Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:05:55 AM

Chapter 198: 198

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Seeing Lin Shan's face suddenly looked very ugly.

   Liu Yue couldn't help getting nervous. With such an expression, it always felt like the fugitive saw the sight of the police running away, but Liu Yue believed that Lin Shan was definitely not the fugitive, so he probably remembered something important.

   "Do you have anything important?" Liu Yue asked in a low voice.

   Lin Shan nodded: "Well, I have to go right away, you go to school, and I will contact you when I'm done." The scene of the soul beast wearing it back makes Lin Shan no longer thinking about this New Year's Day.

   "Well, if you are free, you must return my news." Liu Yue stared at Lin Shan.

   "Definitely," Lin Shan agreed seriously.


   Lin Shan turned and left.

   Although there is not even a parting hug, the time of the next meeting is still unknown.

   But Liu Yue is already very happy. Compared with the previous ignorance, Lin Shan is now able to see her, which is the best promise for her. Seeing Lin Shan's figure disappearing before her eyes, Liu Yue stood for a long time.

   I remembered the short time we had with Lin Shan just now.

   A smile slowly appeared on her face.

   happily turned and walked towards the dormitory.

  . . .

   Lin Shan walked to Wenxing who followed him in secret.

   "Wenxing, let's go back to the Qinling base city and arrange a plane immediately." Lin Shan ordered.

  Wen Hing does not understand why.

   But he is not qualified to question Lin Shan's decision.



   Wenxing called back to the headquarters of the Earth Federation.


  Before Linshan arrived at the airport, the airport had already arranged the take-off conditions and vacated a runway. Since it is already late now and there are relatively few flights, it does not occupy the departure time of other flights.

   On the plane.

   Lin Shan closed his eyes.

   The field of vision switched to the soul beast.

   Why is Lin Shan rushing back in such a hurry.

   It was because the spirit beasts that were monitoring around the floating deep valley came up with a picture, that is, whip-touch beasts flew out of the floating deep valley one after another, floating above it, and there was an increasing trend.

   This surprised Lin Shan.

  The power of these whiplash beasts, Linshan, has been taught.

   only need one.

   The current Beast Star base is very difficult to block.

   If there are two or three.

   Without him, there would basically be no solution.

In such a situation, Lin Shan must go over and see. The ghost knows whether these things will rush towards the gate of space like those flying beasts. This is very likely. Otherwise, these whiplash beasts can still It's impossible to get out.

   Now these heavenly monsters have not moved yet, they are just gathering.

  The plane that Linshan took.

   The Floating Deep Valley is nearly 2,700 kilometers away from the Gate of Space. It takes about two hours for those whiplash beasts to fly to the Gate of Space if they want to fly over.

   Even if the ten times the speed of sound forest mountain can catch up, he has such a heavenly rank spirit beast, knowing that these whip touch beasts are impossible to fly at ten times the speed of sound, and twice the speed is almost the limit.


   The earth's flying speed can already exceed 30 times the speed of sound, and under the limit of flying, it will only take a few minutes to reach the space gate of Qinling. What he is considering now is what these heavenly spirit beasts are going to do?

   I feel after being born again.

   The attack frequency of Alien Beasts suddenly became much higher, and the normal difficulty that I thought was now turned into Hell difficulty.

   See Lin Shan meditating.

   Wenxing sat aside and dared not speak.

The strongest man in mankind can serve as his assistant. Wenxing feels that he is extremely lucky. When he chose the assistant, he usually provided personnel from his own country. The generals in each country chose them. Each of them was a professional secretary. Elite.

   Lin Shan chose him at the time, and he couldn't sleep for a few days of excitement.

   If you want to be an assistant with whom, the number one is naturally Su Yuan, the Minister of the Earth Federation-Military Department, because this is theoretically the largest BSS in the Earth Federation, and the second is Lin Shan.

   The best of the two.

   "Beep toot..."

   Wenxing's military phone rang.

   "Hello, Commander General Health, hello." Wenxing respectfully said.

   "Xiao Wen, is Deputy Commander Lin free?" Wei Rong hurriedly called when he learned that Lin Shan had requested to come back early.

   This holiday hasn't started yet. Linshan can rest in the next two days, but it suddenly ends tonight. Isn't it feeling bad? Of course, he should be concerned about the leader, especially Lin Shan's psychological condition.

   "Deputy Commander Lin is..." Wen Xing just said, but was interrupted by Lin Shan.

"give it to me."

   Lin Shan opened his eyes.

   Wenxing passed the phone.

"Lin Shan, what happened? Why are you suddenly coming back early? Isn't it fun to go to the provincial capital? How about going abroad? Hawaii, Maldives, these places are still good." Wei Rong asked hurriedly, feeling in his heart. Thinking about whether to specifically clear the venue.

   Lin Shan pondered for a while, and thought it was better to tell the truth, after all, he would go to the floating deep valley to have a look.

   "There is an urgent matter, it is about the beast star, I will talk to you when I go over." Lin Shan said solemnly.

   Wei Rong was taken aback, and then he was relieved. It wasn't that his feelings were not going well, but he immediately raised his heart. It was not a relationship problem, and it was worth Lin Shan running back. It was not a trivial matter to think about it.

   solemnly said: "Okay, I am waiting for you."


   More than a child.

   The plane arrived at the airport of Qinling Base.

Seen from above, the place of the original wilderness is full of lights. Even in the dark, there are engineers who are building fortifications and transporting supplies day and night. From a distance, you can’t see the meandering flash of light. They are cars. The transport truck ran back and forth.

   Street lights were erected on both sides of the road leading to Qinling Base City, illuminating the road dazzlingly.

   From a distance, it looks like a long winding dragon.

   Lin Shan likes such a scene.

   He likes to see human beings work together to do one thing, not to fight back and forth, kill this one today, and avenge that one tomorrow. It's boring to kill him for petty profit.

   got off the plane.

   His Maybach has already parked there.


   came to the headquarters that was still busy.

   Wei Rong has been waiting for a long time.

   Lin Shan came back in such a hurry, it is certainly not a trivial matter, otherwise, because of Lin Shan's character, he would definitely arrange it in advance, and he wouldn't suddenly remember that he didn't do anything when he arrived.

   walked into the office.

   Wei Rong hurried up and asked, "Lin Shan, what's the matter? It's not a big deal."

Lin Shan shook his head and said: "It's still not clear. I'm going to the Beast Star to take a look. Before, I found a valley with a large number of Heavenly Ranked Beasts in Beast Star, but the Heavenly Ranked Beasts did not come out. I put something over there. Once it is destroyed, I can sense it. Now that there is a situation, I have to check it out."

   Lin Shan felt that it was troublesome to lie, but it was impossible for a showdown. He could only change a lie vaguely.

Wei Rong was startled. He didn't care about anything that could be so "fantasy". The beast stars appeared, the power of qi and blood and the power of spirit appeared. This was not a strange thing. He was concerned about the strange beast of the sky: "Heaven-rank strange beast? How powerful is it?"

"Only two are needed, and the Beast Star Base is dangerous. The number of Heavenly Ranked Beasts over there is unknown, but there are many. You immediately ask the soldiers to prepare, just in case, I won't let them over." Lin Shan Explained.

   "You are going to distract them, can you do it, is it dangerous?" Wei Rong was taken aback. Lin Shan's rhythm is to venture alone.

Lin Shan smiled indifferently: "This road, how can it be dangerous, you let all countries be prepared, the heavenly beasts over there are not afraid, I can contain it, but I don't know if there will be other changes, once there are changes And be prepared to withdraw."

   He is different now.

   This smile.

   Wei Rong saw the hero's determination to die, and the fearlessness of life and death.

   I admired it in my heart, and at the same time I felt that it was so useless to wait for others. Something really happened and I could only hide behind the forest mountain and let Lin Shan bear it alone. Solemnly said: "Understood, you... be careful."

   "I will, I will leave first."


   Lin Shan turned and walked out of the command center.

  After Linshan left.

   Wei Rong made a call to the Earth Federation headquarters.


   The entire headquarters was shocked.

   Lu Yi called in person.

   "Lin Shan said that it is possible that there may be a strange beast attacking the base." Lu Yi hurriedly asked.

   Wei Rong replied: "Yes, the leader, he will go to investigate now and say that he will diverge, let us mainly defend against other possible situations."

   "Well, Heavenly Beast, I hope there will be nothing wrong with Linshan. Even if the gate of space is lost, Linshan will not have an accident." In Lu Yi's view, a Qinling base is not as important as a forest mountain.

   "He can't stop him because of his personality." Wei Rong smiled bitterly. .

   "Yes, be on guard."


   The Earth Federation Headquarters ordered to go down together.

   Shrill sirens sounded in all base cities around the world.

   This is the meaning of the highest level of alert. Whether it is a beast or a planet, everyone is called up, sticking to their posts, allotting weapons, and guarding against possible situations.

  . . .

   beast star.

   Lin Shan returned to his own separate place.

   A house with a balcony, and the only house with a garden, is usually blocked by a layer of aluminum alloy windows that are the same color as concrete. They are usually closed, and only the forest mountain dares to open it.

   Pack up things.

   opened the alloy window.

   The beast star outside is already dark.

   colorful and beautiful.

There is a three-layer defensive wall in the distance. The densely packed weapons are aimed at the sky and the ground. The soldiers inside the fortress stick to their posts, staring at the night sky closely, to guard against any flying alien beasts ~ ~ The entire beast star base is A building defense in the shape of a pyramid.

   Except for the surrounding three-layer defensive wall.

   These one-story tower-like buildings are also covered with weapons, and Lin Shan’s residence is between the two weapons platforms.

   Such a three-dimensional defense system has a very high fire coverage density.

   Close the window.

   Lin Shan's figure slowly lifted into the sky.

   The soldiers in the vicinity were all ordered. The content was that Lin Shan was going out to perform the mission. All weapons against the air were not allowed to fire without order, so as not to injure Lin Shan by mistake. If nothing else, they did.


   Many people have seen the scene of Lin Shan flying to the sky.


  Humans can fly?

Just as they were stunned, the chief’s voice suddenly came from the headset: “Don’t be surprised, everyone, this is the realm above the human geomancer, the heavenly domain, the powerful heavenly domain can achieve the effect of getting out of gravity, wait for Deputy Lin After the commander leaves, you must take a good look so that you don’t have an oolong when you come back."

   Heaven-rank strange beasts all appeared.

   Linshan Tianyu's strength can't be concealed.

   It’s good to just make it public.




   The words came out.

   The soldiers took a breath.


  Linshan turned out to be a strong man in the heavens, a brand new realm above the earth teacher. This is simply great. The first strong man of mankind is a Chinese, and a sense of pride is born in their hearts.

   The feeling of worship is even worse.

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