My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1208

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:40:37 AM

Chapter 1208: 1208

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Remember in one second【】

I heard that Lin Shan had just arrived.


The opposite could not help but relax slightly.


Sure enough, he is a rookie. Although he can stand out from the starry sky battlefield, he is not bad in itself, but he can't say how strong he is.

"Where is your fleet?" asked again.

"far away!"

"you alone?"


This time, the opposite civilization was surprised.

A single walk and a group charge are not at the same level of danger. The detector continues to scan, and the feedback information still shows that the forest is weak.

Divine soul.


No strong fluctuations were found.

Chatted for a while.

"Goodbye, we have to continue to open up wasteland."

Zero-level wasteland civilization, there is really nothing to talk about.

The relationship is over, what should I do if you want to hug our thigh?


It's good to talk about it, as for more curiosity? No, not at all. Which civilization is not subordinate to tens of thousands of civilizations.

Life form.

Social Structure.

Technology direction.


Have seen diversification.

No matter how powerful it is, when it comes to this place, it is only a migrant worker under Da Neng Civilization.

Bao Tuan?


After the land reclamation in the specified place is completed, the transfer point will change, which means that this neighbor will not be able to do it for long and may never see each other in the future.

So just get in touch and cooperate deeply? never mind.

It's more reliable to earn points honestly!

. . .

In this way, Lin Shan watched the six-sided crystal go away.



I understand, why do you call us a low level? It's good. In fact, I quite like the ‘atmosphere’ between wasteland and civilization.

Relatively speaking, it is more peaceful.

after all.

War needs to be driven by interests.

Here is full of treasures, digging by yourself, faster than snatching them, who has the worry to plunder other civilizations?


This is not entirely correct.

Just so moment.

Lin Shan is very interested in the third-level wasteland civilization. What are the good things he exchanges for points? After thinking about it, look and follow.

Did not intend to grab it.

I just want to see how it opened up wasteland.

have no choice!

After just following for a while, I was found out.


"Just curious about how powerful the third-level wasteland civilization is."

"I want to see and see."


After some explanation, I thought that the other side would be driven away, but I didn't know if I was not worried about him doing something, or wanted to show off, the other side agreed.


Jingqiu has one more follower.

. . .


Lin Shan learned about their wasteland reclamation methods, in fact, they are all similar, using space equipment to recover mass energy, and using the domain of rules to assimilate different rules.

Encountered the black beast.

Fallen down in one fell swoop.

Quite strong.


Lin Shan couldn't help but put away his contempt.

The other end.

Inside the crystal.

However, it hurts a bit. The weapon that defeated the Black Beast in one shot was still exchanged for points when they were at level 3. This thing does not eat energy, it eats different rules.

Otherwise, it's so easy, it's not called land reclamation, it's called vacation.

The growth time is slow.

Usually reluctant, they use conventional methods to destroy the black beasts.

this time.

In order to save face in front of the zero-level civilization, it was continuously used.

Say it.

Don't look at everyone, if you encounter a black beast group, you will definitely be able to wear it. Looking back on the black beast group you encountered before, many still have lingering fears.

If it were not for luck, this crystal ship would be destroyed.


What are you afraid of?

"Alert! Found the black beast, the number is eight."


"Alert! The data is trimmed, and the number of black beasts is twenty-five."


"Alert! The data is trimmed, and the number of black beasts is forty-nine."


"Alert! The data is trimmed, and the number of black beasts is eighty-seven."


In just one second, the alarm was corrected seventeen times, and the number of black beasts increased to nearly four hundred, and it was still increasing, and the entire crystal ship was panicked.

After breaking through four hundred, he became even more panicked, having surpassed the largest black beast group before.


So what kind of high-level civilization, can it be a little reliable, such a fish that slips through the net, how big a hole? If you have time, can you make up the fishing net?

"Regular field, full output!"


"Weapon with different rules begins to prepare."


Orders were issued one after another.

^0^Remember in one second【】

at this time.

Only two seconds have passed since the black beast was discovered.

. . .


Lin Shan felt that within the domain of the rules, the intensity changed suddenly. If it was one before, it is now five, which shows that the opposite side had reservations at that time.

There are many functions.

Speed ​​limit.

Steady rules.



Can greatly stop the black beast's forward speed.

Otherwise, at the speed of 50% of the speed of light of the black beast, the sight of it will be close to the body in less than a few seconds, and it will be difficult to react in time.

The thinking speed of this civilization is extremely fast.

As just now.

After the encounter, the entire process actually took less than a second.

This should be relatively slow. When the speed of thinking is comparable to calculation, one second can be equal to the human perception of time for one year, which is still low level.

after all.

The peak of thinking can be an infinite domain.

hundred times.

Thousand times.

Billion times.


The thinking speed of the human brain is the same as that of a turtle crawling.

In other words, in energy civilization, many lives can be regarded as tens of thousands of times the limit of human thinking speed, that is to say, the total amount of thinking of people in a year.

It is the amount of human beings for ten million years.


Do not!

It's not an exaggeration.

This is called exaggeration, and what is more exaggerated, can't it be called a myth?

Sometimes I have to admit that communication between super-thinking civilization and low-thinking civilization is an obstacle, let me say a word, you will not get back to me in one or two years.

The gap is big.

It may even be three to five hundred years.

How are you talking about this?

It is estimated that by that time, we will almost forget about this matter, which makes Lin Shan can not help but have a guess, that is, after the civilization has reached a certain level.

It is no longer divided by technology, but by the speed of thinking.

. . .

Lin Shan was thinking wildly.




At the beginning of the attack, the black beast was speed limited, and there was no half-light speed to cover his face. The crystal ship was given time for weapons, and the black beast rushing in the front was naturally the first target.

One shot.



Lin Shan clearly felt that the crystal warship's attack method was not as unrestrained as previously seen, except for the one-shot weapon, there were other things.

It doesn't look so tall. UU reading


My expectations may be a bit high.

After observing, Lin Shan silently counted the number of black beasts, now it has exceeded eight hundred, and even he has encountered this number for the first time.

. . .

"Why doesn't that little guy run?"

The opposite civilization looked at the forest mountain standing quietly in the distance, slightly surprised, but didn't have much time to worry about it, and now he still has a stall to clean up.

"There are too many black beasts to stick to."




This face is still not enough.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!