Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:59:18 AM

Chapter 444: 444

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Civilization war.

There is no peace at all.

Yes, it is also given to the other by one side.

"The blessing of China!" Lu Yi said with emotion.


Hearing this, the representatives of the speaker countries of other countries are all left with a wry smile. China has a forest. Now, step by step, step by step, all of their countries have to follow the pace of China.


They will be dropped at an extremely fast speed.

Take the third civilization.

If only China had acquired the technology of the third civilization.

They are hanging and beaten every minute. They open up the sea of ​​stars. They are still crawling on the ground of the beast stars. They are in a mixed mood when they see the picture without protection and the forests and mountains walking on Mars.



Think of the third civilization.

Think of the frozen planet.

They were relieved.

Although they did not have the luck of China, compared with those two civilizations, their earth civilization was lucky. From an overall perspective, Linshan was the luck of all their earth civilizations.

If it is the third civilization or the frozen planet civilization, a forest has emerged.

Be ruled.

It might be them.

. . .

Just then.

Those who were holding samples and preparing to return were all dumbfounded.

All of them opened their mouths, looking at Lin Shan in disbelief, dazzled? Lin Shan came out without a protective cover. Is this suicide? But even if he committed suicide, he didn't run to Mars to kill himself.

"Do your own thing, don't stay there, the general is powerful and doesn't need a spacesuit."

Lei Yu's voice rang in their headphones.

An exciting spirit.

They recovered.

Put the samples on the small platform built, and then continue to go busy. In order to save oxygen and reduce entry and exit, all the collected items will be collected at the door before being shipped.

And the pictures of Linshan walking on Mars taken by drones from various countries.

Also sent back to the space agencies of various countries.

Thousands of people took a breath.

United States.


There was no sound.

Daimler's voice sounded in the hall.

"This is a secret of the Earth Federation. What you hear and see today is not allowed to be spread out, and you are not allowed to tell other people in any way, otherwise, the consequences are what you don't want to bear."

The same goes for other countries.

National space agencies were ordered to keep secrets, offenders, felony.

. . .

Standing by the crater.

A faint wind blows.

Although the Martian atmosphere is thin.

But there is also atmospheric pressure. When there is atmospheric pressure, there will be uneven air flow, which also causes the dust storms that often blow around the world. Now the temperature of more than 30 degrees is just right.

Such a planet.

It would be nice if it was habitable.

"Major Lei Yu, if you want to make this place habitable, what are your plans?" Lin Shan asked.

Lei Yu received the message.

I quickly recalled an article I saw before.

"General Lin, scientists think that the transformation of Mars must first increase the carbon dioxide concentration, increase the atmospheric pressure, and at the same time form the greenhouse effect, so that liquid water can exist on the surface here."

"As for the source of carbon dioxide, there is a large amount of solid carbon dioxide in the north and south poles of Mars, that is, dry ice. If all of it turns into gaseous carbon dioxide, it can increase its thermal insulation capacity."

"However, for the time being, there is no equipment that can vaporize the dry ice in the north and south poles of Mars in large quantities, and it will take a long time. Even so, the atmosphere is difficult to maintain. Because Mars has no magnetic field..."

Listen to Lei Yu's explanation.

Lin Shan gradually understood.

This is difficult.

Not average high.

To know.

Mars lost its magnetic field billions of years ago.

Magnetic field and gravity are different.

As long as there is mass, gravity can be produced.

But there is not necessarily a magnetic field. Mars is an example. Scientists estimate that the surface temperature increased due to a large number of asteroid impacts and the convection of the core material (magma) in the crust was forced to stop.

Once the lava stops convection.

The planet's magnetic field will disappear, also because the magma stops flowing. Slowly it will become a hard rock, causing no geological movement on Mars. Naturally, there is no such thing as an earthquake.


Loss of magnetic field protection.

The solar wind will blow the molecules in the outer atmosphere of the planet directly out of the planet. Therefore, the magnetic field problem of Mars cannot be solved. Even if the atmosphere is created, it is still useless.

The core of Mars has been ‘cold’, just like the human heart. To put it vividly, Mars is a ‘corpse star’ whose heart stops beating, unless there is any technology that can remelt the core of Mars.

Want to restart the Martian magnetic field.

It is necessary to start the convection of nuclear material first.

This is something that humans cannot solve temporarily.

at least.

For the time being, scientists have yet to melt the core of a planet.

It seems.

Humans migrate to Mars.

It's a little far away.

. . .

At this moment.

Lin Shan remembered one thing.

"Major Lei Yu, I want to add another task."

"General Lin, please speak." Lei Yu said hurriedly.

"Look at the composition of the surface rocks here."

Lin Shan said that geological structure exploration is an important means to understand the history and development of the planet. Before, almost all humans' understanding of Mars was on the surface. Now that it is here, let me help.

"What do you think?"

Lei Yu curiously said that the rock formation on the surface requires drilling equipment, and they did not carry them this time. The most important task for this mission is to collect surface samples and release satellites and rover.

"Dig a hole."


Lin Shan came to an area 100 meters away from the soul Hearing that Lin Shan was about to dig a pit, two drones quickly followed. In the sky, at least six satellites aimed at this place.

Mind moved.

The ‘Cicada Light’ tied to his feet floated into his hands.

The lid opens slightly.


Six pieces of "Cicada Light" flew out.

In Lei Yu's surprised eyes.

"Chang" flew to a place ten meters in front of Lin Shan.

A circle with a diameter of one meter was besieged, and then the soul soldier began to spin, and there was no shadow for an instant, but within a second, it accelerated to two hundred meters, and the surrounding air was rolled up to form a small tornado.

The soul soldiers began to fall.


Contact with the ground, like cutting tofu, the ground is cut into a circle, the cutting sound is very slight.

The gravel splashes.

The soul soldier gradually sank into the ground.

I saw that the ground in front of me began to continuously emit a circle of powder particles, and when they came out, they were blown to the opposite side of the forest mountain by an inexplicable wind, like a smoke bomb that kept smoking.

Attracted the attention of many people.

. . .


Space Agency.

"Director, what is he doing?" A technical director asked curiously.

"Drilling holes." Cao Wei looked at the ‘smoke bomb’ on the screen excitedly. Lin Shan’s words were encrypted and not on the public frequency. These people didn’t know what Lin Shan was doing. .

"What kind of drill?"

"Homemade drill."


Look at the picture.

Lu Yi asked. "General Lin, how deep can you drill?"

"Three kilometers, beyond, I can't control it." Lin Shandao, in fact, his limit is twelve kilometers, considering that they are all Heaven-rank pinnacle soul soldiers, there is no longer a distance.

Lu Yi: "..."

Three kilometers.

This efficiency.

The earth's drilling machines have to lose their jobs.

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