My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1186

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:41:07 AM

Chapter 1186: 1186

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Two days later.


When he came to the new star system, Lin Shan, who was about to start eating, was taken aback for a moment, and stopped, because there was a planet of life in the habitable zone.

The radius is twice as large as the earth.


This is not the point.

---The door of space!

On the planet, there are actually twenty-one space gates, one is not many, and one is not many. On the planet, no human beings have been found.

That's right.


It's all a new creature.

Pretty cute.

Be wise.


Know how to make and use tools. Although it is rough, it has the basic elements of a civilization.

. . .

One minute later.

Frown slightly.

at first.

I thought it was similar to the ‘Kli’, human beings were enslaved, and even in the long history, human beings may have been extinct by this kind of creature.


This is not the case.

Under the domain of rules.

The search at the genetic level revealed that there is no human gene at all.

You know, even if you are killed or eaten, at least there will be traces.


The entire planet did not contain human gene fragments. What this meant, Lin Shan had already guessed in his heart, and immediately released the Soul Soldier.

A few seconds later.

Come to the door of a space.


Step over.


As the picture turned, a very familiar feeling came.


Strange beasts.



It was exactly the same as the beast star, but Lin Shan knew that it was not the beast star, or in other words, it was not the beast star of human civilization, because it was in the sky.

You must know that on the Beast Star, no matter how far apart, there will be a certain induction between the soul soldiers and the soul beasts.

There is induction here.


The direction of the induction is actually in the sky, the sky of the beast star, and I have not been there, but even now, I can't pass through that layer of imprisonment.


This phenomenon proves two things.

the first.

There was more than one beast star, and a new beast star came before his eyes.


Between the beast stars, it’s not too far to gather together, so why can’t you see it? Because the protective film of the beast star is one-way, even if it is light, only entry is allowed and no exit is allowed.

This has been tested long ago, and the one-way external performance is: no reflection.

In other words, the beast star is like a black hole, invisible to the naked eye.


This guess surprised Lin Shan slightly.


Not too surprised.

In fact.

A long time ago, he had speculated, such as the earth's civilization number ----7714, and Beast Star currently surveyed the area of ​​each area, obviously can't fit it.

This is more than 7,000 civilizations.

And seven thousand is not the largest, there is a number at the back, how long is it, I don't know.

and so.

A beast star, Lin Shan has long felt that it is impossible to be so "crowded", it is very likely that there are other beast stars, in addition, there is a second proof.

---Human race.


The civilizations discovered were all human civilizations.


There are a large number of foreign races on the starry sky battlefield. Therefore, Lin Shan has guessed that it is the civilization of foreign races, and it is not the same place as human civilization.

At least, before being qualified to enter the starry sky battlefield, the place of connection is not on a planet.

right now.

This guess has been confirmed!

. . .

Although curious, Lin Shan didn't act rashly, just let the soul soldiers go around on this beast star to see if he could find other space gates.

As for yourself?


The sky is big and the earth is big, the biggest meal.

Strength is the foundation of everything.

Turn your head.

Moving towards the next star system, now, his strength growth is almost closely related to the source space. The larger the source space, the wider the domain of rules.

In this way, the acceleration of the subspace will be faster.

If you eat another ten or so star systems, one thousand times the speed of light can be expected.

. . .

Three months later.

Lin Shan returned to this planet.


A whole eleven star systems were eaten, and the effect was as expected. In subspace, one thousand times the speed of light can be achieved, but I did not continue to eat here.

Too far!

The nearby galaxies were eaten.

Tens of light years away, ten days on the road.

Forget it.

Anyway, there is more than one place where you can eat. Through the gate of space, you can go to other civilizations and eat closer star systems, so you can avoid a lot of wrong roads.

Come to the ground, beside the door of space.

Reach out slightly.


A message came.



Still choose one of the two.


There is one more piece of information---crossing the ‘first-level battlefield’ civilization, after fulfilling the conditions for rule, the civilization points earned are tripled. Well, it's a bit rewarding.

The only difference is that it cannot be teleported across battlefields.

In other words, the earth and here cannot open the door to space.

Want to come over.

Only fly.

After some deliberation, Lin Shan planned to do an experiment.

. . .

ten minutes later.

Coming to the highest ruling place of this civilization, located on a high mountain tens of thousands of meters, there is no exquisite palace, but it can be regarded as exquisite life.

This civilization is furry.

It's kind of like a big snow bear, cute kind.

A beast king.

Rule the planet.


In the Beast Emperor Hall, a meeting is taking place, the frontline battlefield is fiercely fighting, and the logistics pressure is extremely high. Fortunately, one's own side has been getting stronger, and the loss is within control.

In retrospect, it was all tears.

at first.

It was really being chased and hit, and half of the planet's surface was occupied.

Later, UU reading tried their best to fight back and fought the battlefield back to the opposite side. However, they still often encounter animal tides, and their scale and strength have become stronger again and again.

The entire frontline is in a tight state.

Listening to the report.


The Beast King's eyes were round.


"What kind of creature are you?"


The beasts were in an uproar, and the beast soldiers rushed in, turning the position of the villain group and grouping their weapons to each other, and if they didn't agree with each other, they would cut into pieces.

This person.

It was Lin Shan who didn't care about Bing Ge.

"Are you interested in being my subordinate?" A voice sounded in the minds of all the'Snow Bears'.

For nothing.


Lin Shan thinks this name is quite good.

"My God, this creature is wise!"

"Can speak."


The faces of the bears showed surprise expressions.

There was a lot of discussion and excitement.

You know, ten years ago, they thought that they were a wise race in the universe, and they were feeling sad, too lonely, and proud.

The appearance of the light gate dispelled their thoughts.


On the opposite side were a group of strange beasts who couldn't communicate, only knew how to kill. They had just gained a foothold for so many years, and hadn't encountered any other intelligent beings.

right now.

One unexpectedly appeared.

It's so strange!

So fun!

It's just a little ugly, without snow-white hair, and the skin is exposed to the air, and it feels like a newborn cub, not good-looking at all.


Feeling these thoughts, Lin Shan expressed speechless.



The aesthetic identity of any creature has always been based on itself, just as people may like the cuteness of cats and dogs, but they will never like to be covered with fur.

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