Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:55:30 AM

Chapter 597: 597

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The scene fell silent.

Quiet as a chill.

Several hundred people looked at the Union soldiers in fear. Although there are many people on their side, they have already lost the courage to resist, and each of them began to figure out how to survive the next revolution.

the other side.

Lu Ze came to the territory of another force.

The technique is repeated.

Roll over all the way.

It was a bit unexpected during the period.

But it couldn't cause trouble to Lu Ze and the others who were well prepared. With the powerful mental power of Tianyu, and the assists of the forest on the ground, there was no other voice in Mocheng near noon.

Top of the municipal building.

Lin Shanzheng and Barry were drenched in light rain.


Lu Ze's voice came.

"Report to the general, the mission is complete."

"As planned, bring everyone to A0 area." Lin Shan ordered.

"Yes, General."



Lin Shan called out.

Lu Ze’s report just now used mental energy. Barry only thought that Lin Shan was watching the scenery. After standing here for half an hour, Lin Shan said nothing, as if he didn't care about the progress of his actions.

"Yes." Barry replied.

"The following actions have ended. In a moment, everyone will be concentrated on the ground. I will announce you as the future manager of Mocheng. I hope you will not let me down."

These words.

It is obvious that the superior is against the inferior.


Barry was not upset.

The strength of his family can completely control the city, but now that he has given power to him, he has already picked up a big deal. In his heart, he has regarded Lin Shan as his superior.

"I'll work hard." Barry grumbled.


Lin Shan nodded.

Even if the remaining Fifth Civilization government takes power in the future, people like Bari will still be the mainstay, because those who run to aliens are already behind on the path of evolution.

If this person can.

He doesn't mind pushing Barry into the Fifth Civilization, which is equivalent to his position in the Earth Federation.

. . .


The room where Wu Chu was locked up.

"All stand up, line up in three lines, follow me, and advise everyone, don't have any bad ideas, we don't want to hurt people." The Union soldier received the order and said to hundreds of people.

One listen.

They stood up immediately.

The Confederate soldier walked in front, one lined them up behind, and three of them went out. Every distance, Barry's men followed to prevent these people from running around.

Each drooped his head.

Line up.

Go outside.

At a fork, with a move of his eyes, he turned his head under Barry's hand, and rushed towards the unmanned passage with a vigorous step. He thought he was fast and would not be found.

The result is.



Wu Chu wailed.

The air in front became a wall.

Because of running too hard, the whole head seemed to hit the alloy door, and it hurt, he touched it in disbelief.


Like an electric shock.

Great rebound power.

Flick his hand back directly.


"Ah~~~My hand!"

The hand is dislocated.

Wu Chu clutched his arm, tears of pain came down.

At this moment.

Seeing Wu Chu's tragic situation, everyone took a few steps back, like a ghost, recalling the powerful existence before, and there was infinite fear in their hearts. People don't know where, but they can hurt people.

so horrible.

Barry's hand took a look.

come over.

"Get up and continue walking."

He didn't beat Wuchu.

He is a soldier.

Not a bandit army.

Wu Chu could only endure the pain, stood up, followed the team, no more thoughts of running away in his heart, it was not too bad, he broke his head and dislocated his arm, and if he tossed it, he would die.

Get out of the ground.

Because Wuchu's site is under the municipal building.

It was a few steps away. In the distance, the convoy that had been seen in the diving mirror had all stopped outside the municipal building. With a glance, Wu Chu saw Bari at the top of the building.

He is more determined.

These outsiders are members of the original government.


Wu Chu saw a group of people coming from everywhere. Many people, like them, looked frustrated, and those who hadn't been to the ground for a long time or even years were curious in their eyes.

There is also fear and embarrassment.

Old man.



All were gathered up.

At the end of the calculation, there are nearly 80,000 people. Compared with the population of millions of people in the previous prosperity, more than 95% of the population has been reduced. Due to food shortages, most people are malnourished.

Men and women are too thin.

Was caught up.

Many people are frightened.

Think that there is a shortage of food and will be given up. The people of Barry were just trying to persuade these people to come up. Of course, some of the strength of the Union soldiers was revealed, which also played a key role.

See people there.

Lin Shan said:

"Everyone, I want to tell you a happy thing. Starting today, Mocheng will become a member of the restarting civilization. You don't need to live underground like a worm."

"In the future, you will not be worried about food shortages, but the pay and the gains are equal. There has never been free food and unreasonable grace. We also have requirements."

"From now on, your daily labor will be converted into currency, and you will buy food and other supplies in the stores we opened, and we will be responsible for protecting your safety."

"From now on, the manager of Mocheng will be Barry next to me, his name, everyone who has heard of also knows his personality, in contrast, no one is more suitable than him. "

"As for the city's management agency, the personnel will also be organized by Barry. Considering that many people were unable to overcome their ambitions and committed a lot of crimes, the punishment for such people will also be set by Barry."

"Unless the crime is extremely heinous, work and rest and fines are the main reasons. The source of fines is the value created by work and rest during your sentence. I hope you will abide by the law in the future."


Lin Shan's speech.

Most of the people present were stunned.

What is this guy talking about?

Restart civilization?




It is so incredible in the ears of the people present. These things, for eight years, have become things they are about to forget in oppression and labor. These years, survival is the theme.

For a time.

They can't completely believe it.

A pair of suspicious eyes looked at Lin Shan.


They felt that the sky was darkened by dark clouds, it seemed a little darker, ‘mum, what is that? In the crowd, a child looking at the sky asked his mother, and the mother followed.

The eyes are straight.


She cried, pointing to the sky.

Like a plague.

The surrounding people followed their mother's gaze and saw that a huge figure covering the sky appeared in the sky, slowly descending from the clouds. At that moment, the audience was boiling.

"Aircraft, it's really an aircraft."

"We, have technology?"




Barry was equally sluggish.

He thought that Lin Shan only had cars.

Can others.

There is already this day.

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