Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:56:35 AM

Chapter 551: 551

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Just then.

Some underwater animals that can climb.

They are adsorbing the surface of the ‘Alloy Door’ and want to cross this obstacle. Although the air on the water makes them a little uncomfortable, fish that love the water can flop twice on the shore.

Besides, these are not weak'fish'.


Deal with underwater animals.

There is no good way for the Fourth Civilization.


These'fish' who climbed ashore were much easier to deal with. Immediately, the Xingmu Empire sent more than a dozen Escape Realms to guard outside the gate. Once there was one climbing up, it would be dragged down with mental power. .

In order not to hurt the'door'.

They did not use offensive weapons.

For a time.

Too busy.

Lin Shan saw it.

Did not go to help.

These strange beasts are simple for him to clean up, but he can't do everything himself.

"Everyone, please don't tell me what I want to say next."

Lin Shan's tone became serious.

The empresses felt tight.

"I think the Xingmu Empire knows the most clearly about this matter, that is, not far away, there is a deep floating valley leading to the ground. Below, there is a city with a very ordinary name---Civilized City."

The words came out.

Both the Qiu Mo Empire and the Empress of the Wanhu Empire looked at the people of the Xingmu Empire.

They really don't know about it.

prior to.

Only saw a pillar of light soaring into the sky.

It lasted a long time.


When they sent people to investigate, they had been obstructed by the Xingmu Empire, and even almost fought against it, but after learning about Lin Shan, they had no more incidents.

Watched by people from the two empires.

The old lady explained.

"We have explored it before. The diameter is about 30 kilometers, and the depth is hundreds of kilometers. The upper layer is a lot of pumice, and the lower layer is empty. However, there is a group of alien beasts all over the air."

"Because of their huge size and special skills, it took us a long time to kill them all. After passing through the green screen, the beam of light was activated. Then, under the tip of the mountain tens of kilometers, we found the civilization. city."

"The scope is not inferior to our imperial capital. The wall made of special stones is covered by a protective cover. Except for the gate, you cannot fly in directly. The buildings inside are empty, but the architectural style is similar to ours."

"The entire city of civilization is shrouded in huge forests. There are even some precious plants unique to our place. After we entered, we came to a place called the center of civilization."

"It's empty here. After some exploration, there is a voice from it. We need to turn over the core of civilization to activate it. However, we don't have something like the core of civilization, so we have to come back."

Speaking of which.

The story is basically over.

The old lady looked at Lin Shan.

"I think you are more concerned about what is the core of civilization?"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"The core of civilization is, in theory, a certification."

"Certify two things. First, the strongest person of a civilization can be obtained as long as you are the strongest recognized by everyone in this civilization. This, the old lady should know from the center of civilization."

The old lady nodded.

"And second, authentication subordination rights. If a civilization wants to open and control the city of other civilizations, it must obtain it, and how do you think it is?"

For the city that has been exposed to civilization.

These people who have been to the center of civilization.

It is of little significance to conceal the core of civilization. In the future, Lin Shan hopes to work together to fend off foreign enemies, and even the Fourth Civilization may be needed to help the earth civilization open up its boundaries.


You have to tell people why, right?

this problem.

Let their hearts jump again.

The second way?

Could it be. . .

Lin Shan has obtained the core of their civilization?

"Alliance. When a civilization is in an alliance with another civilization, and there is a certain degree of superior-subordinate relationship, it can obtain the core of another civilization, and it must be an alliance with most people."

"Don't you think that alliance is the only way. In the information I have obtained, there are two ways to get the core of the different civilization. The first is the nominal ‘ruling’."


In their dazed expressions.

Lin Shan broke the news.

"Second... Destroy this civilization, all intelligent life, not one left!"


This sentence.

It was like a loud noise.

The ears of the people in these thirty-three major empires blew up, the shock seemed to come from the sky, but the chill came from the bottom of my heart.

And quickly occupy their brains.


Don't leave one!

What does it mean?

That means to kill them all!

It was terrible.

Lin Shan said it tactfully.


The ‘rule of survival’ on the beast star has been clearly stated, rule and destruction, other than that, there is no third way to go, even if it’s a contract with earth civilization now.

It is also within the scope of ‘ruling’.

Wait for them to digest.

Lin Shan said, "Sooner or later, you will know that, yes, the existence of the beast star is not hello, me, hello, but a thoroughly civilized battlefield. Now, it has just begun."

"Wait until everyone has a firm foothold, then, possibly, there will be a long civilized war."

"I never die."

"However, you are more fortunate. When you met us, we don't like killing. We just want to unite more civilizations. In this unknown place, just like you, seek a civilized life."

Speaking of which.

The chill in their hearts gradually disappeared.

Lin Shan can say so much.

It is already full of sincerity.

"Thank you, Lin Shan, for telling us this." The old lady and the others bowed and thanked.

"This kind of thing, I hope that it will only be known between you without authorization and cannot be spread out. Even in our civilization, it is a secret existence and should not be spread temporarily." Lin Shan exhorted.

"Yes, we must keep it secret."

Lin Shan smiled and said: "I believe you. Next, I will go to open your civilization core. When the defense on this side is stabilized, your main task is over there, because there is a heavenly beast meat over there."

"The meat of the heavenly alien beasts can make you get stuck in a large number of escapes, which is what we call the rapid growth of the high-level earth division level to escape. If it goes well, within two years, your number of escapes can be Increase several times."

"As for the Escape Realm, the Celestial Beasts of the same level have little effect. You need a stronger alien beast. Your Escape is on the mirror. Don’t run around after you get down. You know, the same level, three or five of you. , They may not be able to deal with them one."

"Those sky-rank strange beasts almost all have special talent skills, dozens or even hundreds of types, even if you are in the upper realm. It is a bit difficult to kill a sky-rank peak strange beast alone."

"And below, there are still a large number of strange beasts whose strength is comparable to your so-called gods, so don't run too far by then, and your gods are provided by our earth civilization."

"Thank you Lord Lin Shan."

I heard that Linshan can provide such resources.

They were overjoyed.

in fact.

Lin Shan is not a good person either. It's just that, at present, this kind of alien beast meat can't be eaten by the earth civilization except him. It's like a heaven-rank alien beast meat for a warrior, it's like poison.

One level.

Can only eat the next level of alien meat ~ ~ Enchanting and Tianyu.

The difference in the middle is more than a level.

It is a kind of life level, and one bite is absolutely dead. Even if it is refined into a soul pill, it cannot offset the powerful'medicinal power' impact brought by this life level.

So far.

Lin Shan's explanation is considered complete.

"Leave it to them first. I'll go to open the civilized city first. Do you want to go?"

"go with."

"Master Laurin Mountain."


Such amazing things.

Of course they want to take a look!


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