Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:59:16 AM

Chapter 445: 445

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Lin Shan silently ordered the soul soldiers to rotate.

Cutting down at an average speed of one meter per second.

Drilling below ten meters, the soul soldier hit the hard rock, and the speed did not decrease.

Fifty meters.

One hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

Three hundred meters.

. . .

When the cut reaches 500 meters.

Lin Shan stopped.


It is not good to make the geological column too long.

Just wait a while and then drill down. Even if he digs tens of kilometers, he is not afraid of digging out magma or anything. The core of Mars has cooled and is as hard as iron. There is no fluid magma, so you can dig at will.


He found solid water at this depth, that is, ice, but it exists in the structure of flaky faults.

Not surprisingly.

There is a large amount of solid carbon dioxide and solid water in the north and south poles of Mars. Scientists predict that there may also be water under the ground. Now this discovery only confirms their point of view.

After cutting the lower side horizontally, Lin Shan said to the earphones: "Major Lei Yu, I am ready here. I cut a 500-meter-long geological column. As for how to study, you can arrange it."

The voice just fell.

In the stunned expressions of those astronauts.

A geological column with a diameter of one meter rose from the ground and emerged from the ground. The cockpit, the earth, all people who saw it, people who had never seen Lin Shan play like this, stopped their work.

Watching this scene.

Their desire to join the army is unprecedented.

Only by joining the Earth Federation can they have the opportunity to gain such a powerful force.

But half a minute.

A 500-meter-long geological column appeared above the surface and stopped there quietly, motionless.

The height of one hundred storeys.

A pillar of the sky.

"Drone, go up and scan and take pictures." Lei Yu quickly ordered, and then said to Lin Shan: "General Lin, can we put it down after the spectral detector on our drone has finished scanning?"

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded.

Spectral detector drone from top to bottom.

Start laser scanning.

Spectral detectors rely on the reflection spectrum of a substance to know what it is composed of. It's not a black technology, it's just general experimental equipment.

All the astronauts from other places came.

They received the latest order: to study the more important Martian geological pillar.

After approaching.

"Look, water."

"What? Let me see, it's really... it's ice."

Why would they not consider it to be solid carbon dioxide, because dry ice cannot maintain its form at room temperature and will evaporate into gaseous carbon dioxide, and the ice does not smoke.


"Don't come close, wait until the scan is finished."


After scanning.

The geological column fell across the ground

The astronauts swarmed up and collected samples according to the tasks assigned by the Earth. Unlike collecting samples elsewhere, this sample is shared by all countries.

Go back and study together.

Two hours later.

In the forest mountain section cut.

The entire geological column was divided into dozens of sections, and sample collection was completed.

"General Lin, can you continue?" As soon as the ice-bearing layer was mined, the earth wanted to see what it was like. When it was reported to Lu Yi, Lu Yi could only solicit Lin Shan's opinion.

Lin Shan hadn't planned to go back like this.

"Yes, in this way, in order to avoid coming back next time, I suggest extending this Mars operation. I drill down 20 kilometers. I think, if it is short-term enough for scientific research, I will also drill the north and south poles."

Running sparks is too boring.

In the short term.

He didn't want to come again.

Simply satisfy their curiosity at once.

"Twenty kilometers? How do you get down?" Lu Yi was shocked, didn't he just say that the farthest is three kilometers.

"Drilling vertically, I can go down."

Lin Shan is actually very curious as to what it looks like below.

"Then you do what you can."



Lin Shan came to the side of the deep pit, and when he looked down, it was pitch black, like a man-eating black hole, unable to see to the end, the ‘Cicada Light’ Soul Soldier came out of its sheath again and fell freely to the ground 500 meters.

Form a circle.

Continue drilling.

But this time is different.

There is a huge space above the geological pillar, and the rolled up dust does not need to be discharged, nor can it float out, because soon, a few meters thick dust pile is built up.

Six hundred meters.

Seven hundred meters.

One thousand meters.

Another pillar lifted off.

Spectral scanning.

Take pictures.

Cut into sections.

The astronauts collect samples.

Lin Shan was not in a hurry. He didn't go up to help. The food in the spacecraft was enough for them to eat for three months. It was not a problem at all. Therefore, the astronauts would be like chicken blood for the next two days.

In the afternoon of the third day.

Lei Yu's voice suddenly rang in the headphones.

"General Lin, there are signs of a sudden change in sandstorm-level air pressure 600 kilometers to the east. A large-scale sandstorm is expected to form at 400 kilometers, and it will reach us in three hours."

"I see." Lin Shan, who was still underground, said.

just now.

It has been drilled for 15 kilometers, and the geological changes in the rock layers are still obvious. They are not the same. Every five hundred meters, it seems to have experienced a history of drastic changes.

On the other side of the earth, it is not only the space agency involved.

A large number of astronomers have also received invitations to participate in the simulation study of the geological history of Mars, but they do not know Linshan, and the national space agencies are not prepared to let them know.

More than ten kilometers deep underground.

Standing in the pitch-black space with a diameter of only one meter, Lin Shan was not afraid at all. The fear came from the unknown. Even if he was buried in a place like this, he would have nothing to worry about.

Strong to a certain extent.

The greatest psychological impact it brings is confidence.

Volcano eruption.


Even if a meteorite hits the earth, he can survive. What's so terrible?

Two hours later.

Lin Shan has completed 20 kilometers of geological drilling.

He is over.

However, the collection of samples by astronauts is very slow. Sometimes it is necessary to collect dozens of samples for a length of one meter, because one meter may represent geological changes over ten thousand years.

All astronauts added together.

Want to finish.

It will take at least five more hours.

By the crater.

Lin Shan stood on a huge rock.

Looking at this crater formed billions of years ago, Lin Shan suddenly felt that he was so small ~ Not in front of the crater, but in front of time, matter can almost live forever.

Can people live forever?

Perpetual people.

Are they still human?

Thought for ten minutes.

Lin Shan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He who has only lived for more than 20 years, plus his previous life, has only been more than 200 years, talking about what will last forever so far, like a frog at the bottom of a well.

This philosophical question.

Too abstruse.

"General Lin, the sandstorm will arrive in 30 minutes."

"Let them continue to work, I will stop the sandstorm." Lin Shan said.

"Yes, General."

ten minutes later.

There was a yellow dust sign on the horizon.

The astronauts were suddenly a little unwilling to work. They just heard that there is no need to worry and continue to collect samples. They are a little curious about how the forest mountain resists the sandstorm, and look at the forest mountain on the stone in the distance.

five minutes later.

far away.

The billowing dust has already rolled over.

Wait until it gets closer.

They saw an unforgettable scene.


Being blocked by an invisible barrier two kilometers away, the sandstorm was too thick, but within a few seconds, the entire sky was already dark, and the visibility was less than five meters.

When the huge lighting no one's home glows dazzlingly in the sky.

They saw it.

A radius of two kilometers.

They were all surrounded by a barrier, and inside, the visibility was the same as before, and two kilometers away, they could see the fluid-like rolling sand and dust, which was gray and frightening.

"Everyone has to speed up. It is also very tiring for General Lin to maintain this." Such a large-scale, large-scale mental barrier, thinking with the bottom, knows that it is more difficult than drinking water.

Heard this.

The astronauts hurriedly bowed their heads and quickly collected.

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