Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:58:14 AM

Chapter 489: 489

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The next day.


Lin Shan came to the city of civilization on the frozen planet.

Retreat location.

He chose here.

The top floor of the civilization center is a huge hollow enclosed space.

There is only one entrance and exit. Due to the sturdiness of this building, it is especially suitable for training and fighting. Even the forests and mountains today cannot destroy the material of the civilization center.


Considering its particularity.

No one has settled here.

just now.

It just works.

. . .

After Lin Shan came up.

The people below immediately sealed the entrance to prevent any sounds from below from spreading and disturbing Lin Shan. You must know that Lin Shan's ears are quite sensitive, even the sound of breathing is thunderous.

Soundproof door.

Six floors have been installed in the passage up.

Guarded by two Earth Division level warriors.

Within a month.

The entire city of civilization is required to reduce noise.

Because no one knows if this will affect Linshan. Now, anyone can have an accident, but Linshan can't. After a month, if Linshan does not leave the customs, they will rush in.

Come to the top.

A faint light radiated from the wall.

No additional light source is required.

It is already very bright here.

Lin Shan stood in the middle of the empty field.

Close your eyes.

Started the last step.

---The soul turns into a crystal.

From the previous time when the spar mine was slowed down in the Third Civilization, Lin Shan discovered that crystal transformation also had ‘skills’, using the monument to suppress the last step of crystal transformation.

Can make the soul more pure and translucent.

He thought he could give it a try.


Lin Shan was going to consume all the soul beasts in the soul space.

Make a breakthrough again.

Consciousness sinks into the soul space.

Right now.

It was the densely packed spirit beasts that had already reached the top. Around, the gene blood pool buried almost half the height of the spirit space, but it was separated by an invisible wall ten meters around the monument.

In the vision of the soul.

The ten-meter monument has been completely buried by the coquettish red of the Gene Blood Pool.

Lin Shan was also helpless.

There have been many recent events, and the rate of consumption of mental power is too alarming. As a result, the body of the soul beast has not been consumed much, turned into a gene blood pool, staying here, and gradually formed a gene blood pool like a sea.

of course.

Lin Shan is not too much.

The more gene blood pool.

It is also a safety guarantee for myself, and it may be used when it is necessary.


Seeing a soul beast, Lin Shan thought silently.

I saw the soul of the soul beast was stripped out, and then passed through the thick gene blood pool and merged into the soul of Linshan, absorbing the soul of the soul beast at a rate of one per second, and the ten meters of the soul continued to grow up.

But they were all stabilized by the **** monument.

Looking at the more and more translucent spirit.

Lin Shan quickened his speed without delay.

One hundred.

. . .

Five hundred.

. . .

Two thousand.

. . .

Five thousand.

. . .

For this breakthrough.

Lin Shan prepared a large number of spirit beasts, if it weren't for almost all of them were miniaturized, the spirit space would not hold much, and it was this breakthrough that he almost swept away the 20,000 kilometers of spirit beasts.

But he was not worried.

Because the alien beasts in the distance will keep coming.

It's like the surface of a beast star.

When the density of alien beasts in one place decreases, alien beasts will continue to supplement it, just like instinct.

I don't know how long it took.

After Lin Shan absorbed the spirits of more than 30,000 spirit beasts, the ten-meter spirits felt extremely full. This was unprecedented. He knew that this was a reminder that he had reached the limit.


Stopped the absorption.

at this time.

He is about to break through.

The soul who had become a ‘fat man’ suddenly shook.

Start to shrink.



Lin Shan couldn't help yelling.

As the crystallized spirits were shrunk, like glass, the sound of friction between each other, the sourness, and the brakes of the train ringing in the ears, were ten times stronger, a hundred times stronger, even Lin Shan, it was a bit unbearable.

"So sad."

That feeling.

Covering your ears will not help at all.


Lin Shan has no time to observe how the spirit is going.

The will can withstand this kind of ‘soul crit,’ which is good enough.

God monument.

I saw Linshan's ten-meter spirit keep shrinking.

The previously more and more translucent spirit also became darker due to its density becoming stronger. Inside, due to the violent spirit movement and collision, countless blue light lines began to appear.


Countless such collisions.

Lin Shan almost lost the ability to think.

In reality, blood was oozing crazily, his skin was chapped, his internal organs were damaged, and it was terrifying. However, Lin Shan didn't worry at all. He had a genetic blood pool, and he was not afraid of blood draining.

"It's a big game."

This is Lin Shan's only thought at the moment.

The last time the spirits were transformed into liquid, it was natural, there was almost no pain, and the crystals should not have been so painful, but it is estimated that I had eaten too much spirits, this time it was severe ‘indigestion’.

Shenhun continued to shrink.

one day.

. . .

Two days

. . .

Five days later.

When reduced to nearly five meters.

The entire spirit is completely opaque.


But it was emitting a fascinating blue light, like a dazzling gem. At this moment, the squeezing sound in Lin Shan's will suddenly stopped, which made him feel like a world away.

He has no idea of ​​time at all.

If it weren't for firm will.

Listen to this friction and collision countless times.

It's probably crazy long ago.

at last.

Suffering. .

Whether you are willing to come, you have to look again.


Take a sigh of relief.

Lin Shan quickly looked at his soul.

I see.

A person exuding a strong spirit of light stood among the monuments.

Nearly five meters high looks.

Just like him.

Even the hair seems to have materialized, like needles.


Still bare.

Looks a bit embarrassed.

His own soul is different from the prismatic soul crystal of the red roosting ant king, which makes Lin Shan a little curious, "derived his will, the last time the red roosting ant king’s soul crystal is so... small?"

Ask if you don’t understand.

"Because it has not established the cellular energy transmission network you mentioned, the final touch of the soul has not spread to every boundary of the body, and it cannot show the true face of the species."

These words.

Lin Shan understands.

Soul crystal.

If the cell energy transmission network is not established, it is directly forced to break through with the power of the soul, and eventually it can only crystallize into a prism. Each line of the transmission network is a location to locate the body of the species.


What's the use of this?

"What's the difference between the two?" Lin Shan asked again.

Derivative Will replied: "The default prismatic spirit has many restrictions. Its crystallized spirit cannot be projected into the species body, and cannot use the powerful power of crystallized spirit..."

Finished listening.

Lin Shan suddenly.

Just like before.

He was stuck at the pinnacle of the heaven, and his ten-meter soul was so powerful, but he could only use the spiritual power of the star peak. After the cellular energy transmission network was established, his spiritual power could be exerted step by step.

No wonder.

The red ant king who crystallized the soul at the time.

If it can use the spiritual power of Crystallized Soul.

When I was a few kilometers away, I could be killed by the red ant king in seconds, and it was impossible to get so close to the red ant king with an anti-matter bomb.

The software and hardware do not match.

Blew to death by myself.

This also explained Lin Shan's big doubts.

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