My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1154

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:41:51 AM

Chapter 1154: 1154

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at this time.

The silver cluster and Xingmu are quickly absorbing soul crystals, and they need too many resources to break through to level 7, even if Lin Shan gave it before, it is a lot worse.

Seeing to absorb bottom out.




Suddenly, soul crystals flew up and hovered around the body.


Seeing this, they all trembled suddenly.


Thirty Attracting Spirit Grade Soul Crystals on one side.

This boss is so proud!

Think back to the past.


It's all tears! You can only rely on yourself, a little bit of cultivation, soul crystal resources, don't even think about it, before seeing Lin Shan, you haven't even seen it.

It can be described as miserable!


After encountering Lin Shan.

They know what happiness is! What is the general lifting speed of opening a hang. In comparison, the previous self was completely a beggar.

The poor are left alone.

. . .

After collecting the resource points of the home planet of this civilization.

Breathing room.

Lin Shan came to the surface.


The sky is full of yellow sand.

There is also a thick layer on the ground, which is very similar to the fortress star. The fortress star usually does not scrape sand, but on average, there will be a sandstorm sweeping the world once a month.

The environment is harsh.

Under the mind.

Lin Shan can see countless bones.






It seems like a biological cemetery here. Under the yellow sand, there are many traces of civilization, such as cars, such as buried pipelines and lines.


In the next second, Lin Shan has come thousands of miles away.

A huge city appeared in front of you.


Lin Shan thought of the civilization before the Shuilan civilization, snow drifting all over the sky, and life withered. The difference from the present is that the city over there is buried in the snow.

Here it is buried in the sand.

In the building.

Someone is walking around.

Relying on the only remaining living material is difficult to survive.

There are traces of destruction by foreign animals in the city.


In less than a minute, Linshan traveled around the world and found that the total surviving population of the entire civilization was about 500,000, and learned about the history of civilization.

have to say.

Human beings are indeed very talented in doing death.

At the beginning.

The climate changes, plants wither, grain production decreases, and the atmosphere becomes thinner.

Global vigilance.


I started thinking about the future, mainly storing food, storing water, and making various shelters and protective equipment. At the beginning, there was nothing, and everyone was one mind.


A small number of people gather hope in space, such as high-level people in various countries.


Secretly develop and manufacture a ‘fortress of hope’.


The confidentiality work was not done well. After being exposed, there was a global uproar. Some people felt that something must have been concealed. The situation must be more serious than expected.

In this way, order began to collapse.


Snapped up.



Within a month, the situation had already started to get out of control.

Some people feel that the high-level civilization is going to abandon them, and in line with the principle of dying, they have begun to attack the important facilities of the fortress plan.

graduate School.

Power station.


the way.


This led to the suspension of the entire ‘Fortress of Hope’ project.

Later, I felt unsafe, and hit the assembly and launch base, completely ruining the plan. Of course there were conflicts during this period, but what would the dying person be afraid of?

Not afraid of danger.

Not afraid of death.

One word.


And behind this, of course, there is organization and planning, otherwise, how could the secret plan be known to the world and break through the military's defensive front.

The senior members of this civilization were also pulled out for trial and went to heaven collectively.

that's it.

Under the control of those with a heart, the entire civilization has become more and more chaotic.

At last.

The group of lunatics even played a big one, which directly controlled more than 50% of the long-range weapon secret key of civilization, and began to play the game of growing mushrooms.





Just three days.

This city with a civilized population of the top 300 disappeared on the surface. Naturally, the number of deaths and injuries was a huge number. This wave of attacks was too sudden.

Almost the civilized elites ascended to heaven collectively.

after that.

He used the newly acquired weapon keys to keep attacking.

the way.






Almost destroyed the civilized industrial system.

At last.

That group of lunatics came to a global broadcast to unravel the mystery. It was an animal lover with a distorted personality and had a pet since he was a child.

People are also very kind and love life.


one day.

Seeing that his beloved pet was being eaten by someone, he suddenly had a mental breakdown and fainted. After waking up, his personality seemed to be reshaped, and he was hostile to all human beings.

Later, he met many ‘like-minded’ people who planned revenge.

This was a series of things.

The end of the broadcast.

The man committed suicide.


For this reason, the survivors at the time were dumbfounded.


Lin Shan was also a little helpless.

Think about it forward. He doesn't encounter such a lunatic once or twice. I have to say that the stronger a civilization looks, the more vulnerable it may be.

Humans are pursuing labor liberation. One day, the world is full of robots, but if they only need to lose control for a minute, all humans will have to see their ancestors.

Humans seek to unlock the mysteries of life.


An accidental scientific experiment may create an unsolvable virus and ruin a civilization.

Natural disasters.

Man-made disaster.

In a short time span, it may not be a big deal.


The longer the span, the farther we go, the more powerful and rapid human beings can destroy themselves, just like the civilization ‘taken over’ by nanoworms.

The destruction of this civilization.

Maybe it only takes a second.

Kill faster than robots.

. . .

Sigh finished.


Lin Shan had already planned to use this place as a second civilization transfer station. The Fortress Star had a total of 21 space gates, one of which was connected to the frozen planet.

In other words, only 20 civilizations can be connected.


Already used more than half.


A new civilization transfer station is needed. Previously, the earth civilization has obtained a few life stars, but the life stars are precious, so it is not suitable to be used as a transfer station.

It's quite suitable here. The local civilization has a small population and the sky is full of yellow sand.

Whether it is providing living supplies or emigrating to other civilizations, it is not difficult to talk about it. As for now, when the exploration is completed, the forty-six area will be contacted.

Next second.

Come to space.


Just five seconds.

Lin Shan broke through thirty times the speed of light and headed towards the next planet without flying too fast, because the second planet was not far away.

Only about 70 million kilometers.

Thirty times the speed of light is nine million in one second.


With acceleration and deceleration, it has arrived in just over ten seconds.

Dive into the nucleus.

Yin Guai!


In fact, he could rush into the crack. The Soul Soldiers were all fighting with foreign races, they were beaten into the interlayer of the space, and they came out unscathed.


As its master, Lin Shan can also do it.

However, he was scrupulous, because when Lin Shan was in the fortress galaxy when he was going to the stars to make a big fish, UU reading was empty-handed.

The reason is that there is a powerful space life in the star.

Look now.

He may have reached level seven. Out of caution, even if he broke through level seven, he didn't provoke him, but prepared to train some level seven helpers first.



Do not.

He didn't count on them, next, he was going to take a seventh-level spatial soul out.

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