Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:54:22 AM

Chapter 639: 639

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   with Guy.

   There are other sinners.

   The expressions on the ground are similar, that is, I can't believe these people will do it.

   not far away.

   Two Union soldiers received the command from the headquarters.

   "Stay on the spot to maintain order."


  . . .


   Nanke Kingdom-Zhennan Number.


   The captain stared at the probe a little nervously.

   "Report to the captain that the other party has 30 minutes to reach the city."





   Listening to the numbers getting smaller and smaller, the captain immediately ordered.

   "Log in, capture and block."


   This action is not only revenge, but to control this almost out of control situation. Now it seems that the people of Hefeng and the people are definitely unwilling to return to the rule of the Nanke royal family.

if that.

  Nanke Kingdom can never allow these people to be separated into a country, right?

   There are no princes and nobles.

   Looking to the descendants of these nobles to develop technology, restore construction, and defend the country, is that a joke, I am used to living leisurely, and go to work again? How can this work.


   The Provisional Government of the Nanke Kingdom took a dangerous move.

   on the ground that Donne was beaten.

   Capture and seal.

   disintegrated the current management system of the royal city.

   The voice fell off.

   More than a dozen aircraft flew down.

   "The other party sent a communication asking us to stop the action."

"Regardless of."

   The arrow is on the string.

   had to post.

  . . .


   Administration Building.

   and Feng's office.

   Standing in front of the window, He Feng looked at the behemoth in the sky, without any panic. To say that he was least afraid of these flying machines of the original kingdom.

do not forget.

   You have an agreement with Lin Shan.

   broke openly.

   Isn't this slapping people in the face?

at this time.

   He Feng saw a small aircraft under Lin Shan lift off and greeted the aircraft of the Nanke Kingdom, but the aircraft of the Nanke Kingdom did not stop, but went around.


   After they passed the aircraft under Lin Shan.

   did not see any movement.

  Nanke Kingdom’s aircraft were all out of control, falling like raindrops, constantly rolling, such rolling, even if it finally landed safely, the people inside would probably have no combat effectiveness.

   Get on the South Township.

   "What's going on." The captain was shocked.

   "I don't know, all the aircraft are out of control."

   "Damn it, he attacked us directly, all weapons are prepared." The captain understood a little bit about the meaning that people only ushered in one aircraft. I am the border, and when we cross over, we start war.

   watching the countdown,

   is only fifteen micro ticks.

   There are not many breaths left.


   A black spot appeared on the horizon in the distance.

   Then it got bigger and bigger, the captain was heartbroken, and ordered: "Destroy the administrative building of Wangcheng and Feng." If He Feng is still alive, their Nanke Kingdom will not have much time.

   If He Feng them died, it would still be able to deter the civilians. Anyway, there are no descendants of nobles in the administrative building, and Lin Shan's subordinates are working in another building, so they can't accidentally hurt them.


   Weapon charge.


   A few seconds later.

   "Boom boom boom~~~"

   The dense launch port, a series of metal rods that cannot be caught by the naked eye rushed past at several times the speed of sound, breaking through the air like thunder, stirring the air on the trajectory as if it was distorted.

   They will use intensive attacks to destroy the entire building. He Feng will definitely die.


   He Feng Yi looked at the blue light and was also a little flustered. They didn't expect these people to be crazy.

   is preparing to run. .

   But the attack came in the blink of an eye.

   on board.

   The captain breathed a sigh of relief, and finally launched an attack before Lin Shan's people arrived. However, in the next scene, his expression froze, and the destruction of the administrative building did not appear.

   "What's the matter?" he roared.

   zoom in and take a look.


   The captain took a breath.

   I saw that all the metal rods were frozen outside the building, as if time had frozen, and he had not ordered to stop the attack, so he saw the metal rods that were constantly shooting past.

   is 100 meters away from the administrative building.

   was forced to slow down by an invisible repulsive force, but within ten meters, all the kinetic energy was eliminated without a trace.

   "Captain, look at it," the subordinate exclaimed.

   look along

   The captain was pale.

   I saw only behind these metal bars.

   A figure quietly settled in the air, standing with his hands behind, his expression was neither sad nor happy, it was Lin Shan. They have thought about how strong a powerful warrior is, and how strong he can fly, there are two limits.

   But now it seems.

   They underestimated the abilities of warriors.

   This kind of attack that can almost shred the kingdom's strongest alloy can not hurt anyone.

   "Did you enjoy playing?"


   A voice rang in the captain's brain.

  The sound of forest mountain.

   He hurriedly looked around, and found that Lin Shan was still in the picture, but he didn't bring any difference, this person could actually communicate directly with his brain. The captain took another breath.

   They are all wrong.

   The previous exchange with Captain Suo Yu.

   It's not that people use different devices at all, they are all fooled by themselves.

   "Since your side is not agreed and intends to interfere in the management of the city, and does not declare a war, you have an attempt to threaten our personnel. Your ship has been detained." Lin Shan's voice came again.


   Everyone heard it this time.

"what happened?"

   "I don't have a transmitter."




   The captain's face changed again, and he was still able to send in groups.

   "Retreat, go back."


   It's too late.

   "Captain, the anti-gravity equipment is out of control."

   "Captain, the weapon system is out of control."

   "It's not good, our ship has been controlled remotely."

  'S report.

   makes the captain feel very bad.

   Deep fear surged in his heart. Most of these devices have been transformed into manual controls and cannot be controlled remotely. Now, they have been taken over by inexplicable power.

   Is this Lin Shan's strength?

   This kind of opponent.

   What did they win?

   Then, the Zhennan ship began to move by itself, and after a while, it fell to the place where Guy was judged.

"we can not..."

  The captain just said to fight "

   Their legs sank and they all knelt on the ground.

   Hands together behind the back.

   can't move.

   "What's the matter, why did I kneel down?"

   "The body is not listening."

   "Is the gravity equipment of the spacecraft broken?"

   "Impossible, the gravity device is broken, it is impossible to carry your hands behind."


   Everyone is confused.

   The captain's face was as gray as death.

   It was a mistake to come down this time. They underestimated Lin Shan's power too much. People don't need to show up at all, and they don't need to touch them, and they can be subdued to death.

   less than a minute.

   "Step on~~~"

   came in a few people in dark blue armor.

   saw them.

   Without saying a word, they handcuffed them one by one. When the people in the house were finished, they suddenly felt that the adsorption on the ground disappeared, "Stand up, don't be stunned."

   Federal soldiers looked at them sympathetically.

   Miscalculate the situation.

   This is the end, let alone you guys, even if your fleets of dozens of countries come together, it is estimated that our general will not be hurt. The commander's strength is beyond your imagination.

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