Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:56:32 AM

Chapter 553: 553

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Looks so strange.

They want to ask.

But I don't know where to ask.

I can’t ask: How can the civilization center light up? This is so stupid, alright!

At this moment.

Lin Shan turned his head and smiled at them: "The activation of the City of Civilization is complete. There is good news. From here, you can communicate with your planet at any time."


Lin Shan said again: "There is also a bad news. The voice just now is the language of our civilization, so you may not understand a number in it, 7717, which is the number of your civilization."



"This is... the number of civilizations?"


They are very smart.

Think of it together immediately.

"Yes, this civilization number, I think it is the number of civilizations ranked before us, because in the information we have obtained, the other civilizations are all numbers next to each other." Lin Shan explained.


There was an uproar in the hall.

too frightening.

Thousands of civilizations in the beast star? This is still the previous number, if there is still a number later, if it exceeds 10,000. . . Thinking of this, their inner shock is beyond words.

this world.

It has exceeded their imagination.

---Civilized battlefield.

At last.

Greet them.

Is it really a melee?

They have no way of knowing, but looking at Lin Shan with the indifferent sunshine in front of them, I don't know why, an inexplicable sense of dependence spontaneously arises, perhaps as Lin Shan said.

Bao Tuan.

To keep warm.


They are all seeking survival.

"You wait here now, I'll go through the communication with our civilization."

Lin Shan finished.

Turning around and walking towards the back of the hall, after going down a hidden staircase, he saw a small teleportation array exactly like elsewhere. He walked up and opened one of them smoothly.

Because of the civilization of the earth, the city of civilization has not yet opened.

He can only access the frozen planet or the third civilization.

The other end.

Watching another portal that has been deadly lit up.

The soldiers staying there tense.

Wait to see who comes.

They saluted with joy.


After Lin Shan responded.

Go to the top.

Contacted Su Yuan.

"General Lin, how is it?"

Lin Shan said: "The first blocking door has been installed and is currently undergoing testing. I opened the fourth civilization city and opened the passage. Now I need to build a quantum base station there."



According to the predetermined plan.

Hundreds of soldiers who had been waiting outside followed Lin Shan.

Go beyond the door of space.

Appearing in front of the people of the three major empires, they were formerly affiliated with the Frozen Planet Defense Department, and will be stationed in the Fourth Civilization in the future, directly transferred to the Fourth Civilization Defense Department, and their work content has hardly changed.

Inside the hall.

One out.

Seeing so many beautiful women, they were also nervous. There was no way. The above said that the people here are at least Tianyu, and even the strong are like stars.

Prominent status.

---The fourth civilization royal family.

In charge of the destiny of billions of creatures.

There are also forest mountains.

Otherwise, they can almost only look up at others, so without saying much, they silently follow the plan to establish guards, patrols, communication facilities, signs, etc. within a radius of five kilometers.

See the soldiers of earth civilization.

Although weak.

But the people of the three empires did not dare to despise anything. From now on, these people will be people who often come into contact with them. No matter what, they are people of earth civilization. Weakness is weak, but it depends on the situation.

There are forests and mountains.

these people.

Incomplete security can soar in the future.

"Our communication has been established, and there is nothing wrong here. Your staff is tight, so we will not develop this place on a large scale for the time being. The main focus is on guards and small-scale exploration." Lin Shan walked over after the meeting.

"Yes, Master Lin Shan." The old lady said.

"You go get familiar with it first," Lin Shan said.


The next half an hour.

The three empires turned in the city of civilization.

Everywhere is novel, they found this place is too suitable for them, flowers and trees, all reveal a sense of beauty, and finally, they initially delineated the scope of their respective empires.


In a short time.

There is no shortage of shelter at all.

This city.

Enough to accommodate a million people, if you live, there are not so many houses.

. . .

Just when they were hanging out.

Lin Shanzheng and Su Yuan had a meeting with them.

"General Lin, is it really so close?" Su Yuan looked at the label in front of him a little unbelievably.

Just now.

Lin Shan uses the city owner's authority.

Checked the location of the next civilization.

Very close.

This one is very close.

Not with the earth, but with the Fourth Civilization, the straight-line distance is only two hundred thousand kilometers, which is about the same as the Earth to the frozen planet, compared to nearly a million kilometers at every turn, this is of course close.

"Yes, after the completion of the fourth civilization, that is, half a month later, I will go to investigate." Lin Shan said.

"Don't worry, safety first." Zeng Yi persuaded.

Swallow dates round and round.

Indigestion is easy.

Lin Shan also needs to cultivate, being strong, this is the foundation of everything. Therefore, countries are really not in a hurry, because urgency is useless, weak, if Lin Shan can handle it, strong, Lin Shan has to kneel.

It's not as good as wretched development.

"I will pay attention."

"When will we release the information about the Fourth Civilization?" the representative of the United States asked Zeng Yi. His heart was a bit sour, because the Fourth Civilization still looks like an Asian face.

and so.

Allied forces.

Mainly Chinese people.

Zeng Yi discussed it for a while.

The final decision was: "After the closure of the twenty-one space gates of the Fourth Civilization is completed, and the surface defense of the Beast Star is stable, we will announce it again! By then, the bilateral trade will officially start.

This thing.

Sometimes it must be announced.

An important purpose is to let everyone know that their achievements are remarkable and that they are not doing wasteful work. At the same time, after the civilized trade starts, some explanations must be given to some new products.

. . .

After visiting.

After the three empires returned.

A new round of military deployment has begun. They must cooperate with Linshan's blockade, greatly adjust the defense strategy and scientific research plan of the entire mother planet, and determine the focus of future development.


Lin Shan also became a porter.

Continually transporting the blocked doors, sometimes one, sometimes two, or even if not in a hurry, Linshan transported four at most at a time, so in this unreasonable mode of transportation.

Less than ten days.

The entire twenty-one space door was blocked and completed.

The moment when the last door, Lin Shan standing on the door was shocked.


Through the vision of soul beasts all over the deep sea.

He found.

The underwater strange beasts that are constantly pouring in from underground rivers and seas have actually undergone the most direct change---the number has decreased, as if some returned to the entrance of the cave, but not all of them returned.

"It turns out that there really is this reason."

Lin Shan murmured.

prior to.

He guessed that such crazy beast tide was due to the connection between the beast'lake' and the sea area of ​​the Fourth Civilization, which caused them to smell the'smell of meat'. Now it seems that this guess is actually true.


It should be a reward for ‘blocking’.

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