Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:02:41 AM

Chapter 316: 316

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The next day.


There was a long line in front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

There are twenty teams in total.

Because there were too many people, they lined up directly on the corner and the city defense army was responsible for maintaining law and order. There was no reason to jump in the queue or make noise. It was in peacetime.

This is a place where everyone can't completely solve the problem of food and clothing. Just for one bite, they can betray their dignity.

Chat and spank.

Talking and laughing.

I can't see it here.

Only quiet queues.

But the lifelessness from before was gone.

The heavens and humans are coming to the world, they are about to attract a unified leader, and the situation is very good, Lin Shan is not a cruel person, but has implemented so many benevolent governance, they feel completely different from the previous city lord.

These people are all production teams of the City Administration Bureau. They are composed of formerly romantic places, casinos, no heavy manual labor, domestic servants left by officials who fled before, and maids, etc. The members are very complicated.

The number has exceeded 20,000.

Their daily work is arranged by the Urban Management Bureau, dealing with the fish handed over to the City Lord’s Mansion by the fishing team, cleaning streets, repairing roads, and building houses. . . As long as they are related to public interest, they are subdivided into types of work.

Zhou Xin told them before.

They are paid, but they only keep accounts first. During the period of no pay, they can receive a certain amount of food every day to meet their survival needs. When the so-called "salary" arrives, they will be paid in full.

. . . . . .

It's time.

A skinny man in his twenties limped forward. He was the first in one of the teams. New things were not so easy to accept. The first time he received his salary, many people felt that they didn’t want to fight for the first place. .

Want to see what others do.

But let him pick up a bargain.

The thin man nodded and bowed his waist and said, "Hello, my lord."

His smile is very sincere. Because of his leg injury, he can't do heavy work. He has been doing odd jobs everywhere.

Reluctant to feed himself and the children in the family, he had a full meal and was hungry, now he has a stable job and can bring food home every day. This is the happiest thing he thinks.

As for his wife.

Once he said that after returning to his parents' house, someone posted her body in a corner the next day. She was in ragged clothes. Needless to say, he knew what had happened. Later, he learned that the murderer was a thug in a casino.

He came to find someone to avenge him, but the other party was so powerful that he was interrupted by a leg, and he became what he is now, and the enemy followed Haifu and the others when he evacuated last time.

A few days ago, the city administration bureau set up a law enforcement office to accept the report. He went there as soon as possible. The news was that the case had been recorded. Because it was a cross-city, there were not enough staff and the processing time would be delayed.

He believed it.

Because the subordinates brought by Lin Shan are extremely fair these days, it is obvious to all, everyone agrees.


The man handed over his ID card.

This was posted last night. When I looked at it clearly, everyone was taken aback. Fortunately, they explained it as a portrait. In this way, they quickly accepted it.

He was received by a Chinese man. He took his ID card, swiped his card, and looked at the number on the computer. After he clicked on the button to the right of the number, the cash counter on the right ran wildly.

But two seconds.

Just point out his salary.

In line with the principle of smiling service, he also showed a smile on his face: "Hong Wu, this is your salary so far, totaling 1,650 yuan. Please count it aside. If it is less, you can tell me , If you want to buy something, please go to the City Lord’s Mansion Warehouse."

These people have all been taught.

I can’t learn to write, but I can still recognize numbers.

The Red Army stepped aside and looked at the fine banknotes in his hand.

A bit at a loss.

Without counting, he believed that the other party would not count wrong.

Thinking of going to the warehouse of the City Lord's Mansion, Hong Wu walked limpingly. He knew that these wages could be exchanged for food in the City Lord's Mansion. This was what his superior said when the ID card was issued last night.

Come to the warehouse.

He found that the place was full of food, that is, fish. The base was as high as a mountain. He was a little excited. He walked up quickly, "My lord, I want to change the food."

five minutes later.

Dragging a fishing net full of food.

Hongwu was very excited.

He only spent half of his salary and bought enough food for his family to eat for more than half a month. Save a little bit of food. It is no problem to eat for a month. Moreover, the salt is also released. Each person can buy more per month. A bag.

I think I can eat more salt at night.

Hong Wu felt that his body was full of strength. He was going to come back later and spend all his wages with food. This was the safest way. He could predict that the warehouse would be overcrowded next.

Although these papers are beautiful, there is no guarantee of food.

. . .

Lin Shan stood on the aircraft.

Watching the people in the city, like ants moving, constantly remove food from the warehouse.

Smiled slightly.

Although half of this first batch of wages is likely to be returned, Lin Shan did not restrict the purchase of food, anyway, the food in the warehouse is sufficient, and it is sold when it is sold. It is also for people to stay ~Can't finish it yet.

Haifu took away tens of thousands of people.

So many mouths are missing.

As a result, the warehouses in the City Lord’s Mansion were almost full, so they could buy them back. As for why only half of them would return to their hands, it was because the city defense forces had been instructed not to buy all their wages into food.

Lin Shan's meaning is clear.

establish confidence.

Upside down effect.

Same as herd mentality.

This is human nature.

If the city defense army had done this, the people below would find that the paper in his hand was useless. It would be okay. It would be weird if all the money was returned to Lin Shan. He had no doubt about the human decision.

Watching a group of people come out from the city lord's mansion carrying big bags.

Half of the city was a sensation.

Some people thought it was because the City Lord’s Mansion was released today to take it, as much as they could take, and even the fishing net was prepared, but as soon as they rushed out, they were told that it was bought by someone else with ‘moon money’.

A basin of cold water.

It makes the winter colder.

As the news spread.

Propaganda is also ongoing.

Lin Shan's goal is to let the federal currency circulate in the city. The salary payment this time is just a process for everyone to accept it, acknowledging the role of the general equivalent of the federal currency and covering a limited number of people.


It is to negotiate with all the shops in the city, and it can even be said that they are forced to accept the purchasing power of federal currency, and the former bartering for goods is turned into bartering for money, the most important of which is the fishing team.

As long as they are dealt with, it is half the battle.

As for the other half.

It is the running-in of each transaction link in the circulation process, and a transaction rule that everyone agrees with in terms of worker income, commodity prices, and labor value is running-in to form a stable and healthy currency circulation environment.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!