Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:58:41 AM

Chapter 470: 470

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Although the core of civilization is available.

But Lin Shan did not set off now.

Say for two days.

Just two days.

Lest the Third Civilization think that its departure time is related to the island.

During the two days of preparation, Lin Shan sent the pyramid-shaped soul soldier to the water base. The peculiar shape immediately aroused the crowd.

of course.

They can only look in outer space.

Only people of earth civilization can approach the scene.

What kind of weapon they think this is, it may be launched directly into space to hit meteorites, because in their traditional thinking, kinetic energy weapons are the ‘mainstream’.

. . .

As promised.

Two days later.

Lin Shan is ready to set off.

Came to the cockpit in the middle.

Communication equipment of the Third Civilization has been installed here to communicate with the countries of the Third Civilization. At this time, the heads of the Third Civilization are all connected to the same conference system.

Sometimes the technology tree is so wonderful.

It is also through understanding.

Lin Shan knew that the core communication method of the Third Civilization was not electromagnetic waves, but neutrinos. Relying on their strong material penetration, it made every device look like a ‘box’.

No cables are required.

Not afraid of electromagnetic wave jammers.

Also stable transmission.

This kind of magical particle that can penetrate almost everything, even directly penetrate a planet, its physical properties are very suitable for communication, but compared to the more confidential and fast quantum communication.

Slightly worse.

"Wuli fights for the head of state, let's start." Lin Shan said.

Wu Li hurriedly said, "Okay."

Wu Lizheng winked at the technician.

next moment.

The image of the soul soldier appeared on the mobile devices of the global people of the Third Civilization.

That's right.

It's live broadcast again.

The strength of the earth's civilization is not only based on what they say, but also has to see it with your own eyes. Although this is a false strength, as long as it can bluff people is a good way.

"What weapon is this?"

"I look like a flying machine."

"The outside is so smooth, it must be a weapon."

"It seems, that makes sense."


next moment.

The commentator told them that this is a space vehicle.

The explanation is not over yet.

They saw the pyramid aircraft move, and then, with an acceleration exceeding their understanding, crashed into the blue sky, and their high-speed cameras couldn't keep up with the speed.

---Acceleration, thirty-six times the speed of sound.

Displayed on the screen.

too horrible.

Due to the main use of anti-gravity equipment for propulsion, their historically recorded aircraft has the fastest speed of only 400 kilometers per hour, which can only be exceeded by ground trains, but it is only more than 600 kilometers per hour.


Only weapons.

And the aircraft in front of me.

It broke their limit dozens of times.

And the number on the screen is increasing crazily.

Seventy times.

. . .

A hundred times.

. . .

Two hundred times.

. . .

Five hundred times.

. . .

That strange aircraft, after entering space, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the acceleration is getting faster and faster. In the end, it actually advances crazy at a hundred times the acceleration per second.

It soon exceeded three thousand times the speed of sound.

This is not over yet.

four thousand. . . Five thousand. . . In the end, it stayed at ten thousand times the speed of sound.

Look at the time.

It only took less than three minutes.


Wu Lizheng was silent.

Zhong Shen was stunned.

The heads of other countries were speechless for a long time. Fortunately, they didn't bet that they could run away. At this speed, their space vehicles were the same as the turtle speed, and they were caught up in minutes.

The global audience of the Third Civilization also seemed to have their heads down.


With such a terrifying ‘Interstellar Voyage’ technology, it’s no wonder people have the confidence to solve their meteoric crisis. With the distance between the two meteorites now more than 50 million kilometers away, it will take more than four hours.

Even the two "suspected" habitable stars that they had to fly for months before.

People are at most half a day.

Also comfortable.

Inside the planet, outside the planet, collectives, and individuals, the earth civilization crushes them in all directions. This is their collective feeling. At this moment, many people's remaining mentality of resistance is gradually extinguished.

Such an enemy.

What are they going to fight.

. . .

In space.

It was dark in the eyes.

Only the burning star in the distance exudes a dazzling light.

"Collision alert! Z1 direction..."

It's the same as going to Mars.

Ten thousand times the speed of sound is not his limit, but the reaction limit of celestial matter detectors. Then, depending on whether the Third Civilization has more advanced detectors, the speed can be increased.

"Commander Lin? How do you plan to solve the meteorite."

"You will know soon."

Lin Shan chuckled without answering.

They don't ask much.

Can only stare at the data nervously. For the sake of intuition, the technician divides the distance into one hundred equal parts and displays them in a countdown manner.

I see.

The numbers above.

It will decrease by one every three minutes or less. Although the wait may be long, they are willing to wait. Today, they don't want to do any work, just to see how Linshan solves the meteorite.


Lin Shan couldn't just stare.

From time to time, I also argued with Wu Li.

And the people of the third civilization.

Never felt.

The live broadcast with almost the same picture can make them watch with gusto, and they can also see the In order to celebrate the upcoming victory, some eat and watch.

this day.

The streets of the Third Civilization were all empty.

. . .

Four hours later.

The countdown percentage on the screen stays at 2%.

When the value becomes one.

They saw the soul soldiers start to slow down.

There are still half a million kilometers.

Ten thousand times the speed of sound.

One second is three thousand four hundred kilometers, and five hundred thousand kilometers is not a long distance. Lin Shan decelerates very slowly, and a few minutes later, it stops directly on the way the meteorite is advancing.

Through the window.

Lin Shan could already see the huge meteorite in the distance.

The silhouette of the latter one can also be seen from time to time. A meteorite with a diameter of more than 50 kilometers, weighs in trillion tons, and its kinetic energy is not terrifying even if it moves at a speed of one meter per second.

And now.

It was hitting him at a speed of 17 kilometers per second.

Lin Shan didn't pretend to compare.

For the time being, this kind of thing is not something he can resist with his personal ability. Even after his old life, he can't reduce its speed much, and it can knock a planet out of orbit.

He can't compete.

Controlling the aircraft.

Lin Shan retreated more than 100 kilometers to the side.

Then he accelerated slowly in the direction of the meteorite orbit. He had to accelerate to the same speed as the meteorite. As for why he didn't fly directly, it was mainly because there were too many meteorite fragments around the meteorite.

Rush up blindly.

Don't be embarrassed.

Fortunately, the Third Civilization only knows the location of Lin Shan, and there is not so much binoculars that can see the soul soldier, let alone see him.

There is no sound in the vacuum.

The huge meteorite is like a ghost.

Approaching silently.

But two seconds.

The soul soldier is synchronized with the meteorite speed and trajectory.

Time to work.

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