Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:56:58 AM

Chapter 535: 535

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Beast star.

Alien civilization.

Supernatural power.

Plant life.

. . .

See you a lot.

It's easy to accept. For the principles, the idea of ​​exploring is not so strong. There are more and more unknown and incomprehensible things for human beings, and they don't care about the same.

Now there is a master weapon.


Lin Shan's explanation is that the material of the soul soldier can be selected from high-strength metal weapons, and he can use secret methods to attach the soul to it, which is a matter of very consuming the power of his own soul.


Not suitable for mass popularization.

As for the specific refining process.

Lin Shan did not give an explanation, and the countries of the Federation did not ask. Even if they did, China, as the speaker country, did not want Lin Shan to say.


Huaxia hopes that Lin Shan is hiding it.

no way.

Within the Federation.

There is still a division of countries. Once Linshan confessed, not only China will know it, but all countries in the world will know it. You know, three years ago, international relations were very complicated.

Three years later.

It can only be said that it is temporarily unanimous to the outside world.

It has not yet reached the point where everyone is integrated.

so far.

Lin Shan contributed earth division-level secrets, celestial secrets, healing techniques, beast star information, and civilization resources. . . Therefore, Huaxia still feels that Lin Shan is too "sincere" and should keep a hand when appropriate.

Whether it is for earth civilization.

Still for China.

Even for Lin Shan.


Lin Shan did not say.

Countries are also very wise not to ask.


I can only scratch myself. Even Huaxia wanted to know but didn’t inquire, because as the speaker country, it has the obligation to share information. Huaxia doesn’t know, and other countries will not be able to blame it in the future.


Lin Shan dared to let Sun Wudao deal with the strange beasts by himself. In fact, it was also an opportunity. The cost of refining soul soldiers was too low. If it weren't for the fear that the lie ahead would not come back, he could distribute a soul soldier to each Union soldier.

However, the refining technology cannot be taught.

He can only distribute on a small scale.

just now.

You can only take care of the martial artist of the Tianyu level first.

As for the soldiers at the bottom.

It is better to wait for them to be as strong as Tianyu, and then distribute it. Growth is a process. Moreover, the number of Tianyu powerhouses in the future will definitely be very large. After ten years of unevenness, it may be tens of thousands.

This is still a conservative estimate.

Warriors and earth divisions don't often fight close battles with alien beasts, and the frequency of using cold weapons is too low.


Soul soldiers.

As a celestial weapon.

It's also pretty good.

. . .

Receive instructions.

Sun Wudao immediately contacted Shang Hunan.

"Hunan, let them come and clean the battlefield. Pay attention to prevent other strange beasts from smelling. Send them back to the cold. The rest of the Federal Logistics Department will deal with it."

"Yes, General Sun." Hu Nan said immediately.


Hu Nan ordered the people above the deputy commander of the Sixth and Seventh Army Corps: "The deputy commander and above are responsible for vigilance, so that the soldiers will be transported back to the planet and freeze up as soon as possible. Hurry up."


The commands are passed down level by level.

Two hundred thousand people.

Started to walk forward. Because the ‘grass’ was too dense, these Legionnaires did not see the details of the battle just now, but they heard the roar that lasted for half an hour in front of them.

just now.

There was silence ahead.

I think the battle is over.


When they arrived at the real battlefield.

Collective petrification, staring blankly at the picture like **** in front of him, this. . . Did someone really do it? Because when you look far, all the way to the horizon are the corpses of strange beasts.

Densely packed.

The blood on the ground was mixed and colorful, and the eyes of the alien beasts were still wide open, and the doubts and tyranny inside existed at the same time. Because it happened so quickly, almost all of them couldn't catch their eyes.

The attacks of the soul soldiers are too intensive.

As a result, the ‘grass’ was almost cut down.


The scene in front of them appeared. They couldn't see their heads at a glance. The conservatively estimated corpses of the alien beasts were hundreds of thousands. Their hearts began to tremble, how attacked they could achieve such an effect.

"Okay, don't be stunned, this beast tide incident is initially estimated to kill about 3.5 million enemies. As for the means of attack, it is a federal secret. You only need to know that the Federation is capable of protecting us."

"Now, start to work."

Be authorized.

Hu Nan's voice resounded through the ears of 200,000 people.

Hear the words.

When they came back to their senses, there was a huge wave in their hearts, more than three million alien beasts, too terrifying, is the strength of the Federation already so strong?


Doubts belong to doubts.

Work still needs to be done.

Under the leadership of their respective team leaders, they began to transport these millions of corpses of alien beasts to the gate of space in teams. They estimated that at least ten days of frozen planets could they finish moving.

To avoid decay.


Other army groups nearby also came to help. Lin Shan didn't come. According to his ability, it took less than half an hour to finish moving these, but this kind of transportation itself was a kind of training.

At the same time, it can deepen the awe of the earth's civilization among the natives on the frozen planet.

These ‘small dishes’.

He won't serve it.

. . .

the next day.


The headquarters of the Ninth World War Zone, the three federal ministries, representatives of all the Speakers, and related departments are connected to the same conference system to participate in the'War Beast Army Formation Ceremony and the Joint Conference on Marching and War Statements'.

Pang Gao changed into a normal suit today.

Behind him

The entire command system of the Legion is still standing. Even in the rear, this meeting is open to all members of the Beast Legion. Today, we will not discuss secrets, but a congratulatory ceremony.

After accessing the conference system.

Looking at the bigwigs of all parties, I can't help but feel a little nervous, mainly because the scene is too big, and they are all professionals. If this report is not done well, it will lose face to China.

It is also because of the fact that there are often such ‘war talk meetings’.


The Federation is extremely cautious about the selection of commanders for special positions and the appointment of high-ranking generals, because one who does not pay attention may lose face in front of the world, or even in front of foreign civilizations.

Not sloppy.

The joint meeting begins.

Lu Yi first spoke. He was naturally very happy that Huaxia had taken up such an important legion command. The look in Pang Gao's eyes meant to look at outstanding juniors.

"Brigadier General Pang, on behalf of the Federal Assembly, I congratulate the establishment of the Beast Army. Facts have proved that this is a new type of force with strong combat effectiveness and mobility."

"It can greatly enhance the strength of the front-line advancing forces, and the potential is huge. Maybe one day, these earth-derived creatures will be as powerful as those heavenly beasts."

"From now on, I hope you cherish them. They are not tools, nor are they a dog. These dogs have been loyal to mankind throughout human history. They are your partners on the battlefield and your comrades in arms."

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