Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:06:54 AM

Chapter 157: 157

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In the strange gaze of Canglong Squadron.

Lin Shan and Wei Rong came over.

Even Wei Rong is still half of Lin Shan's position behind, which makes them not understand. Such a big battle here is obviously not a place where the second generation can come to travel. They are very curious. This casual Lin Shan is here to do it. What?

"Stop for a while."

"stand at attention."

Wei Rong commanded loudly, Canglong Squadron's movements were uniform.

"Let me introduce to everyone. This is the commander of your mission---Mr. Lin. You will listen to Mr. Lin for all your actions in a while. Don’t make the decision without authorization. As for the specific situation, your captain will do whatever you want. I will introduce it to you, do you understand?" Wei Rong introduced.

"I understand."

The loud voice resounded throughout the barracks.

Wei Rong was very satisfied with the mighty momentum, and turned to Lin Shan and said, "Mr. Lin, do you have anything to say?"

"Somewhat." Lin Shan nodded.

After speaking, walk to the front of the team.

"Ahem, hello everyone, my name is Lin Shan, you can call me by my real name or Mr. Lin, in fact, I prefer you to call my name, I repeat, the next task is very important, and you have never encountered it. Happening.

So try to stay calm when the time comes, but I believe in your professional qualities, and all actions are good. With me, there is almost no danger in this action. Well, that's it. "

Lin Shan's words are nutritious.

It's just that he wants to talk to these people in front of him.

The people of Canglong Squadron didn't know why, listening to Lin Shan's tone, feeling the momentum in the words, they all felt like facing the superiors' remarks, as if Lin Shanben was their chief.

It's weird.

Just then.

The three Qin Wu also changed their clothes and walked over.

They were all wearing camouflage uniforms, wearing helmets, and carrying a gun behind their backs. They were still holding the mountain knife, but Xiaodie had a pistol in his hand. Unfortunately, there was no bullet in it, so she was afraid that she would go wrong.

"It's late, let's set off now, General Wei. We won't be back at noon. We will have a big meal when we come back at night. I think roasted whole lamb is good." Lin Shan smiled at Wei Rong.

It's been a long time since he had eaten it, and he still missed it, so he just ‘blackmailed’ it by the way.

"Haha, no problem, as long as you want to eat, you can manage enough." Wei Rong laughed, roasting the whole lamb, meaningless, he was thinking about whether to bring some lambs from the new province.

"Okay, let's go."


Lin Shan leads the way.

Thirty-two members of the Canglong Squadron, Sun Wudao, and Wei Rong and his guards followed and walked towards the Gate of Space, which is more than one kilometer away from the Gate of Space. The road hardening has not started. , So I can only walk past.

Ten minutes later.

After layers of defense.

Everyone finally walked into the cave.

The former empty cave is now three steps and one post, with soldiers on both sides, and layers of cards, but Linshan and the group of people naturally did not need to check, and they came to the cave unobstructed.

The cave is very lively now.

Various experimental instruments and white-robed scientists are busy inside, the cave is illuminated by the huge light, and the soil and rocks near the gate of space have been sampled.

One of the tasks of the Canglang Squadron this time is to follow Lin Shan to collect more plant or biological samples. If possible, it would be better to catch a few exotic animals and study them.

The people who saw the gate of space for the first time were also dumbfounded.

"General Wei, this is." Chen Han, who is in charge of scientific research here, stepped forward and curiously said that Lin Shan's identity as a whistleblower, no more than twenty people know so far, and Chen Han is not qualified to know.

"This is Mr. Lin, the commander of this exploration mission." Wei Rong introduced.

Chen Han did not ask too much. The country will not send a person for no reason. Since he is here, there must be a comprehensive consideration. It is not his turn to question, "Mr. Lin, please trouble you, I hope to collect more samples. come back."

"No problem." Lin Shan agreed.


Lin Shan stepped through the door of space.

Standing on the beast star.

After Sun Wudao behind was shocked, he followed his heels.

Sun Wudao only felt a heavy feeling after he stepped on it. According to Lin Shan's previous introduction, he knew that this was the effect of twice the gravity. Without hesitation, his whole body passed directly through the door of space.


This is Sun Wudao's only feeling.

But it doesn't affect the action, his tier eight fighters are not fake.

Seeing Sun Wudao disappeared, Qin Wu and Xiaodie also hurriedly crossed the gate of space. As for the people of Canglong Squadron, they recovered from their dazedness. Under the leadership of Captain Zhou Xin, they crossed that path one by one. A "mirror surface" like a water curtain.


The scene before him changed.

But I haven't had time to appreciate it yet.

After a staggering, the team leader Zhou Xin's strength judgment was insufficient. He bent his leg and almost knelt on the ground. Fortunately, he controlled it in time and didn't make a fool of himself. Suddenly, he pressed a person of the same weight behind his back and almost missed his hand.


Thirty-two Canglong team members all arrived on Beast Star.

His forehead was sweating.

It's not tired, but sunburned. Here is an unobstructed valley. It's really sunburned. Such a huge star does not emit a little bit of heat, and the surrounding temperature is at least 35 degrees.

The Canglong team members are all wearing thick combat uniforms, plus they are personal, can it not be hot? Sun Wudao and the three are better, and slowly adapt, especially Sun Wudao, who didn't even sweat at this temperature. .

"Captain Zhou, you can explain briefly to your players, we will get used to it later," Lin Shan said to Zhou Xin.

"Yes." Zhou Xin replied loudly.

After finishing talking, he turned his head and explained the whole story to the confused and surprised players. Of course, he only said that they should know and shouldn’t know. In fact, Zhou Xin didn’t know either.


Everyone has a clear understanding of the status quo.

The gate of space appeared on the earth.

Connect to another planet.

There are many dangers on this planet, and their purpose is to come here to explore, and more importantly, to learn from Lin Shan, even their brains have automatically made up for Lin Shan to have been here.

The country may have discovered the gate of space very early.

Lin Shan is a key person trained by the state.

Now officially take them to march into the beast star on a large scale.


With endless brain supplements, one by one analyzed the ‘why’ of the matter according to his own understanding.

Looking at the players with different faces.

Lin Shan smiled, not paying attention to their cranky thoughts.

"Let's go, there are no strange animals in the valley, let's go outside and take a look."

After Lin Shan finished speaking, he walked ahead. Everyone hurriedly followed. In order to take care of these ‘ordinary people’, Lin Shan walked very slowly, just like walking, otherwise he would be tired if he didn’t go too far.

Twice the gravity.

That is applied to the cells of the whole body.

Walking one kilometer is equivalent to two kilometers of cross-country load.

Strange planet.

The players didn't dare to whisper, they just looked at the four people in front of them who seemed to be much easier than them. The point was that the two little girls didn't seem to feel much. They looked east, and west, they were a bit shocked.

"Master, look, there are monsters." Qin Wu suddenly pointed to the front and exclaimed.

As soon as these words came out, the others immediately became nervous, and the weapons of the Canglong Squadron were loaded, trotting forward, guarding.

"Mr. Lin, what should I do?"

Zhou Xin swallowed, and it was the first time he saw a strange animal, he was also a little nervous.

I saw three creatures larger than elephants appearing in the distance. Of course, Lin Shan had spotted these three beasts long ago. Three gray wood beasts of the tenth rank were wandering freely and eating one. The corpse of the beast looked like a lonely unlucky ghost, and it had been eaten out of the shape of a beast.

Lin Shan raised his hand and explained: "Don’t be nervous, your task today is to complete the collection, and learn how to deal with them. This kind of alien beast is an omnivorous creature that can eat meat and plants, or this side. Creatures are basically omnivorous creatures. They eat meat if they have meat and plants if they don’t. Except for certain creatures that are really incapable of hunting, everything else can be classified as carnivorous."

"The fur of these alien beasts is generally very thick and full of elasticity. For example, the three gray wood beasts. If your guns don't hit the head, they are not very useful at all. Only large-caliber pill will work." Lin Shan said again.

"Then what shall we do?" Zhou Xin exclaimed, the weapon is invalid, this is simply terrible news. The armor-piercing weapon in his hand can't be worn at the first sight. Everyone is really anxious. .

Lin Shan smiled and said: "So today is the focus of exploration. Tomorrow, the entrance of the Beast Star should begin to build permanent large-scale weapon defenses here, and you won't easily let you take risks.

I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, the meat of the alien animal can improve the function of the human body, strengthen the body, and let you have more powerful strength and speed. Nervous reactivity, etc. When human beings are strong enough, these alien beasts are just rubbish. "

Isn’t it right, now the ground beasts have very limited effects on forests and mountains, compared to those in floating deep valleys

"Can alien animal meat strengthen the body?" Many people were shocked.

"Yes, okay, let's go forward. The current landforms are very few for the beast stars, most of them are forests, which are full of dangers. In a short time, when the humans are strong enough, the forests of the beast stars Be extremely vigilant..."

As Lin Shan walked, he kept introducing the basic situation of the beast star.

The players took a quick note.

Just then.


Grey Wood Beasts found these "little little ones." ’, immediately prepare desserts after dinner.

"Master, the strange beast rushed over." Sun Wudao shouted in a deep voice, but he did not run. Only the little shrimp was injured, not to mention the human-shaped beast nearby.

" I know."

Looking at the three gray wood beasts rushing over.

Lin Shan felt that it was not time to teach close combat.

Draw a mountain knife from behind.

‘Swipe it. . . ’

"call out..."

Three invisible sword energy.

With a long scream.

Charged to the three gray wood beasts.

"Boom boom boom..."

The three gray wood beasts turned into six segments and fell on the way forward.

In addition to Sun Wudao three people.

Everyone else looked stupid.

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