Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:01:09 AM

Chapter 378: 378

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June 21st.

The matter of the frozen planet has been fermented for several days.

People's madness is even better.

All major directly-operated stores are full every day.

For those alien specialties that are not too expensive but are very interesting, they are happy to buy some back and collect them. The inventory accumulated in the past few months has made the supply very sufficient.

The best seller among them is Shiraishi from Frozen Planet.

The polished white stone is very beautiful and glows at night. It has better physical properties than jade. It is selling crazy. Various sculptures and accessories are almost out of stock.

The Frozen Planet Development Department also hurriedly placed a huge number of orders for Frozen Planet.

Take the Shiraishi production of Frozen Planet.

Even if there is one man on the earth.

There will be no impact.

. . .

June 22.


Rongcheng Middle School.

There are more than a dozen special physical education teachers here today.

--- Active soldiers of the Earth Federation.

Just three days ago.

Huaxia issued a new policy.

From now on.

Suspend basic foreign language teaching subjects in all domestic universities, middle schools, and primary schools, and only retain foreign language majors above university, that is, for other non-foreign language majors, all foreign language courses will be cancelled.

These cancelled foreign language classes.

Plus physical education.

All merged into a new course-Budo course

All teachers are not allowed to occupy the student's martial arts class time.

Instructors in the martial arts class above high school will be selected from the active soldiers of the Earth Federation. After training, they will be transferred to the school and begin a six-month teaching career.

The main reason is that the physical education teachers of various schools are gradually incompetent. Human beings are on the road of evolution, but those physical education teachers can't just toss about them. After all, they have not gone through systematic martial arts learning and practical experience.

more importantly.

The Earth Federation has consumed too many resources in the past two years.

It's too mysterious.

In order not to divorce from the masses.

Not to be separated from society.

In addition to business, the Earth Federation needs to have more intersections with the people. Through soldiers, let people know what they are doing and what risks they face, and arouse people's determination to defend their homes.

"Principal Kong, they are the martial arts teachers assigned to your school. This is the class leader Nongfeng." At the school gate, a man in a special police uniform said to the principal Kong Jun.

There was also the leader of the Education Bureau.

"Squad leader, hello, hard work, hard work." Kong Jun stretched out his hand respectfully.

These active soldiers.

Said it was a school teacher.

But it is not managed by the school.

Instead, it is directly led by the China Martial Arts Administration and the Ministry of Education. This means that once a school leader does not cooperate with their work, someone else will call the Ministry of Education directly.

Needless to say.

The Ministry of Education will not directly check how the school leaders are, because others will find the Ministry of Education and then. . . Needless to say, the leaders of the ministries and departments who have been criticized are absolutely upset. You don't want to do it. Some people want to do it.

I was so busy all day, so he asked me something.

and so.

Face this group of Union soldiers.

The school leaders did not dare to neglect.

After sending away the people from the Martial Arts Administration and the Education Bureau, Principal Kong still held it in his heart. Of these three parties, one can't afford to offend, the other can't afford to offend, and the ones left next to them are even more offense.


Why bother to mess with it.

"Agricultural squad leader, your accommodation has been arranged, it is in the staff dormitory."

Kong Jun and several school leaders led the way.

"Thank you Principal Kong, I hope we have a happy cooperation in the past six months." Nong Feng said with a smile. Although he smiled, he was a little depressed in his heart. He liked the front line more than the rear.

Half a year.

I don't know what the front line will become.

How powerful those comrades will become.

However, the Earth Federation Military Department has promised that all federal soldiers participating in education support will receive training resources tilt after returning to the front line, and will not be too far from the mainstream power.

And Su Yuan also said when he was giving lectures that this was Lin Shan's idea.

Su Yuan also helped Lin Shan pass a sentence, making them feel relieved: "As much as you can eat, you can climb as high as you can, and how long you can endure the ordinary, you can hold back the prosperity, martial arts, and cultivation. , Also a heart."

These words.

They always keep in mind.

Only by being able to endure loneliness can the prosperity be kept.

. . .

Finish arranging the dormitory.

The school held a welcome ceremony in the auditorium.

All faculty and staff were present.

Looking at the row of soldiers on the stage, the female teachers below were very excited. The soldiers of the Earth Federation are strong and unquestionable. Of course, it is needless to say that their character is, the most important thing is to have money and good welfare.

The salary standard for the soldiers of the Earth Federation has long been exposed.

The row in front of them looked at soldiers with low ranks, but each of them was a high-income earner with a monthly income of more than 20,000, and they also enjoyed various high-level welfare benefits. Tickets could be discounted in half.

Looking at the eyes below like a wolf like a tiger.

Nongfeng didn't feel it at all.

They are soldiers who have been fighting on the front lines.

The strange beast's horrible eyes are all used to it. The eyes of these people are still such a weak female teacher. It is not their food. It really can't bring up other emotions. They all squinted.

The female teachers were disappointed.

I thought these soldiers would be embarrassed.

Feel the appearance of beast stars.

The charm of their women could not be reduced by more than half.

in the afternoon.

There are no courses.

Nong Feng led his subordinates in the school's training room to train non-stop. Their lives are endless and powerful. There is no gravitational environment of beast stars here, so they had to carry heavy loads.

. . .

The next day.

The students are looking forward to it these days.

Cancelling English classes is simply more beautiful to them than having a hundred dollars in pocket money every day. The shadow of English has accompanied them through their entire and now it is better.

cancel all of them.

English lessons are missing these days.

They feel too much relaxed, that is a big rock in their hearts.

Budo class is not a physical education class.

After being adjusted.

It is equivalent to the usual three classes, and considering the weight of the English class, it is available almost every day, but at the beginning, the intensity cannot be too high, so the teaching time of the martial arts class is unified across the country.

Three to four quarters a week.

Each section lasts four hours, which is equivalent to one morning or one afternoon.

The first class.

It's from Nongfeng, with the best class in the school.

Forty-three people stood in a row.

Nong Feng is also teaching for the first time. Fortunately, he has been trained before. He is not stage fright. The training subjects in the martial arts class are fixed. The first thing is of course to warm up. . . Run.

Nong Feng said: "Everyone, turn right, jog around the playground, fifty laps, for this first class, I want to count your physical fitness data and include it in the national statistical archives.

Run if you get down, and stop if you get down, don't force it. "The students wear comprehensive physiological data monitors on their hands, which can prevent them from insisting on forcibly and harming their bodies.

Heard this.

The students didn't say anything at all.

Fifty circles.

Equivalent to twenty kilometers.

It's not that you must finish running.


When they think of being included in the national statistical archives, they unconsciously become nervous, just like the college entrance examination. This is a comparison with people of the same age in the whole country, and they should not be ashamed.

Nongfeng also ran laps with them.

In addition to strength.

Same advance and retreat.

In order to win the respect of the students.

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