Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:07:13 AM

Chapter 143: 143

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of course.

this week.

Lin Shan has not only strengthened part of the Soul Soldier.

His own strength has not fallen. After all, his own strength is the fundamental. After all, weapons are foreign objects. One day of the beast star is equivalent to four and five days of the earth, so on the earth, one month has passed.

That's right.

Lin Shan's stay in Beast Star has reached Earth for one month.

At this time, his spirit and strength both broke through to the third tier of the heavens, reaching the peak of the third tier of the heavens, and his mental power was also the spiritual power of the corresponding star level. Unfortunately, the strengthening effect of the soul pill was getting weaker and weaker now.

Even thousands of spirit beasts above the fifteenth rank can only promote Lin Shan to a short rank.

For example, from the middle stage to the peak of the third stage of the Tianyu, Lin Shan ate thousands of soul pills above the fifteenth stage, which also led to Lin Shan's current eagerness to find more and more powerful monsters to ‘eat’.

this week.

One of Lin Shan's main goals was to reduce the density of alien beasts around the gate of space. Now the goal has been achieved. The density of alien beasts in a 1,000-kilometer radius has been directly reduced by more than half. I believe that even if the beast tide comes, humans can resist it.

Now this thing is done.

The general alien beasts around him also greatly reduced the effect of his help.

He was going to look for the alien beast of the heavenly rank. Like the soul soldier, Lin Shan divided the alien beast into earth and heaven according to their ranks, corresponding to the ranks of soul soldiers and humans.

He already has a goal.

Or the only goal.

That is the deep floating valley located more than 2,700 kilometers southwest of the Gate of Space.

Floating in the deep valley.

It was the only activity area for alien beasts above the heavenly rank that the red ant emperor encountered during the two hundred years.

Except for the red roost ant emperor, on the ground, the most powerful alien beasts that humans have encountered are only the nineteenth order, and none of the twentieth orders have been encountered.

However, the alien beasts of the floating sky and deep valleys seem to love home and don't like to come out to move around. Therefore, humans have not sent too many soldiers to garrison. If the alien beasts of the sky can run casually, there will be no safe zone.

A strange beast of that level.

Due to the inherent advantages of the size, coupled with not afraid of mental attacks, the human beings are generally unable to beat the power of the universe.

Before, Sun Wudao had fought with Heaven-ranked monsters alone, and returned valuable information, and then listed the floating deep valley as an extremely dangerous area, not allowing humans to lean in, and it was strictly forbidden to enter in a radius of 20 kilometers.

It was also that time that humans' cognition of alien beasts officially broke through the heavens.

Only then did I know that there are strange beasts above the 21st rank.

Therefore, this is a place where even the strong in the heavens would not dare to set foot easily. Lin Shan's previous life only watched the entrance for a while and left. He was only at the second order of the heavens at that time, and he didn't dare to go down with those days. Rank different beast screaming.

Those are monsters that can eat people.

Not an animal in a zoo.

If not for the identity of Linshan Tianyu.

It is estimated that he doesn't even have the qualifications to watch, because humans don't know how many heavenly monsters are below, and how strong are the strongest. What humans fear most is that they are accidentally led out.

Last life.

He heard that Sun Wudao only went down more than six kilometers.

Lin Shan's curiosity was aroused.

If there were enough Heaven-ranked Beasts there, it could solve the problem of slow growth in strength.

Just do it.

Lin Shan collected the soul beast.

Seeing a certain direction, he made a bent-leg-lifting pose elegantly, and kicked straight.


Looks handsome like Superman.

Lin Shan broke through the sound barrier instantly, and quickly disappeared into the sky with a faint water vapor sound barrier wave.

He did not conceal his speed. There is no alien beast that can threaten him in the beast star sky now. The increase in spiritual power brought by the third-order Tianyu will make his limit flight speed exceed nine. Times the speed of sound.

Any object.

Once it exceeds the speed of sound.

Normally, seemingly nothing air will become like a solid. When it becomes hard, the faster the speed, the resistance will increase in a curve, so the third-order mental power of the stars makes his speed exceed nine times the speed of sound.

If it were on Earth, Lin Shan felt that it would be no problem for him to fly closer to twenty times the speed of sound.


The whistling sound brought by nine times the speed of sound is harsh.

Resounded across the sky.

As the path of the forest mountain flies, an invisible sound wave spreads out. Sometimes when the height of the forest mountain drops to one kilometer, you can see the top of the forest hundreds of meters away as if it was pushed away by a huge force.

"Crack..." The branches and leaves shook, and some branches were broken by the shock wave.

That is the effect of air flow disturbance.

at the same time.

Because of the high speed, Lin Shan's body seemed to be covered with a circular fog protective cover. The white protective cover represented the violent movement of water vapor in the air, which produced a short-term liquefaction effect.

Dragging a faint white tail flame.

Lin Shan enjoyed the extreme speed. This feeling is much more interesting than bungee jumping, especially the feeling of breaking through the air barrier, which is stronger than ever on earth.

Nine times the speed of sound.

It is three kilometers per second.

With a straight-line distance of 2,700 kilometers, Lin Shan only flew for fifteen minutes. Thinking of the hardships of exploring new maps in the previous life before Tianyu, Lin Shan had the urge to cry.

Earth creatures can't afford to hurt them.

. . . . . .

Standing above the floating deep valley.

Lin Shan looked at the familiar scene before him.

There was a flash of light in his eyes.

This is a big, bottomless hole with a diameter of at least 30 kilometers.

Why is it called the Floating Valley? That is because the magnetic field here is a bit abnormal. Through sampling and analysis, scientists found that there are a lot of magnetic materials among the materials nearby.

This kind of magnetic substance is different from the earth's magnet.

It's a peculiar light particle ball.

Non-metallic, stone-like.

The diameter is about zero and two millimeters, and all are very regular circles.

Generally, the electrons of atoms move randomly and are unpredictable, but one of the electrons of this magnetic substance exhibits regular movement, which refreshed the three views of scientists at that time.

In order to study this mysterious substance that has been turned into the No. 2 magnet by humans, human material scientists are crazy.


Until the death of Lin Shan, mankind had not figured out the principle, let alone artificial manufacturing.

Magnetic **** are all over the rocks here.

This leads to a peculiar phenomenon.

That is within three kilometers of the large circular hole with a diameter of more than thirty kilometers.

There are floating stones, large and small, with small fists large in diameter and even two or three kilometers in diameter. Some of them are lushly overgrown with plants, and flying exotic animals live on them from time to time.

This is the upper level of the floating deep valley, and there is no heavenly alien beast activity. Maybe it is not dangerous after staying for so long. Those flying alien beasts are not afraid of the roaring from time to time in the valley.

There are moss plants growing on many rocks, and there are vines that are hundreds of kilometers long hanging in the air. The flowers above are colorful and vibrant. If it weren’t for the heavenly beasts below, it’s true. Is a treasured land.

What a beautiful picture.


An inaudible sound came into Lin Shan's ears.

His eyes condensed, and he looked towards the bottom of the bottomless valley. It was the sound of a strange beast, and it was probably a heavenly strange beast.

Unfortunately, he can't see anything on it.

No one knows how deep the floating valley is. At that time, Sun Wudao only went down for more than six kilometers. Humans had put down their detectors, but when they were more than eight kilometers away, they would lose contact.

Several times it was unsuccessful, and humans did not find out its specific depth.

Because there are countless boulders floating in the deep valley, obscured, the visible distance is extremely limited, and the layers of boulders are stacked on top of each other. When more than three kilometers, there is no sunlight below.

Fortunately, the beast star has luminous plants, so it's not dark and can't see the five fingers, otherwise these heavenly beasts would all have to bring their own ‘active night vision eyes’.

Lin Shan released 36 pieces of ‘Cicada Light Soul Soldier’ to protect him. In the past, in the past, a mountain knife of the same color appeared on his right hand at the same time. In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to drop more than ten degrees.

Cold and awe-inspiring.

This is a killing intent radiated by the soul soldier, which can be actively released or converged. It has a strong deterrent to ordinary alien beasts. Basically, this thing sticks to that point, and the alien beasts above the fifth level dare not approach at all. .

This is a function that Lin Shan discovered after the peak soul soldiers of the stratum.


"Bang..." Lin Shan landed straight on a stone with a diameter of more than five meters. The whole stone was stepped on by Lin Shan's figure for more than one meter, and hit another piece of floating rock before stopping.

But it was still shaky.


Lin Shan released six more soul beasts at the pinnacle of the earth rank, six gray wood beasts.

There are too many rocks in this place, the density is also high, the remaining space is small, and it is impossible to display the shape of a bat wing beast. Lin Shan had to use this kind of strange beast. Anyway, there are various pumice platforms, so I don’t worry about the soul beast. The problem of falling to death.

One week of beast star time.

Lin Shan's soul soldiers and strength have improved.

It is naturally impossible for the soul beasts under his hand to fail to advance.

There are a total of thirty ground-level pinnacle spirit beasts, which are the strongest strength in Lin Shan's As for the soul beasts below the ground-level pinnacle, there are less than a hundred. There is no way, in order to strengthen the soul soldier and strengthen himself. , Lin Shan basically except for the "main force" and "cannon fodder" that he felt necessary.

All the others are consumed.

Lin Shan had also thought about strengthening a few heavenly rank spirit beasts before, but don't worry if you think about it, because within this week, Lin Shan killed those alien beasts, basically he didn't use spirit beasts, all of them were his own hands.

Created a heavenly spirit beast except as a display.

It seems useless.

He didn't want the soul beast to scare away the alien beast. Now he really hopes that the alien beast rushed over regardless of life and death, too lazy to run around by himself, which is equivalent to the experience of a cat catching a mouse in a month on the earth, Lin Shan is a bit speechless.

As for now.

Lin Shan felt that there were a little more, and if he was in danger, he could throw down these ‘soul beasts’ to block it.

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