Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:06:32 AM

Chapter 173: 173

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Just when the United States drove the red giant ant back to the beast star.

Lin Shan had already arrived at Qinling Base by plane.

Lin Shan didn't watch this battle in Madagascar, but he knew what was going on. It was not that the United States was overwhelming, but that the gate of space was too small.

The red roosting ant emperor felt that the fight was meaningless. His own red roosting ant colony could not give full play to its advantages in numbers and found no delicious food, so he recalled the red roosting giant ant.

Plus, it's time for the red ant colony to eat.


On Massagascar's side, the red ant colony and other strange beasts have formed a group, and it is estimated that they will not be able to stop for a while.

Wei Rong was already waiting on the apron.

Lin Shan came at once.

Wei Rong hurriedly greeted him.

"General Wei." Lin Shan saluted.

"Mr. Lin, you are finally here." Wei Rong breathed a sigh of relief. Although Lin Shan is already a member of the country, he has a formal position and his military rank is lower than him, but thinking of Lin Shan's inhuman strength, he is still used to calling Lin. Mr.

"How is the situation?" Lin Shan asked.

Wei Rong said solemnly: "The density of the alien beasts of the beast star is getting higher and higher, and there are not many inner circles, mainly on the outer ring. The above means that the Qinling base, the only beast star base in China, must not miss. .

Therefore, we want Mr. Lin's help. Our engineers step up to build the base. The construction of other space gates has stopped. All engineers are rushing over here. We must ensure the construction progress of Qinling. "

Looking at the increasing number of transport helicopters in the sky and the engineers coming down, Lin Shan knew that China had already set a goal this time, and first completed the construction of the Qinling Base’s Beast Star Base.

Relying on this, consider the fortress base of other space gates.

Lin Shan nodded: "I understand, I will go to Beast Star now, when can the road be built?"

This is what restricts the construction speed of the base city. As long as this road is completed, even if it is a dirt road, it also represents an increase in transportation capacity by dozens or even hundreds of times, whether it is people or building materials.

The capacity of transport helicopters is really limited.

However, there is no upper limit on the capacity of vehicles, with low cost and large capacity.

Wei Rong replied: "There is at least a week left before a gravel road can be built. If you want to build a high-standard, two-lane asphalt road, due to the complex terrain of the Qinling Mountains, the mountains are high and the valleys are deep, you have to wait until next month. Up."

"That's good, let the engineers prepare. I will go over and sit here now to avoid any accidents." Without hesitation, Lin Shan immediately entered the working state.

"it is good."


Wei Rong called the engineer in charge.

Seeing Lin Shan, the anxiety in the person in charge finally slowly dissipated.

Lin Shan's strength has already been mythological, no matter how many alien beasts there are, it is not difficult for Lin Shan. Now, Lin Shan said that it is the backbone of the entire Qinling base.

Lin Shan is like a pin of dinghai.

In the car.

Lin Shan and Sun Wudao came to the gate of space.

The sweaty soldiers at the Space Gate also breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a humanoid beast, what else to be afraid of.

Step through the door of space.

To the beast star.

at this time.

The large iron doors on both sides of the Space Gate slowly opened to each side, revealing a passage that was hundreds of meters long on both sides. The passage means that there is a roof, and a hundred meters away, that is the land of the beast star.

At that time, they considered the design of turning, but in the future it is not conducive to the turning of large equipment, so a straight passage was created.

This seemingly harmless passage also has several insurance measures, that is, three baby-arm-thick steel cables every five meters.

As long as the alien beast comes in.

The mechanical device instantly exerts its force to form twenty steel cable nets, which can also hinder the actions of the strange beasts and fight for more time to respond or evacuate.

Wait until the later construction is completed.

The steel cable will be replaced with a series of ten-centimeter-thick alloy steel iron doors to ensure that there is nothing wrong.

At this time, Lin Shan has put on his training uniform. The military rank on his shoulders is not fake. Soldiers on the road salute. You know, Wei Rong is also the major general. The person in charge of the Qinling base, the colonel, is here. not much.

Lin Shan responded one by one.

He likes this atmosphere.

It seems to have returned to the previous life, but the power is not as great as before.

. . .

At the fence.

Zhou Xin was watching the scene outside the glass nervously.

His face was solemn.

Once the alien beast attacked the wall, even if it died, he had to defend it.


A sharp voice sounded, and the soldiers covered their ears.


The bulletproof coated glass in front of me has cracks.

Zhou Xin knew that this was the ghost of the bat-wing beast that Lin Shan killed last time. They are experts in sonic attacks. The glass is very resistant to pressure, but the resistance to such sonic attacks is very small.

Even if the glass in front of you can be bulletproof, it can't defend against high-frequency vibrations.

not good.

Zhou Xin roared.

"Stay back."

He also remembered that Lin Shan said that this creature's eyesight is not very good, but it is like a bat on the earth. It has the ability to detect ultrasound, which is equivalent to a life detector.

They backed away.

It's not that the bat wing beast rushed in.

But they were afraid of its sonic attack, and if the glass shattered and the strange beasts outside saw them, they couldn't imagine the consequences.


A Canglong member who always pays attention to the gate of space said happily: "Report to the captain, I saw Mr. Lin coming."

Zhou Xin was pleasantly surprised instantly.


The other players were also very happy.

the other side.

Lin Shan stepped towards the wall.

He had seen a lot of bat wing beasts hovering on the wall. He wanted to find someone inside the wall, but he couldn't find the way to attack for a while, waiting for the opportunity.

The appearance of Lin Shan.

Let the dozen bat-wing beasts find a new target.


Two sharp sound waves dispersed.

They switch targets.

With the sound of howling wind, he rushed towards Lin Shan.

The headed huge figure has a wingspan of several tens of meters. Lin Shan did not expect that there is a bat wing beast king level monster inside. This is a giant bat wing beast that Sun Wudao and the others have never seen before. Fortunately, Lin Shan walked forward. , The three followed closely.

Zhou Xin and the others also watched the Bat Wing Beast King rush towards Lin Shan from the fence, squeezing sweat in their hands.


A huge sound wave is emitted.


The land around the forest mountain was like being blown by a hurricane. The stones were flying around randomly, and the bat-wing beast's sound wave attack did not stop, causing the stones on the ground to vibrate like dancing.

This huge sound.

Even human geographers have to be injured.

But this terrifying sound wave was blocked by an invisible wall and pulled down, like a sound wave that even distorted the air. When it hit this wall, it disappeared without a trace, and the three Sun Wudao inside didn't feel it at all.

Lin Shan walked and introduced: "This is a bat wing beast of the Beastmaster level. The sonic attack is very powerful. Normally, the local division will be injured. Its sonic attack will force the human cells and blood to vibrate violently, and the blood will churn.

Under the Earth Master, if the person's blood vessels burst from the front, and the serious injuries are minor, as for the warrior, he will definitely die. After the Earth Master, you can slowly stabilize the vibration of the blood in your body with the power of qi and blood.

The stronger the power of qi and blood, the stronger the resistance. When these shocks are completely offset, there is nothing to be afraid of. In the future, if it is a person and the surrounding players are not strong enough, you will not help them. Strength, it is best not to fight collectively, but to separate, so that your teammates will not be wiped out. "


Lin Shan slowly pulled out the mountain knife behind his back and looked at the flying bat winged beast king.


The Heavenly Rank Soul Soldier was instantly poured into the power of surging blood.

The soul soldier's blade trembled, and his arm swung rapidly.

More than a dozen sword auras were emitted from the soul soldier in an instant, shooting towards the flying bat winged beast. The bat winged beast king was preparing to crush the insects in front of him. Suddenly, an aura that made it terrifying spread from the weapon in his hand. come out.

The fear that came from the depths of the soul made it feel cold from the head to the tip of the tail.

That is step suppression.

It is about to pull its wings.


I saw a shadowless flash in that weak creature's hand.

It felt that its body was hit, and a icy body passed by, feeling that its body was not its own, and its head tilted and lost its control.

Then he rushed straight to the ground, losing consciousness in mid-air.

There are more than a dozen of its men who stepped in with it.

All became two paragraphs.

Crashed to the ground.

There was a splash of dust.

The blood spilt like rain and landed more than 30 meters in front of the forest mountain.

This shocking killing method made everyone who saw it took a breath. Although they had seen it before, they had to admit that their ability to accept it was a bit poor.

The strange beast landed suddenly.

The people who ended up later came over immediately.

Wu Long's special forces were also replaced and joined the transportation team.

Lin Shan's hand shook lightly, and all the blood was thrown away by an invisible force, and it became as bright as new, cold and dazzling. After bypassing the corpse of the alien animal, Lin Shan stepped onto the platform in the middle of the wall.

"Mr. Lin." Zhou Xin saluted.

Others immediately gave Lin Shan a gift.

Lin Shan responded.

"How is it?" Lin Shan asked.

"There are too many of these strange beasts. If they attack the wall together, the thickness of the wall will not be able to withstand the impact. Some strange beasts have very strong jumping ability. If too many die under the wall, they are likely to use this. Come up." Zhou Xin said.

"I think we can plan to dig a deeper pit around the valley." Lin Shan muttered. This is also the method adopted by various countries in the previous life, which is to build deep moat pits to prevent foreign animals on the ground from directly breaking through the defense.

"There is also this plan above, but the premise is to first repair the wall and the valley base, and take advantage of this time to develop large machinery that the beast star can use." Zhou Xin replied.


Lin Shan knows that the reconstruction of the science and technology tree cannot be rushed. Fortunately, the macro-physical performance is not much different. The manufacturing of power machinery and equipment is not too difficult. If people come to dig it, it will be a matter of a few years.

Looking at the strange beast outside.

Lin Shan thought about the reasons for these changes in his heart.

Although the assembly of alien beasts is not as crazy as the tide of beasts, it is an indisputable fact that the speed of the assembly has increased. He has cleaned up the alien beasts in a radius of thousands of kilometers and lowered the density, which he thought would reduce the pressure on humans.

But the video that came back from the eyes of his flying soul beast found it.

It was originally a strange animal that slowly migrated.

The migration speed is now several times faster than usual. The alien beasts with a radius of thousands of kilometers seem to be less dense, but once they are concentrated at a point in a radius of 50 kilometers, the density is higher, and it seems that the alien beasts are migrating farther away. Among.

Lin Shan was not afraid of these strange beasts.

Because he has space for souls.

What he worries about is the logic and reasons behind this matter.

Why does the alien beast suddenly speed up its migration, is it because of his frantic hunting? This is possible. In addition, there is another possibility that the red roosting ant king replaced his role in the previous life.

The large-scale hunting of alien animals by the red roosting ant king has led to the fact that the number of alien animals in the previous life has not assembled so quickly.

But there are also problems.

If it was the red roost ant king.

It is impossible for it to just run around the space gate, so that there will be a huge number of strange animals in a certain direction, but it is normal if there is no one in the previous life. Therefore, Lin Shan felt that his reason was a little bigger.

Good intentions to do bad things?

Lin Shan didn't think so.

The more alien beasts, it is a good thing for me.

Looking at Lin Shan in thought.

The people behind also remained silent and did not dare to disturb.

. . .

Thinking for an Lin Shan didn't bother to think about it.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Whether it's good or bad, it's all in people, not in heaven.

"Captain Zhou, let more people come to carry the alien beast meat. The situation is urgent now. I think we must take the initiative to attack. We can't wait for God's will here. We can reduce a little bit now. If the alien beast attacks in the future, it can also reduce the pressure. "

Lin Shan decided to speed up his pace and take the initiative.

When Zhou Xin heard it, he said excitedly: "Yes." He liked this decision.


It should be offensive, offensive, and constant offense, not just here.

Zhou Xin immediately ran back to inform Wei Rong of Lin Shan's decision.

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