Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:54:16 AM

Chapter 643: 643

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   Of course I have to explain.

   But not before the civilization core was obtained. Today, the progress is almost 97%, and there are still two percentage points. The civilization core will be obtained. Now the showdown is not brain-dead.

   "Why? I won’t explain it after winning. Is there any difference between explaining it now?"

   The old man sorted out the logic.

   Lin Shan would rather fight than explain first.

   This means that this explanation is very important, so important that it can cause conflicts between double opposition. So the question is, there is not much difference in logic between defeating countries and fighting again.

   Unless there is logic behind that he doesn't understand.

   "Of course, it determines your identity." Lin Shandao.

   The old man asked: "How to play? Our individual strength is not your opponent at all. It's not fair."

   "Not one to one."

   "It's me, and your fleet." Lin Shan said lightly.


   Take a deep breath.

   The old man's eyes were extremely shocked. What did he hear, single-handedly against the fleet? Are you sure it's not crazy, or he has an ear problem. But Lin Shan's expression was not a joke.

"time and location."

  For a long time, the old man asked,

   "Whatever, you guys are ready, just say to start." Lin Shan said indifferently.

   "Space also works?"

"of course."

   "How many fleets."

   "Anything, I have no objection."

   This time.

   The old man is already confused.

   "Okay, fight and fight, and if you lose, hand it back to our survivors." The fire that Nanke Kingdom ignited won't let it go out so quickly. They expected Linshan to bluff them.

   "Shut up," the old man said sharply.

   "Did I make a mistake? Look at his reaction, there must be a ghost." Nanke Kingdom is not afraid to offend Lin Shan.



   There is a fierce debate among countries.


   The majority defeated the minority. Now that Lin Shan drew down the path, they didn't answer, and they seemed afraid. Wherever they were going, now, no matter how worried they are, they can only bite the bullet.

   "Okay, we will notify you of the location soon." The old man said helplessly.

   The decisive battle.

  He is under a lot of pressure.

   Lin Shan nodded: "Yeah."

  . . .

   End communication.

  The countries are arguing again.

   "Never let Lin Shan approach the fleet."

   "Yes, Zhennan of Nanke Kingdom is a lesson."

   "Also, we can't let the small aircraft on board, we directly use the maximum firepower to attack, I guess Lin Shan may drive their aircraft, there may be weapons we don't know about."

   "As soon as we exit the atmosphere of the parent star, we will attack."

   "Strategic weapons should also be prepared and can be used when necessary."

   "I think it can be deeper."


half an hour.

   The fleet has been selected. Each country will have a capital ship and two auxiliary ships. The location is 10,000 kilometers away from the parent star. You must leave enough depth for yourself, and you can retreat and fight.


   Fleet transfer.

   It took another half an hour. After the deployment was completed, the weapons were fully deployed, and many secret weapons were also in a state of waiting to be launched. Since Lin Shan said casually, they were not welcome.


   No wonder they are your arrogance.


   They contacted Lin Shan.

   "Ready?" Lin Shan asked.


"Start now?"

   "Yes." The old man nodded.


   Lin Shan got up.

   Seeing Lin Shan's movements from the projection, the interim governments of various countries trembled. Quickly order the scanner to be fully turned on, and the orbiting satellite will fully capture the image of Mocheng and keep an eye on the clouds over Mocheng.

   a moment.

   Linshan appeared on the clouds.

   "I saw... he... ah? Gone." The observer exclaimed.

   makes them happy when they just wake up.

   fell to the ground all at once.

   "What? Gone?"

   "Satellite track capture fails."

   "Is that a projection?"

   "Impossible, the spectrum is not a projection response."

   "Then...what about people?"

   They were dumbfounded.

   "No... It's not that it's gone, but that he has flown out of the satellite's monitoring range of the ground." At this moment, a scientist staring at the picture looked shocked at the picture on the other small screen.


   The screen is enlarged.

   Everyone can see the looming figure.

   It's not Lin Shan who else.

   and the speed makes their eyes protruding.

   Five hundred times the speed of sound.

  . . .

   Seven hundred times the speed of sound.

  . . .

   a thousand times the speed of sound.

  . . .

   Only a few seconds.

   Linshan surpassed the thousand times the speed of sound, and they were still accelerating. Their brains were running at a speed of one thousand times the speed of sound. One second is three hundred and forty kilometers, ten thousand kilometers, and a dozen breaths are there.

   This is still the case when people do not accelerate.

   1,300 times the speed of sound.

  . . .

   1,500 times the speed of sound.

  . . .



   Various battleships.

   Numerous sounds of cold air were inhaled into the lungs.

   They would rather believe what equipment caused this. But when they thought of the mysterious power of warriors, they had to consider another result---this was Lin Shan's individual power, the physical body crossing the universe.

   "What are you doing, launch." In all the ships, the voice of the zero hour commander rang.


  The weapon ports of all the warships were aimed at the position of Lin Shan, and without hesitation, countless rays of light rushed towards the tiny figure at the speed of light. In the blink of an eye, it covered the area where Lin Shan was.

   "Go back at full speed."

   Another order was issued.

"How's it going?"

   "Is Lin Shan dead?"

   "Such a powerful laser weapon is concentrated, basically..." At this point, his voice stopped, and a different light reaction appeared in the middle of the area where the light flashed in the picture.


   emits photons.

   The degree of photon accumulation is different, and the photoreaction triggered is different.

   this moment.

   They lost the influence of Lin Shan, but the light response was not lost. Only an arc-shaped photon aggregation reaction appeared in the center of the laser. There was only one possibility.

  ---The laser weapon hit something.

   And its speed is similar to that of Linshan.

   "That... Is it Lin Shan?"


   "It's Even if he wears a protective cover, he can't..."

   "The facts are here."

   "Everyone, don't hide it. The annihilation weapon will be launched immediately, and Lin Shan will soon break the safe distance."




  A ballistic missile-like thing on each battleship swiftly moved towards Linshan at a speed of about two hundred times the speed of sound. In the light, Linshan moved forward with the laser that could melt the strongest alloy.

   Laser weapons are powerful.

   What a pity.

   These things can't hurt him yet.

   When in Tianyu.

  A small laser weapon can resist it.


   The soul crystallized.

   got another crystal armor, crystal armor. In addition to its super-strength resistance, its emissivity to laser weapons is also amazing. Everyone knows that light can reflect and refract, and so does laser light.

   As long as there is a ‘mirror’.

   The mirror material is strong enough.

   can be refracted without being destroyed by the laser. Therefore, at this moment, Linshan adjusted the surface of the crystal armour to construct countless refraction surfaces, and most of these lasers scattered in all directions.

   Not many really hit him.


   A faint danger came from the front.

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