Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:55:03 AM

Chapter 609: 609

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Looking at the expressions of people at a table.

Morley was injured.

Once upon a time, they were a beloved existence, but unfortunately, eight years of time were enough to kill some people's good impression of their group, because when these people were desperate, they were not there.



Morley took a bite of food.


My eyes are a little moist. After eight years, I finally ate food other than the nutrient solution. Although the nutrient solution tastes good and has chemical flavoring, it is not normal food after all.


It's like a long memory.

Swallow food.

Picking up the hot soup on the right hand side and taking a sip, Morley closed his eyes to relish, and once again drank the broth he wanted to drink in his dreams, much like the taste of their store downstairs.

So happy.

Open your eyes and take a look.

Not only him, but his subordinates had different expressions. They were very excited and gulped into their mouths, but within ten seconds, they all ate the food on the plate one by one.


Morley blushed.

Guo Kang took a look.

I understood it very well and said with a smile: "You can add more if you have not eaten enough, but be careful not to eat too much. Your stomach will not eat this kind of food for a long time and it will be easy to eat badly."

One can add.

The players' eyes fixed on Morley.

"Go ahead."

Morley sighed.

With permission, they immediately went to the window with the dinner plate. Guo Kang reminded them to calm down a lot. They didn't need much. They were full just now. This time, they should enjoy the taste.

"Just laughed."


Back to your seat.

Their food looks more ‘elegant’. At the same time they were eating, the people on the table before looked at it and stuffed their mouth vigorously, and then looked at Guo Kang pitifully with an empty plate.

Morley took a look.

Not reluctantly.

"Go busy with you."

Seeing Guo Kang nodded, they left quickly, leaving Morley and the players slowly eating. At this time, a person brought up a plate of fruits from the fifth civilization and put it on the table.

"My lord, this is just delivered."

The person in charge of the canteen respectfully said.

The people in Linshan don't eat their meals, but they eat fruits. These were led by Union soldiers and went to the deep forest and outskirts to pick them. Many of them were provided to the municipal cafeteria, but few in number.

Guo Kang is not hypocritical.

I took one and ate it.

On taste.

The fruits of the Fifth Civilization are more in line with the habits of the people of the earth. Although the Union soldiers do not lack fruits, it is good to try them. If there are many fruits in the wild, they are used as survival material collection training.

"You eat too."

Seeing Morai and his men swallowing, Guo Kang said to them.

"Thank you."

Morley carefully took out a fist-sized blue fruit from the plate, cut it into a dozen petals and gave it to his men, as did the others, and gave it to those around him.

Because the amount of fruit on the plate is limited.

Upon seeing this.

Guo Kang did not ask the canteen to add.

Want to be full.

After they went back, they took them from the temporary food storehouse on the federal side. There was no need to occupy the small share of the cafeteria. It was too easy for them to obtain these things.

Finished eating fruit.

Morley felt a bit short-mouthed.

Looking at the empty cafeteria, I thought it would be better to go directly to Barry. As the archon of the city, he should know the most. Anyway, there are these two statues next to him. Asking everyone is the same.

A few minutes later.

He saw Barry.

Same as last time.

All his men squeezed in, and all of Barry's people were there. Because of Guo Kang, Morley couldn't think of how to ask questions.

Barry was puzzled.

Isn't it something?

"What are you going to say?" Barry asked directly.

Morley changed his mind.

It's better to be tactful, "Just now we went to the distant post and saw a defensive soldier over there fighting with nearly a hundred black beasts, and finally won unscathed."

Finished listening.

There was confusion in Barry's eyes.

Isn't this normal?

Lin Shan's men.

All of them are monster levels. The awakening power he was proud of before was completely vulnerable to these people. Anyone who came out could kill him in seconds.

What is a black beast?

What is a behemoth?

one comes.

Dry flip one.

Come to a group.

All become their rations.


Some of these people can fly, can remotely control weapons, and kill people invisible, which is even more terrifying. But these people turned out to be Lin Shan's subordinates, and they were very respectful to Lin Shan.

One can imagine how strong Linshan is.

His shock at the time.

It subverts the three levels of outlook.


"Don't these people know about the existence of warriors?" Barry immediately clarified the logic, glanced at the weapon on Molay's waist, and suddenly felt like ‘the ignorant is fearless’.

These gadgets.

Once the battle.

People will never give you the opportunity to use it.

What do you bring?

In doubt, Barry asked carefully, "What do you mean?"

Have a mission.

No matter how embarrassed, Morley had to ask, "I... I just want to know what new technology this is that can actually improve a person's physique to such a level, which is amazing."

This is the most euphemistic way of expression he thinks.

"..." Barry.

Barry's men also showed weird expressions.

Didn't figure out anything.

Do you want to seize power?

That's it.

It's no wonder that the Provisional Government has such a big heart. As long as you understand the strength of people like Linshan, you won't be so hasty to stir up the wind and rain because the clouds are too thick for you to stir.

Morley had a panoramic view of Barry's face changes.

He was puzzled.

What is this expression?

"Administrator Barry, what's the matter?" Morley asked.

Barry looked at Guo Kang.

"It doesn't matter, except for our general, what do you know and what you say." Guo Kang said, as a soldier, you can't arbitrarily talk about superiors, let alone Lin Shan, they have invincible existence in their hearts.

get permission.

Barry was relieved.

At the same time, my heart is bitter.

This has another meaning, that is, he doesn't fully trust him. After these people only taught him the basic method of using the power of qi and blood, they didn't teach any more, just let him go back to be proficient.

To learn new.

Let's talk about what we have now.


Afraid of him leaking.

Just like now, even if you want to vent, there is no high-value thing to vent. What he knows, to Lin Shan and the others, may be trivial things. Therefore, strictly speaking, he is also an ‘ignorant’.

take it easy.

"Do you know the effect of giant beast meat?" Barry stared at Molay was stunned.


Isn't it a relief?

Such a large size can indeed provide a lot of energy, Moleqi said: "Besides understanding hunger, is it related to the armor?"

Barry "..."

It seems.

Morley really didn't know anything.

Barry began to speak slowly.

"Behemoth meat can not only relieve hunger, but also has a very powerful effect, which is to strengthen the human body, so that it can surpass ordinary people's power, speed, response, physical fitness, and resistance to attacks."

"These people are collectively referred to as warriors."

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