Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:00:18 AM

Chapter 412: 412

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Did not go ashore directly.

Lin Shan ordered the soul beast to take a turn around the coast.

An urban drainage pipe was soon discovered.

It was a few meters in diameter, but it seemed to have lost its function now. Then, the mouse rode in the fish and walked for several kilometers. They came to a huge underground space similar to a sewage treatment plant.

Like a cylinder.

At the bottom is a propeller, which is used to discharge the upper water into the sea. Lin Shan estimates that if gravity is used alone, the speed will be very slow when the discharge volume is large, so it needs to be pressurized like this.

It seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

There are some leaves and small debris floating on the water.

All around.

The dripping sound kept thinking of it.

Lin Shan is a little grateful that this is not a domestic sewage discharge place, it should be used for rainwater discharge, otherwise, it would be disturbing to look at it. As the city is on the seashore, why not simply drain the water through open channels.

It is not yet clear.

A row of man-made buildings can be seen in the upper groove around it. I think it is the equipment control room here. The room is dark, only some aisles are flashing with faint emergency lights.

Order the fish to swim to the edge.

It was found that there were vertical metal walls all around, very smooth, and it was more than 20 meters away from the nearest round water inlet. However, for the spirit beast, this was not difficult.

Lin Shan's spirit beasts are all capable of secret qi and blood.

Attaching objects can't be easier.

I see.

In the low light environment.

The soul beast quickly climbed up and jumped.

With every contact, the claws firmly sucked the wall, and effortlessly came to the pedestrian ladder tens of meters high. Below, the fish lost the ‘threat’ of the soul beast, and the memory quickly disappeared.

Hovering blankly in the water.


The strong hearing of the rat spirit beast made a judgment in an instant, the paws shrunk slightly, and the meat pad touched the ground, so that the rat would not make a sound when crawling, and the rat quickly came to the door of the control room.

The doors are all open.

The soul beast walked in directly.

Looking around, although it seems to have been abandoned for a while, there is nothing messy inside, but the things are neatly arranged, and the rat spirit beast began to explore in these rooms.

Lin Shan's purpose is simple.

---Learn the words of the third civilization.

This is the first step to understand a civilization. Knowing their words is the basis for understanding culture and technology. Sure enough, it is not surprising. . . There is nothing but something similar to a sticky note, but there is too little information on it.

Cannot find text in book form.

"This civilization has done too much paperless office." Lin Shan vomited.

Turn around the rooms again.

I didn't find any gains. Except for some texts on the equipment labels, graphic labels are used in other places. Well, a control room for a drainage system can really not report any hope.

"Go to the ground and have a look." Lin Shan decided.

In three hours, the third civilization will be dark.

Then act again.

A day and night here is a bit longer than the earth.

For a full 27 hours, day and night are not equal in length, but they are almost the same, only half an hour. It can be seen that the continental dimension here is lower if you follow the division of the earth.

Just as the soul beast was about to leave to explore the exit.



A black shadow blocked the mouse spirit beast.

Then there are two and three. . . Lin Shan saw clearly that this was a pretty cute-looking creature, a little bigger than a cat, dirty, long mouth, and sharp teeth. It was considered a very aggressive creature.

At this moment, they were staring at the soul beast fiercely, with fierce eyes in their eyes, apparently treating mice as food. In their concept, small creatures were food and bullies.

"Is this a dark creature on this planet?"

Lin Shan can only guess like this.


Without warning, the creature in the front leaped towards the soul beast, the other creatures did not move behind, and such a small creature was still blocked in the door, and the ‘boss’ was enough. .

Just when the ‘boss’ of the ethnic group thought that he could teach him to break into his own territory, and he could also serve as a good meal for dinner.

The expression on its face was instantly distorted.



A casual slap.

The rat spirit beast shot it against the wall and then fell to the ground. The long-mouth creature felt its head groggy, and then stood up with difficulty, and found that the creature did not seem to be moving.

Still lying quietly.

Was it an illusion just now?

Yes, it certainly is.


It rushed up again, definitely torn apart this time. . . .


Was beaten again.

This time it realized that it was not an illusion just now, it was really hit by the little creature in front of it, and it was a little frightened, but the difference in size caused its small head's judgment mechanism to suddenly regain its confidence.

"Kakaka~~~" called the rescuer.

"Bang~~Bang~~Ah~~Cang Dang~~~"

Ten seconds later.

A long-mouthed creature lay on the ground.

But the soul beast was still standing there as if harmlessly, and it was a bit cute. Just now, the mouse stood up directly, fists and feet were added, and each of these weak creatures was thrown to the ceiling.

Can't touch the soul beast at all.

The mouse is not messy with its hair.

They are scared.

the rules of jungle.

The strong ruled the weak, so the soul beast had the first group of men. These creatures followed behind the soul beast, fearing in their hearts. Such a powerful creature is so small and unscientific.


Followed a powerful boss.

When fighting for food in the future, it will definitely have an advantage.

Turning around, passing through a few doors, the mouse came to the exit. This is a tall single-storey house, but it was already empty. Through the glass of the door, Lin Shan saw the ruins of the city street.

There is no one on the street.

Just when the soul beast was about to rest on the spot, it was dark and went out to explore.

An object appeared in a corner of the room, causing Lin Shan to immediately change his mind, and the soul beast could not go out, because there is no such thing as a mouse in this world, so it is easy to wear it.


What if it is disguised?

Looking at the cloth-like toy about the size of a mouse, Lin Shan had an idea. He immediately let the spirit beast move forward, stretched out its sharp claws, and cut open the toy's belly.

The filling inside is exposed.



Although it is very like toilet paper, why don't you fill it with cotton? . . Forget it, civilizations are different, planets are different, except for people here, he shouldn't expect much similarities between this place and the earth.

Remove the soft objects inside.

The soul beast began to put itself in, because the soul beast was still a little smaller, the position of the limbs and the position of the eyes were a little bit different, and some places were still tight, but they finally got in.

Two new holes were made on the head of the toy.

After the opening was roughly stitched, ‘native objects’ appeared all the time.

Seeing the'Boss' changed his appearance, the sharp-mouthed creatures made a cry of fear and became uneasy, but they were soon appeased by the soul beast and accepted the fact that the'Boss' had changed.

The toy got up.

One jump.

Arrived on a sharp-mouthed creature.

"Go out and go around."

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