

   Lin Shan controls the soul soldiers, sorting out the chaotic rules of space for their perception, but he doesn't care too much and teaches them all? how can that be.

  The rules of space are vast as smoke, which are all basic.

   He went to a hundred, but only ten was shown to them.

   But even at this point, it is enough for these human race powerhouses to digest for a while.

   and. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   Lin Shan also got some dark energy rules, he has been researching this month, plus the information he got from these people.

   I can greatly increase my strength again.

   not far away.

  The subordinates brought by these powerful men have their eyes rounded, because they can also perceive some spatial rules, and you must know that they are exclusive to the seventh level.

right now.

   can be said to have broken the cognition, allowing them to enter the sentiment.

   As expected.

   deserves to be the strongest human, so strong that people almost want to kneel down.

   Nothing to say.

   One by one, they also began to feel this power, some of them were about to break through the seventh level, and they found that the bottleneck was slowly loosening, and they were overjoyed.

   really came right, this is a great opportunity!

   can cultivate to the top in each civilization.



  Work hard.


   Therefore, their perception speed is not slow, although it is far behind those seven levels, but it is better than the previous threshold.



   "Haha, I broke through."


   "Another seventh level is born."


   In the next ten days, many people who were stuck at the sixth-level peak broke through to the seventh-level one by one, and those below the sixth-level peak were dumbfounded.

   too. . . Strong.

   Once an insight sharing, it directly doubled the number of people's seventh ranks, which is incredible.

   Many people's eyes are staring out.

   After breaking through, he restrained his excitement.



   Such an opportunity, every second can not be let go.

   And those veteran 7th-level powerhouses suddenly laughed when they saw it. This time they can bring confidants. What does an extra 7th-level mean?

   means that their strength is strong again.

   turned his head.

   glanced at the ‘Linshan’ who had been sitting still, and there was a hint of respect in his eyes.

   Respect and respect are still a little different. The latter can be a fear of the strong, but respect is a kind of respect from the heart.

   Before they were afraid of Lin Shan's strength.

right now.

   is to admire the promotion of the ‘supplied’. Although everyone is a human, the civilization is different, and it is impossible to say a pair of pants.

   Many are on guard.

   And forest mountain.


   I am not afraid of other human civilizations being strong, so how to help them improve their strength, such behavior, how not to be respected.

  . . .

   The fifteenth day.


   The spatial fluctuations are gentle, and all those who are immersed in the cultivation are awake, feeling unfinished, and want to continue to understand.

  The idea of ​​Linshan came.

"All right."

   "A lot of greed is not chewing."

   "Mastering is one thing, and application is another. You should digest your feelings these days, and I will take a rest as a container."

   One listen.

   Everyone thinks people deeply.

   Eating too much can’t digest, now they feel like this,

   "Fifty soul crystals can be regarded as making up for its consumption." Lin Shan made another request.


"no problem."


  The powerful human races nodded their heads, and there was no objection to this, only fifty soul crystals, to them, it really wasn't a big number. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Besides, everyone shares it equally.

   The insight gained these days, how can this soul crystal compare.

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